Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 187: I heard someone tried to tease my wife?

  Chapter 187 I heard someone wanted to molest my wife?

  The Arcane Association is located in the center of the XC area of ​​Silvermoon City. When Charlemagne and Alleria left the association under the watchful eyes of the mages, they happened to meet Crisha who had just returned to the nearby embassy.

After several years of nourishment by the sunwell, the original leader of the nightfallen elves, the original silver hair gradually turned into a light platinum gold, the skinny cheeks became fuller, and the original violet skin changed from day to night. There is also a tendency to gradually fade after living habits.

  Charlemagne and Alleria went up to greet Ke Lixia, and only then did they know that one of the purposes of this Moon County lady's return this time was to prepare for the high-level meeting with the night elves.

After learning the specific time of the meeting from Charlemagne, Ke Lixia nodded and showed a thoughtful look, "Is that so, June next year, there is still plenty of time, just during this time I also want to ask the Sun King to help deal with Fado Ray's business."

  Charlemagne and Alleria were taken aback at the same time, "Faldore? What happened to those spider-men?"

Ke Lisha sighed helplessly and said, "I don't know if it's because of the sudden disappearance of Arcandor's aura. Recently, a large number of spider-men rushed out of the ruins of Falnaar like crazy to search around, and even some Fado Ray is already hitting Shal Elland."

   "It turns out that..."

  Charlemagne rested his chin on his hand and thought for a while, "Ms. Yuejun, based on your research on the Withered over the past few years, is there any chance for these Fadorei to turn back into Shaldorei?"

  The last time Charlemagne met with Osis, he learned from him that the Arcane Association and Crisha had made significant progress in the research of the Withered, and now they can use spells to control the Withered to simply obey orders.

   This is good news for the high elves. There are tens of thousands of withered wandering around the entire Suramar region. If these cannon fodder can be used, the high elves' own troops will undoubtedly reduce a lot of losses in the war.

Ke Lixia shook her head regretfully and said, "I have thought about what you said. I personally went to the ruins of Falanaer to capture a few Faredors for research last year. It is a pity that these spidermen who have been transformed by wild magic power have completely disappeared. Hopeless."

  "Although they still maintain their sanity to a certain extent, they are essentially no different from the Withered. At least neither I nor Congressman Osis have found a way to turn them back."

  Charlemagne sighed, "Really...then there is no other way. In order to ensure the safety of Shal Elland's stronghold, it seems that more people must be sent to clean up these spider-men."

Fortunately, these first batch of exiles were only a few thousand at the beginning, and now the total number is just over a thousand after thousands of years of harsh living conditions. It is not a big problem to clean them up, and they can Use it to test the actual combat effect of the withered cannon fodder.

   Farewell to Ke Lixia, the two continued to walk towards the Sunstrider Royal Court, and along the way, they could see nobles and state troops in different clothes walking through the streets and alleys of Silvermoon City from time to time.

  Aurelia frowned as she looked at the red-faced and wobbly leading soldiers on the opposite side, "The military discipline of these noble private soldiers is indeed very poor, and they actually come out to drink and disturb the people in broad daylight."

  Charlemagne tightened his arms around the female elf's shoulders and said with a smile, "From the very beginning, His Majesty did not expect the strength of these pampered noble soldiers. The purpose of gathering them is nothing more than to collect the troops of the nobles."

   "And His Majesty should have follow-up actions. After all, no matter how poorly disciplined these guys are, they are still soldiers. If you take a good look at military discipline, it should still work."

  At this time, one of the leading soldiers wearing a purple officer's uniform passed by Charlemagne crookedly, and when he saw Aurelia, his misty eyes suddenly straightened.

   "Oh? Didn't you think there are such high-end goods in Silvermoon City? This lady, do you want to talk to..."


  Charlemagne didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he kicked this army ruffian who dared to moles his girlfriend away.

This frightened the soldiers who were wearing the same color uniform as him soberly. Some of them rushed forward to check the officer's situation, while the other dozen drew out their weapons and surrounded Charlemagne. .

   "Ouch! How dare you kick me... Ooh!"

Charlemagne's strength was well controlled. After being kicked away, the officer just rolled on the ground a few times and was not injured. Thing spit up everywhere.

Even his own soldiers didn't dare to step forward to help him up when they saw the disgusting vomit, and the people watching the excitement around them even covered their noses with their hands in disgust, and their contemptuous eyes seemed to be watching a group of people. Large burnable waste.

Just at this moment, the sound of birds flapping suddenly came from above the conflict point, and within a few seconds, a few giant eagles descended from the crowd and stopped in the middle of the road, wearing light enchanted armor and holding a magic sword with a sword and shield in their hands. The soldiers jumped off the giant eagle one after another.

   "What are you doing? Why are you causing a commotion!"

  Charlemagne looked at the leading giant eagle knight with a strange expression on his face, because he unexpectedly discovered that this knight was an old acquaintance, and it was the squadron leader whom he had met twice before.

  The officer of the leading state army saw the arrival of the city guard to maintain law and order, and hurriedly stood up with the reluctant support of his subordinates, and staggered towards the squadron leader.

  The squadron leader looked at the vomit all over his body and reached out to stop him with disgust, "Stop! Just explain the situation where you are!"

  The officer was stunned for a moment, and then described the matter in a flattering manner. The meaning in his words was that he was suddenly attacked by inexplicable things while walking on the road.

   After listening to his description with a frown, the squadron leader turned around to interrogate the other party under the strange pull of a subordinate, but suddenly froze when he saw Charlemagne's face.

   "Eh... Lord Baron, why is it you?"

Charlemagne also waved his hand in a funny way and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you again. The officer of the National Army made a molestation with my girlfriend. I just pushed him away. Who knew that he was rolling on the ground when he got drunk. While vomiting, the people next to this should also be able to testify for me."

   "That's right, that's right, the baron just pushed him away, and didn't do him any harm!"

   "That's right, haven't you seen that the 'master' who leads the national army is still alive and well?"

  The people of the high elves were also very disgusted with these leaders who had often caused troubles in recent days, and followed Charlemagne's words to help him explain.

  The officer of the Leading Confederate Army was startled half awake when he heard the squadron leader addressing Charlemagne. He didn't expect that he would offend a real nobleman.

   At this moment, his face was dripping with sweat, and he seemed to be looking for a chance to slip away, but unfortunately he had no chance under the surveillance of the surrounding flying guards.

  The squadron leader didn't bother to ask in detail when he saw that everyone was saying a word, and ordered his subordinates to take these women back for interrogation, and then bowed down to salute Charlemagne to express his apology.

   "I'm sorry, Baron Theron, it's all due to the negligence of our guards. There have been too many similar incidents in the lead state army recently, which made us a little bit at a loss for a while."

Charlemagne patted the shoulder of the dedicated squadron leader indifferently, "It can't be helped. I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to continue maintaining law and order before His Majesty completes the rectification of the leading army. I have something to report to Your Majesty and I'll go first." Come on, come on."



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