Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 188: PY transactions on the upper layer

  Chapter 188 PY transactions on the upper layer

As she continued to advance towards the Court of the Sunstrider, Alleria joked with a smile while holding Charlemagne's right hand, "Lord Theron, this is the first time I have seen you display such aristocratic prestige. If ordinary people encounter In this case, he will probably be beaten up by that guy, right?"

Charlemagne pampered Aurelia with a kiss on the side of the face, "Yes, these leading soldiers are the private army of the nobles after all, and ordinary people really can't afford to offend them, but it's not an option to continue like this. Yes, I will advise His Majesty to restrict their movements."

  The episode just now did not affect the mood of the young couple. The two walked through Rixi Avenue connecting East XC District with a smile, walked around the Royal Trade District and Holy Light Square in DC District, and arrived in front of the Sunstrider King's Court.

   When passing through the Royal Trade Zone, the female elf couldn't help but took her boyfriend to have a good look around. Anyway, the meeting time was set for half a year later, so there was no need to rush to report to the Sun King immediately.

   "It turns out that you encountered this kind of thing on the way here, ahem... It seems that you should really manage these private troops of the leading state."

  After Charlemagne opened the portal to send his contented girlfriend back to the territory, in the study of the Sunstrider Royal Court, the Sun King sighed helplessly after hearing his description of the incident just now.

   At the beginning, when these noble private troops were called to station outside Silver Moon City, they really didn't expect that these old soldiers, who were considered troops anyway, would have such lax military discipline.

   Recently, the Sun King, who has been paying attention in other directions, has not had time to pay attention to them. As a result, these leading troops have caused a lot of trouble in just a few days.

  Anasterian put down the magic wine in his hand and made a promise, "I know about this, and I will let the lawbreakers control their behavior later, and train these leading soldiers by the way."

   "Back to business, I have already informed Kael'thas about the meeting, and he will return to Silvermoon City completely after he completes the handover with Aethas."

Now that Anasterian's health is deteriorating, he has a premonition that his lifespan is not long. After Charlemagne left, the current Sun King took the opportunity to propose to the parliament to recall the prince, and while he was still alive, the state affairs gradually handed over to him.

  Although Darkan raised firm objections, the three moderate factions including Osis finally agreed to the return of the prince after exchanging interests with the Sun King in private, and the two radical members hesitated and chose to abstain.

  The council voted three to one, and Prince Kael'thas, who had been away from home for hundreds of years, was finally able to officially return to his homeland to fulfill his duties as Crown Prince.

   Before leaving Dalaran, Kael'thas informed the Kirin Tor Speaker Antonidas about the incident, and proposed that Aethas Sunreavers replace him in the Kirin Tor Council's seat.

  The old fox Antonidas had also heard about the Sun King's poor health in recent years. In order to sell some favors to the future king, the old mage readily agreed to Kael'thas's proposal.

Anyway, Aethas himself is also an 8th-ring mage. He was originally eligible to enter the Kirin Tor Council. Although the evergreen tree Modera of the Council had some criticisms about this, he still passed under the strong suppression of Antonidas. this appointment.

Speaking of this Modera, it can be said that she is an unshakable member of the Kirin Tor Council. This female mage never left this position when Dalaran suffered many changes, until the later version of Legion Advent Both still hold a seat in Parliament.

Continuing to have high elves staying in the upper echelon of Dalaran means that the two sides will continue to maintain friendly trade relations in the future. Quel'Thalas has an export place for the surplus enchanted goods, and Dalaran will continue to obtain the benefits of elf craftsmanship. high-end goods, and resell them at high prices to the six human nations.

   But in fact, what the Sun King is busy with recently is not the return of his only son, but an important clue he recently obtained from an unexpected source.

   "I will slowly discuss with Kael'thas and the three councilors about participating in the conference. During this period, you can act freely first. Maybe you will need it after a while... Forget it, we will talk about it later."

  Anastrian's hidden words made Charlemagne confused, but since the Sun King didn't want to say it, Charlemagne couldn't go beyond his identity to ask.

   "Yes, Your Majesty, then I will take my leave first."

Anasterian waved his hand and smiled kindly, "Don't worry, there is one last thing. In view of your achievements in bringing back the giant eagle and facilitating the high-level meeting of the two clans, after discussing with the council, I decided to raise your title to viscount." , the fief extends to the southeast to the original range of Sebnuwa and Sebtila, anyway, you sent people to conquer these two places."

  Charlemagne didn't expect that there would be such a surprise waiting for him in the end, so he hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Thank you Your Majesty and the council for your attention, I will definitely continue to work hard."

  Anastrian smiled and patted Charlemagne on the shoulder, "I believe you will continue to fight for Quel'Thalas, and I hope you can assist Kael'thas more in the future... cough cough."


  After returning to the territory, Charlemagne summoned Lor'themar, Lisson and the others to inform them that he had been promoted to viscount, but amidst the cheers of the crowd, he returned to his room with doubts in his arms around Alleria.

  Aurelia looked at the tangled expression on Charlemagne's face and was a little puzzled, "What's the matter? Isn't it a good thing to be promoted to a Viscount? Did something happen?"

   "Hmm... Your Majesty seems to be making some big moves in a while, but he didn't tell me the details. I'm wondering what it is about."

   "Could it be the cleansing of the Fal'dorei?"

Charlemagne shook his head, "This small matter is not considered a big move. The suppression of the Fadores this time can only be regarded as military training. Your Majesty intends to send both the Dawn Vanguard and the Sunstrider Wings. With these two elite troops on our side I don't believe that group of spider-men can make waves."

After five years of development, the Chenfeng Army is no longer the newly established two-blade army. Liadlin, the head of the army, has reached the peak of the high-level strength through hard training and comprehension, and the distance has broken through to the hero level. Just the last step.

  Most of the soldiers and priests in the legion have also completed their training, and some low-level officers have been asked by several other major legions to serve as instructors to train new recruits of the paladins. The profession of paladins has gradually taken root in the major legions of the high elves.

  Recently, the Wings of the Sun has also begun to absorb some paladins to join. With the existence of these panaceas, the ace air force under the Sun King should be able to exert a stronger combat effectiveness.

   "The big move...Leading the national army... I always feel that His Majesty's meaning should be related to the nobles and the upper class. I can't guess it for the time being. Your Majesty should notify me when necessary."

  Aurelia, who is equally insensitive to politics, kissed the corner of her boyfriend's mouth comfortingly, "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. How do you plan to live the next six months? Just stay in the territory?"

Charlemagne hugged his delicate girlfriend and kissed her back, until she kissed the female elf so softly that she smiled and replied, "No, I plan to go to the southern part of the mainland. Till should go back and accept himself after he has been away from Uldaman for so long. new body."

   Thanks to the book friends "Lingren" and "Time Distortion" for their support.




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