Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 220: Syndra's Underground Workers

  Chapter 220 Syndra's Underground Workers

Charlemagne, who had already pulled Aurelia up the giant eagle, suddenly heard the call from behind, and reflexively pulled out Thoridar from behind and aimed at the person coming, using his and Aurelia's sensitivity as rangers There are only two reasons why the perception failed to discover this person's stalking.

  1: The strength of the opponent far exceeds them. With Charlemagne's current strength and the artifacts in his body, to avoid his perception must be at least a big realm higher than him, that is to say, at least epic level.

  2: The opponent has the ability to sneak, so that he can quietly follow the footsteps of the two to the outskirts of the city, but this requires at least the same level of strength as the two.

   Then when the two of them cautiously turned around with their weapons in hand, they discovered that there was a third possibility.

  The translucent figure in front of him is obviously not a living person. According to the history that Charlemagne knows, this night elf in the form of a soul...or the Highborne should be the Syndra civilians who were killed by Prince Torsedrin before.

That's right, Torsedrin sent people to kill his own people. He originally planned to use Immotar's demonic energy to satisfy the magic addiction of the Highborne. However, starting 1200 years ago, Immotar was imprisoned. More and more mana is needed, and the energy that the Highborne can absorb is getting less and less.

  Facing the doubts of the people, in order to satisfy the energy absorbed by himself and a small number of high-level officials, he sent his men to slaughter most of the civilians without hesitation.

  After reducing a large number of population, Immotar's energy is finally enough to supply the remaining high-level people temporarily, but this approach is not only cruel and inhumane, but also belongs to drinking poison to quench thirst.

This demon needs to spend more mana to imprison it every year, and sooner or later it will escape. Torsedrin, who has absorbed too much demon energy and has begun to lose his mind, completely ignores this and continues to enjoy it with peace of mind. The brief peace brought about by the massacre of civilians.

  The soul named Charlemagne told the two about what happened to Syndra 9,000 years ago. Since she has lived in the form of a soul for more than 1,000 years, she has gradually forgotten her original name.

   "Call me Syndra Guling, please come with me, someone in the city wants to see you."

   Led by this soul, Charlemagne and Alleria avoided the Syndra fanatics under Torsedrin all the way, and saw several highborne who were still alive outside the central garden of the city.

  The man in the lead took the lead in saluting to Syndra Guling and said, "Thank you for your hard work, please go down and rest first."

  Then the male high-borne elf turned his head to look at Charlemagne and Aurelia, who looked puzzled, and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hi, I am one of Syndra who is secretly resisting the atrocities of the prince. My name is Mordant Evershadow. These are my like-minded companions, Estulan, Daros Moonspear and Aliente."

  Charlemagne probably understood what the other party meant when he quietly called them over, and said with a playful expression on his face, "That is to say... do you want to rely on the help of us outsiders to overthrow Torsedrin's rule?"

  Modant smiled slightly, "It is convenient to talk to smart people. Although we are also the beneficiaries of the prince's plan to massacre civilians, we do not agree with his approach from the bottom of our hearts."

  Daros Moonspear shook his head and sighed, "The prince has lost his mind due to absorbing a large amount of demonic energy for a long time. The method of absorbing Immotar's energy was originally wrong."

  Like all the descendants of the Highborne, Syndra, the group of Highborne who kept books and preserved important knowledge for Azshara, also fell into magic addiction after losing the Well of Eternity.

They are not as lucky as the high elves and the children of the night to have a magic well. Although these Syndras draw energy from a captured demon by coincidence, as Syndra Guling said before, Similarly, as Immotar's resistance became stronger, it became more difficult for Syndra to extract energy.

  Charlemagne, who wanted to understand, crossed his arms with confidence and said, "So? Are you planning to kill Torcedrin and take charge of Elesalas?"

Modant laughed at himself and said, "If we still have enough population, maybe I will choose this method, but now there are only Syndra with less than 50,000 people left, even if you kill the prince and take back Erezala What about Si?"

  As a metropolis during the Night Empire period, Elesalas is not as luxurious as Jin Azshalin's, nor does it have a large number of magisters like Suramar.

  Most of the highborne living here are scholars and researchers, and the whole city is a large library built by Azshara to preserve the knowledge of the night elves.

  Naturally, the strength of the elves living here is not so strong, even their prince Torsedrin has not broken through to the epic level, let alone these mages who have long lacked sufficient magic power supply.

  Modant Yongying has the peak strength of the 8th ring according to Charlemagne's observation, and several of his companions are also heroes ranging from 7th to 8th ring.

  Although the magister is considered a high-end combat power among most mortal races, for Syndra, who has existed for more than 10,000 years, this strength is obviously abnormal.

   "Unable to obtain sufficient supply of magic power makes us progress slowly, and the sparse population also makes it difficult for us to maintain the entire Eldre Salas."

   "As you can see, the civilian area outside has been occupied by a group of wild animals, and the DC area and the North City area have been abandoned for a long time. Now our remaining Syndra is struggling enough to maintain this central garden."

  Charlemagne looked at Modant playfully and said, "So you want to move all the remaining Syndras to live in Quel'Thalas after killing Torsedrin, right?"

Modant nodded helplessly, "That's right. Originally, we wanted to go to Feathermoon Stronghold to contact the night elves, but we had no choice but to bow our heads to them. Unexpectedly, at this time, another highborne compatriot would come. Arrived here."

Charlemagne lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "It's not impossible to let Quel'Thalas accept Syndra, but there should be many Torcedrin's loyalists among the tens of thousands left now? I don’t want to bring these unstable factors back with me.”

  Modant and Dalos, Estulan and Eriand looked at each other and exchanged opinions with their eyes. Their leader, Modant, finally made a decision.

   "We can also understand the concerns of the two of you. In the next period of time, we will quietly select elves among the people who are willing to follow us. As for the rest... we can only let them and the prince atone for their original evil deeds."

  Charlemagne is quite satisfied with the attitude of these Syndra rebels. The other party is very interested in preparing to engage in underground activities, and Charlemagne will let them, local snakes, choose by themselves.

   "That's it. You tell me the structure of the magic net here, so that we can directly teleport it next time. When you are ready, you can directly teleport to Quel'Thalas through this coordinate to inform me."

   As he spoke, Charlemagne imitated Malfurion's actions back then, condensed the coordinates of the Far Traveling Village on his fingertips, and stretched his fingers in front of Modante.


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