Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 148: Look again, I'll eat you up!

  Chapter 148 Read again, I will eat you!

It seems that this giant eagle should be Monton's animal partner. The tauren hunter probably didn't fully trust them all the time, so he kept it on standby in the air. Attack from the air.

   This giant eagle is many times larger than the ones Charlemagne and Alleria had seen before. If it had enough gravity, it would be more than enough for a tauren like Monton to ride on it.

"It's my partner Lie Yi, the tauren of our Tianjiao tribe will grow up with their giant eagle partner from birth, I advise you better not to have any wrong thoughts, otherwise Lie Yi will not show mercy. "

After hearing Monton's self-reporting of his family, Charlemagne, he suddenly realized that the Tianjiao tribe did have a tradition of keeping giant eagles. This kind of raptor, which is bigger than the griffin, can not only help them fight, but can even carry huge tauren on their backs. flight.

   Thinking of this, Charlemagne is a little jealous. Although the high elves have Dragonhawk Knights, the air force has always been Quel'Thalas' weakness.

   After all, the carrying capacity of a flying animal like the Dragonhawk is really low. Most Dragonhawk knights can only wear leather armor, and their flexibility is not high. Compared with the Griffin of the Wildhammer dwarves, it is far behind.

  Although the dragon eagle can spray dragon breath, the power of this infinitely castrated version of dragon breath is really worrying, and the air combat power cannot be said to be very powerful.

If Quel'Thalas can introduce this kind of giant eagle... Charlemagne's eager eyes made Lie Yi feel very uncomfortable. It flapped its wings and let out a high-pitched cry, as if warning the short man with long ears on the opposite side not to provoke it .

  The wings of the giant eagle that can carry the tauren are so powerful. Charlemagne and Aurelia were almost blown down the mountain under the strong flapping of the strong wings. Fortunately, Monton hurried to appease his partner at this time.

  However, Lie Yi's deterrent behavior made Charlemagne's idea of ​​introducing the giant eagle even stronger. Of course, it's not the time to think about this, and one of the sentry towers of the Falcon's three claws is already in sight.

  Under Monton's lead and Lie Yi's vigilant eyes, the three of them and one eagle came all the way to the sentry tower ahead, and several night elf sentries who had noticed the movement here had already stood under the tower with longbows in their hands.

  The first night elf woman with green double braids and butterfly pattern on her face came forward and asked, "Monton, who are they? Why did you bring them up the mountain?"

  After arriving at the safe area of ​​the sentry tower, Monton patted Lie Yi's back, and the giant eagle took off knowingly flapping its wings, and disappeared into the sky not long after, while Monton turned his head to answer the female sentinel's question.

   "Hello, Golinda, these two said that they are highborne from Suramar and want to join the Hidden Path. I'm not sure, and I want Ms. Shadowguard to make a decision."

   "The Highborne!"

  Hearing the name of the night elf sentry headed by Golinda, they immediately put on a vigilant posture, and several huntresses holding moon blades were even ready to throw them at any time.

Charlemagne scratched his face embarrassingly under Alleria's reproachful eyes, "Well, to be precise, we are not from Suramar, we are high elves who crossed the sea from the eastern continent, although it is not bad to say that we are high elves ..."

After hearing Charlemagne's explanation, Golinda and the others still did not relax their vigilance, "The high elves? Are they from the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas across the sea? Why did the exiled descendants of Dath'Remar come to the Broken Isles? For what purpose?"

For the night elves, a race that has regarded itself as the protector of the world since ancient times, although they have no plans to establish diplomatic relations with countries on the eastern continent, necessary investigations are still inevitable, let alone Quel'Thalas, a former exile. s country.

  ‘Actually, strictly speaking, Dath’Remar chose to leave by himself…Forget it. '

   Abandoning the complaints in his heart, Charlemagne shook his head and said, "The specific situation is more complicated. I hope to see your leader and explain in detail. Can you inform me?"

   Just at this time, a clear and magnetic voice came from behind the sentries, "I am the acting leader of the Hidden Passage, Golinda, let them come here."

Charlemagne and the two heard the words and followed the reputation. A handsome night elf woman with blue mid-length hair and simple leather armor was walking towards this side. There was a whole body standing on her outstretched left arm. Snow-white eagle.

Xun Yu, who was led by Charlemagne, saw the white eagle of the same color as him tilting his head curiously, and seemed to be very interested in this eagle. At this time, Alleria secretly tugged at the corner of her boyfriend's clothes .

   "Charlemagne... Could this be the one?"

   "Well, the only surviving leader of the Hidden Passage after the War of Quicksand, Emmoreel Shadowguard."

  Golinda, Monton and the others finally made way for Emeril's arrival, and saluted her respectfully, and the female elf also politely returned the salute.

  Imeril learned of their intentions from Golinda and Monton, walked lightly to the two high elves, and looked at them carefully.

   "I am Emmoreel Shadowguard. I heard that the two of you want to join the Hidden Path?"

Charlemagne and Alleria saluted the lady at the same time with the etiquette of the ancient night elves, "Yes, Ms. Shadowguard, we are all rangers of Quel'Thalas and want to join the ancient organization of the Hidden Passage , to prepare for the coming crisis in Azeroth."

  Emerel frowned when he heard Charlemagne's words, "Crisis?"

  Charlemagne smiled confidently, "Yes, it's a crisis. If Ms. Yingwei has time, you may wish to listen to my detailed explanation."

Emeril stretched out his hand and released the white eagle in his hand, nodded and said, "Of course I have time, but I hope to verify the authenticity of your words, please talk with me in front of the great demigod Onhara statue. "

  Eagle demigod On'hara was rarely mentioned because of his late appearance, but it was also one of the wilderness demigods who participated in the War of the Ancients and died.

  Like other dead demigods, it has also entered a long resurrection period at this time, and can only occasionally reveal the form of its soul in front of its own statue.

Although Charlemagne thought that even if he lied, it was unlikely that On'hara's soul would see through him, but in order to reassure Immorel and the others, he and Alleria followed after handing over the chocobo to the care of the sentries. She came to a huge statue.

  This very night elf-style statue is carved out of bluestone. The delicately crafted statue can even clearly see the feathers on On'hara's body.

Immorel brought Golinda and Monton to kneel in front of the statue respectfully and prayed sincerely. Facing Aurelia's questioning gaze, Charlemagne shrugged and said, "Do as the Romans do, after all Eugenhara is also a A demigod who died fighting to protect Azeroth."

However, when the two also prayed together, the three of Emeril were surprised to find that the surface of On'hara's statue began to emit a misty white light, and a phantom of a white eagle also began to emerge from the statue. .

  The dumbfounded Immorel murmured, "Moon God above... the great On'hara has finally appeared again after a thousand years!"

   Thanks to the book friend "Looking at the Starry Sky m" for the reward and support,




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