Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 185: Is this Fandral Buckhelm? !

  Chapter 185 Is this Fandral Staghelmet? !

As one of the night elves' important towns under Mount Hyjal, Astrana's guards reacted quickly and surrounded the two high elves immediately after Charlemagne and Alleria appeared on the outskirts of the town. up.

The two were not surprised by this, and it was not the first time they had experienced it anyway. While Charlemagne stepped forward to communicate with the night elves, Alleria was also interested in observing the surrounding night elf-style buildings and surrounding buildings. Beautiful lakes around Astrana.

  As one of the areas closest to Mount Hyjal, Ashenvale has been heavily managed by the night elves all year round. Under the transformation of these kaldorei, the entire Ashenvale area is covered with tall trees of various shapes.

   In the town of Astrana, you can still see some big walking trees. Charlemagne knew that these were the unique ancient guardians of the night elves.

  Seeing that his girlfriend was very interested in these tall trees, Charlemagne gave her some explanations after notifying the sentries.

"These ancient guardians are powerful creatures that can only be spawned by the night elves who have been close to nature for a long time. During the war of the ancients, the night elves relied on this kind of huge tree man who could attack to block many attacks from the Burning Legion. An elite army."

While waiting for the sentinels riding the hippogryph to report on the situation on Mount Hyjal, the two sat on a lawn outside Astrana, chatting quietly while watching the beautiful scenery of the surrounding original ecology .

  No way, these night elves didn't go forward to attack, most likely they had already been informed by Malfurion, judging from their attitude, it seemed that they didn't intend to put the two of them in the town to recuperate.

  Charlemagne shrugged and simply took his girlfriend to sit on the lawn, which was clean anyway.

   Alleria looked at the towering trees of various colors and said with emotion, "As expected of a night elf who worships nature, such a large number of towering trees are hard to see even in Quel'Thalas."

Charlemagne gently put his arms around his girlfriend's slender waist and said with a smile, "These trees have survived for tens of thousands of years under the natural spells of druids, probably longer than the founding time of our Quel'Thalas, and Although we can live in harmony with nature, we are still far behind the night elves."

  After that, the two stopped talking, closed their eyes and snuggled together quietly, enjoying the rare tranquility after five years of separation in the natural sonata of the surrounding flowers, plants and trees accompanied by the breeze.

The residents of Astrana who looked at this side curiously from a distance all looked like dogs. They didn't expect to be fed a mouthful of dog food when they came out to watch the excitement. One of them looked immature. The little druid girl curled her lips and made a grimace.

   "Hey! They came out of our town to show their affection, these highborne are really shameless!"

A night elf woman beside her who looked more mature touched her little head with a doting smile, "How can you blame others? Seeing their harmony and tacit understanding, it is obviously just a natural expression of emotion. We should congratulate them."


  The little girl who has no father since she was a child is the most reluctant to see others show affection in front of her, and she just turns her head to express her dissatisfaction with her mother's persuasion.

   After a long time, Tyre, who was also fed a mouthful of expired dog food, suddenly said in the minds of the two of them, "Ahem... Although I don't want to interrupt you, the person you are waiting for should have arrived."

  The two opened their eyes at Tyre's prompt, and happened to see a storm crow flying towards Astrana from Mount Hyjal in the distance.

  Aurelia sat up straight and asked, "That's..."

   "Hmm...it should be the druid's raptor form, but I don't know which arch druid it is."

  Tyr explained again, "This natural breath... should be the Fandral Staghelm you saw last time in the Emerald Dream."

  The storm crow flapped its wings and quickly flew over Astrana, and was transformed into a majestic man with a beard in the salute and welcome of the sentries. It was Fandral Staghelmet.

However... the grand druid's majestic demeanor didn't last long before it failed. As the little druid girl rushed over cheerfully and shouted "Grandpa", Fandral's originally serious face suddenly changed. For the kind... silly dad emoji.

   "Oh! Isn't this my dear granddaughter Estalia? She looks grown up again!"

Fandral picked up the little night elf girl in his arms, pampered and lifted her up amidst her happy "giggling" laughter, and the usual aggressive aura was no longer visible. …

   Estalia said with a smile while rejecting Fandral's face-rubbing offensive, "Hehe, no! Grandpa's beard is so prickly!"

  Charlemagne looked at the shapeless Fandral Staghelmet in the distance with a dislocated jaw. He never thought that the archdruid had such a loving side.

Looking at Fandral's expression at this time, Alleria couldn't help but make up for her boyfriend, "Charlemagne, are you sure he is the Fandral Staghelm you mentioned? It seems to be the same as the image you described. There's a big difference..."

   "Don't ask me, I don't know..."

Just looking at Fandral's doting on Estalia, one can know how much the death of his granddaughter will hit him in the future. After the death of his only son Valastan, Estalia became his last sustenance, and this last His sustenance was ultimately destroyed by Garrosh's warlike brutality.

   I don’t know if it’s because Fandral loves his little granddaughter too much. Estalia, who is over 1,000 years old, seems to have a demeanor and character that doesn’t match her age at all. She looks like an underage elf.

The surrounding sentinels have long been accustomed to the arch druid's attitude, and retreated one after another after his arrival. Anyway, with Fandral, they believed that only two heroic high elves could do nothing. things come.

  Fandral hugged his granddaughter and made out with his granddaughter, and then greeted his daughter-in-law Leiana before returning to his usual momentum and expression to invite Charlemagne and Aurelia to enter Astrana.

   "You came earlier than I expected. I thought you would be delayed for months like the other elves."

  Alleria felt the powerful power from the archdruid at this time, and the current Fandral did not look like the same person as the grandfather who was teasing his granddaughter just now.

  Charlemagne bowed respectfully and saluted, "It's an honor to see you again in the material world, Master Staghelm. As agreed, I have brought a reply from the senior management of Quel'Thalas."

   Alleria also hastily imitated her boyfriend and bowed to Fandral.

  Fandral waved his hand boldly and said, "Okay! After the last contact, you should also know that I am not the kind of elf who likes red tape. Come with me, let's get down to business."

  Just after finishing speaking, he turned his head and regained his silly father expression and said to his little granddaughter, "Estaria, grandpa has business to do, and he will come back to accompany you later!"

   Estalia nodded sensiblely next to her mother, "Okay~~Grandpa, work hard!"


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