Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 221: The door of darkness, open! (over)

  Chapter 221 The Gate of Darkness, Open! (over)

  Although Modant didn't know how much voice Charlemagne and Alleria could have among the high elves, they were determined to resist Torcedrin and always needed a target.

   Either ask for help from the descendants of the Highborne, or beg for mercy from the night elves. This multiple-choice question is actually not difficult for these Syndras.

If there is another choice, who would like to go back to the group of night elves to face their supercilious eyes, and the Sunwell described by Charlemagne just now made the Syndras yearn for it, and after completing the coordinate exchange, they roused Momentum started his own underground work.

  The work of wooing Syndra was completed, and Charlemagne deliberately flew to Feathermoon Fortress with Alleria, intending to say hello to Shandris, who had been stationed here to monitor Syndra for tens of thousands of years.

Alleria, who was huddled in her boyfriend's arms on the back of the giant eagle to keep warm, asked with some uncertainty, "Can you really trust these Syndra rebels? I don't think these Syndra who were born as scholars are like that kind of people." Those who have the courage to rebel."

  Charlemagne gently kissed Alleria on the forehead under the strong wind brought by the flight of the giant eagle.

"Of course we can't fully trust them. At least until Modantra has got enough Syndra to show his determination, neither I nor the high-level officials intend to give them too much trust. Now we are waiting for this group of underground workers to make a decision." Achievement."

The coordinates that Charlemagne handed over to Mordant are the magic net nodes that go directly to Far Travel Village. To teleport into Far Travel Village, he must obtain the permission of his lord. There is no need to be afraid that these Syndras will smuggle to Quill after knowing the coordinates. Salas.

"Based on the efficiency of these scholars, I feel that it will be difficult for them to produce any effective results within a few years. Anyway, let's just treat it as an idle game. The tens of thousands of people joining in the future can also promote Quelza to a certain extent. Rath's population growth."

Population is a long-standing problem for all longevity species. Although Syndra maintains immortality by absorbing Immotar's energy, this immortality is actually quite fragile. Ordinary elves began to grow old, sick and die.

   It is precisely because of this that Torsedrin is so crazy and wants to ensure his absorption first. How many people in power do not want to have eternal life?

When the giant eagle flew over the Feathermoon Fortress on the small island, it was undoubtedly intercepted by the Hippogryphs from the night elf sentinels. Fortunately, Shandris, who was standing on the sentry tower, recognized Charlie with the eagle eye technique. The two of Man, and then let the two land in this military town.

The hostile gazes of the surrounding night elves made the two of them feel very uncomfortable. After listening to Charlemagne's report to Syndra, Shandris just nodded noncommittally. He flew back to Thunder Bluff on the giant eagle again.

  The two who returned to Quel'Thalas didn't go anywhere. As the chief and deputy leaders of the Farstriders, they continued to guard the Farstrider Village and closely monitored the movements of the trolls.

   During the period, Charlemagne also discussed with Aurelia many times so that his girlfriend could get acquainted with Sasdora, who had just acquired it for less than a year.

  After testing, this artifact longbow is more powerful the closer it is to the sacred tree Sas'Ala, at least in the Eversong Forest Charlemagne's Solidar is no match for Sasdora.

  However, when he goes out, Sasdora will return to the level that the original artifact should have. Although it is not mediocre, it is definitely not a top-notch existence among artifacts.

   "I finally know why my mother said that Zul'jin, who was originally two realms taller than her, couldn't defeat her in Quel'Thalas. Indeed, the bonus of Thasdora in the forest is really terrifying."

After a practice battle, Alleria looked at the longbow shaped like a phoenix fluttering in her hand with some emotion. With the help of this artifact, she could even rely on her strength and reaching the intermediate level of heroes in Eversong Forest. The hero advanced against Charlemagne holding an artifact.

It has to be said that the three Windrunner sisters are more talented than their mother. Now Vereesa, the little guy, has officially broken through and entered the hero rank half a month ago, and Valeira also showed no signs of being outdone in the next few days. The breakthrough was successful.

