Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 193: primordial power

  Chapter 193 Primordial Power

  Before the two of Charlemagne left, the old dwarf Brighthammer also expressed that he wanted to go back to Taquilin, so Magni also made some efforts to keep him.

  However, in the end Brighthammer rejected Magni on the grounds that he had not fully mastered enchantment forging. He planned to continue his studies in Quel'Thalas.

Just in time, Charlemagne expressed his intention to go to Gnomeregan to find Taronicus and send him back to Tarquin. After Brighthammer bid farewell to his old opponent, he followed the two to the west of Ironforge. Gnome territory.

When I found Taronicus, the high elf craftsman was arguing with the high craftsman Mekkatorque, wearing clothes covered in engine oil. I heard them discussing the advantages and disadvantages of steam tanks and arcane golems. sex.

  Charlemagne was very interested in the topic of the two of them. He left his helpless girlfriend and Liang Hammer, who couldn't understand at all, and joined the topic of the two of them. The three of them immediately began to talk about engineering issues.

  In fact, these two products have their own advantages and disadvantages. The steam tank is basically made entirely by engineering, and there is no shadow of magic in it. Charlemagne, who was born in the scientific world in his previous life, can give some opinions on this.

   "Gerbin, your current steam tanks are not practical at all. A good heavy vehicle can only be used to hit people. It is too wasteful. Why don't you install a cannon on the tank?"

  Mekkatorque was taken aback, "Cannon? The kind used on ships?"

   "That's right! Moreover, the coordinated operations of tanks and infantry also require some research. You might as well try to develop in this direction."

  Charlemagne's words obviously brought some inspiration to the great craftsman. At this time, the great inventor lowered his head and muttered words such as "artillery" and "coordinated operations" to himself, and had completely fallen into his own world.

  Charlemagne, the arcane puppet of the high elves, is not very clear about these expensive creations powered by arcane. Although he has had close contact with these expensive creations driven by arcane when he visited the Tower of Morningstar, he has no idea of ​​their principles.

  If the cost of these arcane puppets cannot be reduced, then they can only be used as luxury items for the daily use of mages, and cannot be installed in large quantities in the army.

  Talonicus said that he had some rough ideas during the years of studying in Gnomeregan, and he planned to put them into experiments after returning.

   Charlemagne, who was not short of money, encouraged him and patted him on the shoulder. If such an important breakthrough as mass production can be achieved, a little money is nothing.

   Just as Taronicus's advanced studies in Gnomeregan were basically over, Charlemagne immediately opened the portal and sent him back to Tarquin with Bright Hammer.

The great craftsman Mekkatorque is still subconsciously drawing something on the blueprint, and his mouth is still incessantly thinking about it. The helpless Charlemagne and Aurelia can only talk to the great craftsman's assistant, Therma Prager. He said hello and left the mechanical city.

  Considering the need to travel a long distance this time, Charlemagne and Aurelia deliberately brought out Xunyu and Dudu who had been stored in the territory for several years.

  Xun Yu has not changed in the past five years. He was very excited when he saw his master who had been away for several years, but Dudu obviously looks a lot older, and the color of his fur is not as bright as before.

On the way to Loch Modan, Alleria touched Dudu's feathers with some reluctance, "Maybe it's time for Dudu to retire after returning this time. For a chocobo, it is considered old Expect."

   After all, Dudu has not been nurtured by the royal family's secret method like Xunyu. Birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable. Alleria has recently begun to cultivate its offspring, hoping that they can continue to serve the Windrunner family like her elders.

  When bored on the way, Tire fulfilled his promise and began to explain the difference between the power of order and the power of holy light to the two of them.

   "To explain the difference between the two, we must first let you know the six original forces of the universe."

   "The original power?"

   Both Charlemagne and Aurelia heard this term for the first time, and they began to listen attentively to Tyre's explanation when they let the chocobos gallop.

   "That's right, since the time of cosmic order, the entire vast universe has had six primordial forces, namely light, shadow, life, death, order and chaos."

"Light and shadow, life and death, order and chaos are opposed to each other. Due to the characteristics of light and shadow, these two original forces can achieve symbiosis and conversion to a certain extent. A strange creature that appeared in the early days perfectly proves the light and shadow. transformation."

  Charlemagne's face changed when he heard this, "Could it be?"

Tire affirmed Charlemagne's guess, "That's right, it's the naaru. This kind of pure energy creature can almost be called the embodiment of light in ordinary times. The power of holy light is the most typical form of light, but after exhaustion The naaru turn back into pure shadow beings when their own light is cast on them."

   Alleria frowned at this time and asked in confusion, "So the Naaru appeared at the same time as the Titans? Then why have we never heard of their existence in Azeroth?"

Tyr smiled softly, "Although creatures like naaru are ancient and powerful, they do not have any fighting ability themselves. To reflect their strength, there must be a carrier. They can use their powerful auxiliary abilities to provide these carriers with All kinds of support."

"I don't know exactly where the naaru is now, but since there is a holy light in Azeroth, someone should have received the signal from the naaru one-sidedly. I think they will officially enter Azeroth sooner or later. "

  Under Tire's explanation, Charlemagne and the two of them roughly understood the six original forces of the universe. Light and shadow correspond to the power of holy light and void respectively, and the representative races are Naaru and Void Lord.

  The representative powers of life and death are natural spells and necromancy respectively. The latter may be called psychic spells in Azeroth, and the representative races are wilderness demigods and various undead races.

   Then there is chaos. The representative power is the highly destructive and corrosive fel magic. This kind of chaotic power that can corrupt the will of intelligent creatures is usually obtained by absorbing life.

   Represents the race... It is the demons of various races. The fallen Sargeras also uses the power of fel energy.

  The last is the focus of this topic, the power of order.

"Many people confuse the power of order with the holy light. In fact, although both sides belong to the orderly camp, the power they display is completely different. Simply put, the most typical manifestation of the power of order in the material world is the mysterious technique."


"That's right arcane. Although arcane is not inferior to evil energy in terms of energy level, because of its inherent instability, it requires extraordinary attainments and extremely high concentration to perfectly control arcane. Ordinary mortals usually It’s very difficult to do that.”

  Charlemagne suddenly realized at this time, "So many half-baked mages abuse arcane magic to attract the attention of demons?"

"Exactly, arcane arts can easily get out of control if used improperly and open a portal to the Twisting Nether. Demons take this opportunity to enter Azeroth through this door. You high elves took the lead in creating a provision to monitor the use of arcane arts." The Risfa Council is indeed necessary."

   Well, some book friends said that the recent plots are relatively flat. Xianyu has received feedback and has begun to speed up the progress. I will try to reduce these daily plots as much as possible.




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