Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 186: trolls or something, nonexistent

  Chapter 186 Troll or something, does not exist

   "So we can basically reach an agreement on the convening of this high-level meeting. Master Stormrage has also persuaded Tyrande. Although he is very reluctant, the priest of the moon **** still agrees to attend this meeting."

  In the town hall of Astrana, Fandral told him about the situation of the night elves after listening to Charlemagne's report, but when he talked about Tyrande, the archdruid curled his lips cryptically.

  Charlemagne noticed this and smiled secretly in his heart, ‘It seems like rumors, this archdruid and Tyrande have different political views. '

  Fandral Staghelm is more aggressive. Although he has caused many troubles because of his recklessness, in the lifeless night elf society, his aggressive attitude has really won the support of many people.

Malfurion has always been in favor of his approach, and Staghelm is one of the heroes who participated in the tragic quicksand battle. His current status in the entire race can actually be said to be that of Malfurion and Tyrannosaurus. The third person under Rand.

In fact, Malfurion also knew that his lover's views in some aspects were too extreme, and Tyrande's administrative policy was also obviously tending to be conservative. Can try my best to make mud.

The two of Charlemagne learned from Fandral that Tyrande immediately expressed firm opposition when she heard that she was going to have a meeting with the high elves. Fortunately, after Malfurion raised the threat of the Burning Legion, she finally reluctantly agreed. Nodding in agreement.

  'I wish she didn't come...Maybe the discussion will be smoother then. '

  Thinking of Charlemagne, Tyrande's granny who likes to mess around, I feel a headache. Having her in the high-level meeting will almost certainly add a little uncertainty to the originally confident talks.

"Our attendees are determined to be four people, Master Stormrage, me, Tyrande, and Shandris Feather Moon, Tyrande's adopted daughter. It is now November, and the time will be June next year. The location Still in Astrana."

  Fandral said that the attendees did not exceed Charlemagne's expectations. Maiev needed to guard Illidan so that he could not leave. These four people basically represented the highest level and high-end combat power of the night elves.

"Okay, on our side, because the Sun King Anasterian is old and in poor health, the attendees are Crown Prince Kael'thas, two members of the Silvermoon Council, and the former nightfallen elf of Suramar. The leader, Crisha Yuejun, and I will also accompany the last seat."

   Fandral raised his eyebrows when he heard Suramar, "Oh? I didn't expect you to have contact with Suramar? The nightfallen elves are the group of Shaldorei exiles that Farodin reported back then?"

Fandral does not have much prejudice against the Highborne. He has always advocated the use of all available power. The Nightborne of Suramar was also one of the Highborne. If this powerful force can be used to fight against the Burning Legion It couldn't be more appropriate.

In fact, including Malfurion, all night elves and highborne have a hint of arrogance hidden deep in their hearts. They think that even if their fellow elves have made big mistakes and there are many differences between the two sides, but compared to Humans and other rising races are still more trustworthy as their ancient compatriots.

  So when Malfurion convened the high-level meeting of the two races this time, he never thought of notifying humans, but even if he notified...whether the Seven Human Congresses would take his invitation seriously is a problem.

  After the joint meeting between Charlemagne and Staghelmet, the final meeting time was set as June 2 years before the Black Gate. During these seven months, the night elves will also secretly send scouts to Karazhan to investigate the status of the guardian.

   But Charlemagne knew that it was too late to act at this time. Before he left Quel'Thalas, he learned from the worried Sun King that several members of the Tirisfal Council had somehow lost contact.

  This also means that Medivh's body has completely succumbed to Sargeras' will. After searching Medivh's memory, he began to secretly eliminate the secret organization that might threaten him, the Council of Tirisfal.

   Before leaving, Charlemagne suggested that Anasterian recall the high elf members of the Tirisfal Council back to Quel'Thalas. After all, these magisters are important assets of the entire Quel'Dorei.

  The Sun King also agreed with this, and he began to notify other surviving members of the Elf Council through his own channels, trying to let them teleport back to Silvermoon City.

   After talking about the business, Fandral fulfilled his promise, and left the meeting room at a faster pace to accompany his little granddaughter. Charlemagne and Aurelia looked at each other helplessly and then prepared to set off on their way home.

  Currently, Charlemagne, whose energy level is equivalent to that of a 7th-ring mage, cannot directly open the portal across continents, so the two first returned to the sharpshooter camp in the Broken Isles for a transfer.

  Charlemagne exhausted his magic power due to this long-distance teleportation, and at the same time suffered from a splitting headache due to excessive consumption of mental power. As a last resort, the two could only temporarily stay on the Eagle Claw Peak.

   While Charlemagne was trying to get himself into a meditative state to restore his exhausted mana, Alleria told Emeril what they had gained from this trip.

"Really... After thousands of years, the top elves of the night elves and the highborne are finally going to formally meet again. Unfortunately, the night children of Suramar still haven't been able to get in touch. Otherwise, it should be regarded as a grand meeting after the disintegration of the ancient night empire. "

  Emeril is also a little bit emotional about the final decision of this meeting. In the quiet period before the storm, it is obvious that she can unite more allies.

   Then she smiled wryly again, "It's a pity that the trolls are still unwilling to formally contact us. No matter how many troll tribes I visit, I get a unified answer..."

As she spoke, she lifted up her cloak, and there was a deep mark on the breastplate of the leather armor on the left. Thinking of the scene at that time, Emmoreel still had some lingering fears. If she hadn't hid quickly, she might have Passed through the chest by a troll headhunter's spear.

Alleria sincerely admires Emmoreel's adventurous spirit of being willing to visit the trolls many times, but at this time she still persuaded, "Give up if the trolls don't make sense. Didn’t they not participate in the fight against the Burning Legion before? Let them continue to immerse themselves in the old troll empire and gradually drown!”

  Emeril nodded. Having suffered violence many times, she had completely given up on the trolls. These hunchbacked ugly ghosts would not know how to resist until the Burning Legion hit them.

It took Charlemagne three days to recover from the sequelae of exhaustion of mental power this time. This time it was also a reminder to him that he must not exhaust his mana in battle in the future, otherwise he would probably lose his combat power on the spot and let others slaughter.

Before going back, he first took a giant eagle to Thunder Totem to visit several tauren chiefs, but at this time only Chief Ulan remained behind Thunder Totem, and the other three chiefs had already gone to Kalimdor to fight against the local tauren chiefs. The tauren provide support.

During Ulan's farewell, Charlemagne opened the portal to the Arcane Association of Silvermoon City, and while walking in, he thought to himself, "It seems that the problem of the Kalimdor tauren should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise these powerful It would be too wasteful for the tauren to be dragged by the centaur. '


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