Although Cirvanas has not yet reached the intermediate level of heroes, according to her, it should be only one step away. In addition, her hard-working lieutenant Halduron has finally made a breakthrough recently. The Ranger Troop has two The leadership of the heroic general finally restored some of the original atmosphere.

  As for the elder sister Alleria, as she said, as long as Zujin doesn't break through to the epic level, she can even use the Sasdora in her hand to tie the troll leader in the forest.

But what makes Charlemagne feel strange is that even the sorcerer Malakas has appeared many times in the past two years, but Zujin, the leader, has gone somewhere, at least Charlemagne and Cirvanas None of the Farstriders and Rangers saw him once.

  ‘What the **** is this old fox doing? Could it be sneaking out to travel and relax? '

  Zul'jin was certainly not traveling, but he did leave Eversong Forest with the help of his men when the Amani trolls poured out of Zul'Aman in large numbers.

For Charlemagne, the troll's attitude of wanting to attack or not attacked made him very annoying. Out of a sense of responsibility for taking orders, he did not dare to go out for a long time when the trolls were under pressure, lest that guy Zujin concentrate his forces to attack raid.

  Two years is very common for high elves. Maybe mages meditate deeply for more than two years at a time, but as time goes by, Charlemagne feels more and more anxious.

  Because he could calculate that the time for the door of darkness to open is getting closer and closer.

In the past two years, under the efforts of the new king Kael'thas and the Silvermoon Council, Quel'Thalas has gradually opened up to Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, Dalaran, Khaz Modan and Gnomeregan. official contacts.

Alterac and Stormgard in the south are temporarily not connected due to the relatively long distance, let alone the Kingdom of Stormwind in the south, but Gilneas, which is relatively close, is similar to the old high elves because of the conservative Instead, the policy did not create official engagement.

   The disharmonious relationship with the night elves of Kalimdor has also been slightly eased in the multiple contacts between the two sides, but the exchanges with Highmountain and the Kalimdor tauren are much smoother.

   Due to its terrain, High Ridge has quite a lot of mineral resources, while the Mulgore Grassland is a place of high-quality herbal medicine. After the formal alliance of the three parties, they began to communicate with each other soon.

  In recent years, Quel'Thalas' income from minerals and herbs has increased several times compared to previous years, and the excellent armor and enchanted weapons produced by the elves have also begun to flow into the two races of tauren.

  Kane was still pulling Charlemagne, who was teleporting to reminisce about the past, with a tearful look. His primitive iron ax was finally replaced with a shotgun, and he was replaced with a set of thick enchanted armor specially customized for him.

   Now Kane is considered to be a bit of an epic warrior. His leather armor and rotten iron ax before... It's embarrassing to say the least.

Under Charlemagne's help, Hamuul connected with Archdruid Malfurion in advance. He is indeed very talented in the way of druids, and he has mastered many druids in just two years. The essence of Iraq, even Malfurion went to Charlemagne to praise him for finding a good disciple for himself.

And Magatha seems to have figured it out recently, and began to communicate frequently with Highmountain and Quel'Thalas through the permanent portal specially established by both parties. After her own observation, she basically confirmed that the so-called "outsiders" are not Refers to the Highmountain tauren and high elves.

  Time is fair to everyone. With Charlemagne's growing anxiety and the comfort of sisters Aurelia and Cirvanas, the moment that should come finally officially arrived.

In the first year of the Portal of Darkness, almost the entire Azeroth could feel that the space barrier that was originally perfectly constructed by Ai Xing was suddenly torn open with a small crack, and a group of creatures with a strong and chaotic atmosphere began to pour into this planet. In the peaceful and peaceful planet.

  The door of darkness finally opened.

Thanks to the book friends "hanhzx" and "Rain Detective" for their support, and thank you to the book friends for your concern for Xianyu. Although the seven chapters were updated yesterday, it was a bit tiring, but at least it was completed, and only the weekend dared to be so crazy renew…




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