Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 239: Some people are careless

  Chapter 239 Someone is unintentional

   The formation of the alliance is led by infantry at the forefront, and the paladins lead the cavalry to temporarily stand by in this formation. Once the opportunity arises, Lothar will immediately send them into the battlefield to charge.


A human warrior holding a shield slashed his one-handed broadsword at the orc who had already rushed in front of him. Although the scarlet eyes of the opponent made him feel a little scared, he felt extremely safe standing in the army formation .

Although it has been repaired for a few months, the armor of Orgrim's tribal orcs is still not fully covered. The orc in front of him, wearing shoulder armor and exposing most of his upper body, curled his lips and showed a trace of disdain when he saw the long sword being hacked by the opposite human. He raised the double-sided ax in his hand and slashed at the other party.


  The weapons of the two sides colliding with each other made a crisp and sharp sound, and then the orc pushed back the human warrior's weapon with stronger strength.

   Just when the soldier was terrified and thought he was about to die, a long spear suddenly shot out from behind him and stabbed the orc first.

  Under the pain, the orc's strength involuntarily slackened a bit, and then the human fighters rose up and pushed him back.

The same scene almost appeared on the entire frontline battlefield. The orcs were able to take the initiative in the first confrontation by virtue of their physical advantages, but Lothar, who had already had extensive combat experience with the orcs, taught the generals how to deal with the Stormwind Kingdom. Then the generals will inform the officers at all levels in their respective troops.

   "Don't relax! Try to maintain the superiority in numbers and attack them, and remember the joint tactics that their respective superiors said!"

  Following the loud command of the officers, the alliance still maintained confrontation with the tribe in the form of an army formation, but Lothar, who was standing on the hillside behind, still frowned.

   "Sure enough...Basically, 2v1 or even 3v1 can suppress the orcs. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, we are really at a disadvantage."

  Turayang replied while observing the situation on the front line, "There is no way to do this. The lack of individual combat power can be made up for with skilled cooperation. At least it seems that the battle loss rate is not too serious at this stage."

  Maybe it’s the initial contact but both sides are still fighting more cautiously. The battle loss ratio of the Alliance and the Horde is about 2 to 1, which is much better than the 3 to 1 or even 4 to 1 battle loss of the Stormwind Kingdom.

  Even if humans can form an army to fight against, some relatively powerful orcs can still forcefully break open the shields in the front row and break into the rear with their brute force.

  Although these aggressive orcs usually have no good end, the gaps created by their assaults provide opportunities for later compatriots, and the alliance usually needs to spend several people to plug this gap.

Although it temporarily withstood the impact of the orcs, but as the battle progressed, the entire front was gradually being pushed forward by the tribe. The leaders of both sides, Orgrim and Lothar, did not have much surprised expressions. This has been seen many times.

  However, what Orgrim didn't expect was that half of the retreat of today's formation was deliberately done at the behest of Lothar.

  When the orcs howled and pushed the battle line to the edge of the two hillsides, Orgrim instinctively felt something was wrong.

   "No! Humans are retreating too fast today! Varok, let the front line pay attention to ambushes!"

  However, his order came too late. When the orcs entered the predetermined position of Charlemagne and Cirvanas, a large group of elf rangers suddenly stood up on the slopes on both sides.

  Seeing this scene, Zujin immediately widened his eyes and shouted to Orgrim, "No! Rewind, it's the ranger of the high elves!"

   "The first round of salvo! Fire freely when you're done, try your best to relieve the pressure on our human comrades in arms!"

Orgrim's vigilance and Zujin's reminder came too late. Under the command of Sylvanas, the rangers had already raised their bows. , a large rain of arrows covered the orcs from the sky.

   "Whoosh whoosh!"



The unsuspecting tribes were hit by a large number of arrows under the ranger's arrow rain. However, what surprised Cirvanas was that only a few of these orcs fell down on the spot after being shot, and most of the orcs just pulled out their heads fiercely. Shoot out the arrow, and after a loud roar, continue to charge.

   Eleanor kept firing arrows while frowning and said, "What a strong physique! Even if the troll has been hit by so many arrows, it will take a while before he can continue to move. These orcs are really difficult to deal with."

  Garinder, who was somewhat belligerent, was able to fight a big battle for the first time in a long time, and continued to shoot and kill the orcs with some fanaticism on his face, "It doesn't matter if he is strong or not, he can kill them with one arrow if he shoots at the weak point!"

Cirvanas also discovered the problem Garinde said, and immediately shot an arrow into the red eye socket of an orc. The orc dropped his weapon and stopped all activities the moment the arrow was hit. , fell to the ground and never got up again.

   "Aim at the weak point of the orc and shoot! Try to hit the eyes, neck, heart and other parts as accurately as possible!"

  The same voice of command sounded from the hills on both sides almost at the same time. Charlemagne and Lor'themar also discovered the weakness of these orcs almost at the same time.

   Perhaps it is difficult for a human archer to accurately shoot an arrow into a small eye a hundred meters away, but a high elf ranger whose eyesight and shooting accuracy are far superior to humans can do this.

  In order to ensure the safety of the rangers, both Charlemagne and Sylvanas ordered their subordinates to target the few hunters among the orcs with bows and arrows first. Fortunately, most orcs are single-minded, and there are not many long-distance occupations.

After Warlocks, a spellcasting profession that uses fel energy, were banned by Orgrim, their long-range power was quite weak. It didn't take long for the rangers to rule out these long-range firepower that might pose a threat to the rangers, and began to effectively serve the alliance fighters. relieve pressure.

  Zujin looked at the high elves standing on the mountain in the distance and shook his teeth vigorously. Unfortunately, he only has a small number of troll guards under his command now, and sending them up is nothing more than a gap between the elves' teeth.

"Great Chief, after breaking through Hillsbrad, you should join my troll army as soon as possible. There are too few long-range units among the orcs. Now that the high elves are supporting humans, your situation will be quite unfavorable. .”

  As if confirming Zul'jin's proposal, the mage group led by Kel'Thuzad also began to show their power at this time. Under the command of the archmage, the Dalaran mages formed a joint spell-casting team to cast a wide-area blizzard.

  The entire frontline of the orcs was shrouded in a strong snowstorm. The ice edge hit the orcs and quickly frostbited them. Even the strong orcs couldn't resist the ice summoned by the arcane.

  Because of the alliance's precise planning, the Horde fell into a disadvantage at the beginning of the war. At this time, Orgrim was holding his Doomhammer tightly, and the expression on his face was very struggling and hesitant.

  Finally, he still made up his mind, turned around and began to order the crooked old orc who was following him.


   Well, after sending it out, I found out that the chapter name seemed to be wrong, capitalized embarrassingly, but once the VIP chapter name is sent out, it cannot be changed. The name of this chapter should be called mental arithmetic without heart.




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