Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 194: monster

  Chapter 194 Monster Monster Maniac

  The representative race of arcane energy is the Titans. These extremely powerful giants can perfectly control the power of order like a fierce horse. In the entire universe, even the Void Lord dare not confront the Titans head-on.

Ironically, the Pantheon formed by many powerful titans was eventually destroyed by his own people. Although their souls and essence power were temporarily preserved under the protection of Norgannon, these small actions were discovered by Sargeras It's also just a matter of time.

   After figuring out the nature of the power of order, Charlemagne finally knew the correct way to use the power of order that Tyre said before. It turns out that the form of this power is arcane.

   But at the same time, Tire also solemnly reminded Charlemagne, "Although the silver arm armor has very pure power of order, you still need to be more careful when converting it into arcane energy and using it."

   "According to the history of Azeroth you told, there are countless serious consequences caused by arcane rampage in the past. I hope you will not follow in the footsteps of those people."

  Charlemagne raised his left hand and looked at the silver arm armor and nodded solemnly, "I see, I will use it with caution."

When Charlemagne and Alleria arrived at the entrance of the Badlands, the vast plain outside Uldaman was no longer as empty and silent as it was last time, and now it has become a battlefield where the Bronzebeard Dwarves and the Dark Iron Dwarves wrestled with each other. .

The two sides have continuously deployed reinforcements from Fortress of Pain and Thelsama respectively. Although they are still restrained now and have not completely developed into a full-scale war, as long as one side does not back down, it will sooner or later continue to reproduce the war between the two clans. Scenes.

   At the command post of the Bronzebeard dwarves near the entrance of the outer tunnel of Uldaman, Charlemagne met Brian Bronzebeard, the third brother of the Bronzebeard family for the first time.

  When the two entered the camp, the dwarf wearing the exploration hat was checking a brick in his hand that was obviously in the style of Uldaman, and he didn't know how he got it back.

  This Brian Bronzebeard and Pandaren Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo were called the two kings of monsters by the players in the previous life.

  Because of their strong curiosity, every time they find a new thing, they will unconsciously run around and manipulate it, and the end result usually brings all kinds of troubles to the players.

  Brian was very enthusiastic when he learned of the intention of the two, but his request made Charlemagne a little embarrassed.

   "Aha! You're going into Uldaman? No problem! But can you bring me some valuable titan relics out of it?"

   There are actually not many so-called Titan relics in the remote underground palace of Uldaman. After all, Azadas and Elonaya came here fleeing from disaster, and they carried very few items with them.

   Fortunately, Till gave a suggestion at this time, "Promise him, at worst, give him the platinum disc that has no recorded content."

  Brian was very happy to get Charlemagne's guarantee, and when Alleria asked about the battle situation, he immediately told the situation.

   "Right now, the Black Iron Dwarf is leading a team called Furnace. That guy is very good at using troops, but they seem to have slowed down their offensive recently. I don't know if they are planning a general attack or preparing to retreat."

   Speaking of this, Brian, who is usually optimistic, is also a little worried. If the Dark Iron Dwarves are determined to attack on a large scale, then this war may become more and more difficult to end. This is not good news for the Bronzebeard Dwarves.

Neither Charlemagne nor Aurelia could comment on the civil war among the dwarves. After all, the high elves still have a lot of things to deal with. After fulfilling their promise to Tyre, Charlemagne should go back and prepare in a few months. important meeting.

Since the Bronzebeard dwarves are helping the earth spirits to defend, the earth spirits of Uldaman allowed them to camp near the underground palace. The two did not encounter much obstruction.

The earth spirit guarding the door clearly remembered them when they saw them. After bowing and bowing, one of the earth spirits walked back to report with short legs. Not long after, a white-skinned earth spirit captain brought the two to the last place. The seat of Khaz'goros on the ground floor.

In Uldaman, not a single caveman can be seen now. It seems that the earth spirits who have awakened in the past few years should have completely cleared the interior, but who knows that there will be waves of unrest, and the sudden invasion of the black iron dwarves makes the earth The spirits joined the fight again before they could rest.

As soon as they entered the seat of Kazgros, Charlemagne and the two heard Azadas shout like thunder, "Mortal! You actually took Tire and disappeared for 7 years and 305 days. If Tire was not voluntary, I…"

   "Okay shut up! Isn't this already back?"

  Still the same, the guardian Azadas has no dignity in front of Elonaia, he can only shut his mouth depressed when he is yelled at by the giantess, and walks towards one of his workshops with two high elves.

   When he got here, Tire showed his soul form without any scruples. Several people saw a huge stone man half kneeling on the ground in Azadas' workshop.

  Aurelia circled around the stone man curiously, reaching out to tap from time to time, "Is this the new body for Tyr?"

   "That's right, although it is definitely not as good as Tyr's original guardian body, but it can only do so for the time being, at least it is much stronger than the average stone man."

   After all, Azadas inherited part of the ability of the shaper Kazgros, and this stone body is already the best he can do under the crude conditions of today.

  Tier comforted the guilt-ridden Azadas a little, and then impatiently began to integrate his soul into the stone man.

  As Tyr's soul entered, the stone man kneeling on the ground opened his eyes, stood up amidst the "bang" sound of stone movement, and stretched out his hands to inspect his new body.

  Tier nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, I can finally have a body again after tens of thousands of years, thanks to you, Azadas and Elonaya."

   Then the three giants sat in rows in the wide hall and began to communicate. Tire told the two companions many things he had learned during his travels with Charlemagne over the years.

  Eronnaya and Azadas frowned when they heard the news about the Burning Legion.

   "The Burning Legion? Although I heard about the fall of Sargeras from the Creator, I didn't expect him to be so persistent in wanting to destroy Azeroth."

  Azadas shook his head with some regret, "It seems that the time to counterattack Ulduar will be delayed. Facing the army led by the fallen titan may require the whole of Azeroth to unite."

Tire stretched out his hand and patted the shoulders of the two old friends comfortingly, "Don't worry, Charlemagne is already doing the thing of connecting the various races, and now it's the age of mortals, I believe they can shine at critical moments .”

  The three giants then made a solemn promise that if the world needed them, even at the risk of being discovered by Loken and the Old Gods, they would definitely come forward again.


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