Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 240: Death Knight (Demo Version)

  Chapter 240 Death Knight (Trial Version)

  At this time, Orgrim was struggling. The alliance's spellcasting team was still causing damage to its own side, but since all the original orc shamans had switched to fel energy, they couldn't even fight back.

  Thinking of this, Orgrim can't wait to hit Gul'dan with a hammer on the head. If the shamans are still there, how can these human mages be allowed to dominate the orcs.

   But he couldn't. Now it was time to use Gul'dan. After hesitating for a long time, Orgrim finally temporarily let go of his prejudice against warlocks, and turned around to give orders to the old warlock.

   "Gul'dan! Let your warlocks block those mages, we can't let them kill our warriors at will!"

  Gul'dan's eyes flashed brightly, and finally Orgrim, the stubborn guy, let go. He hastily bent down and replied respectfully, "Your will, Great Chief!"

Orgrim also knew that Gul'dan had quietly developed a lot of warlocks in the clan after forming the Raiding clan. He turned a blind eye to this in order to guard against human spellcasters. I didn't expect that these guys who use disgusting evil energy would really have to be used now.

With the shots of Gul'dan and other warlocks, various curses have begun to fall on the mages of the alliance from a distance. Even Zujin began to dance the traditional magic dance of trolls at this time, while providing On the one hand, blessing casts voodoo and sorcery on the alliance. 0

But Zujin himself also knows that he is not a professional spellcasting profession after all, and the troll's voodoo and sorcery may leave a deep impression on the orcs before meeting with his troops, but at least it is better than nothing .


Kel'Thuzad, Khadgar and others who were casting the second round of blizzard suddenly felt that their spellcasting movements slowed down, and the spells they chanted began to become fragmented. All the mages who had never been attacked by such spells were all shocked. Into a short-lived misfire state.

  Even the elf rangers were cursed by many warlocks and all sorts of magical attacks, and their archery movements slowed down significantly for a while.

   At the same time, Orgrim asked Gul'dan to send his newly formed death knight troops, starting from both sides of the orc warriors to prepare to attack the alliance's army formation.

  Lothar saw through the binoculars the human knights rushing out of the orcs' main formation. When he was wondering why there were humans helping the tribe, he noticed the war horses running and dropping pieces of meat under them.

   "What the **** are these?"

  Although he was puzzled, Lothar was not idle, and directly ordered the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Morning Herald to attack. The targets were these strange-looking human knights.

   "This feeling is..."

  At this time, Kel'Thuzad, who had just deciphered the curse on his body, instinctively felt a power of the same origin as the spell he was secretly researching, and hurriedly raised his head to look at the source.

  'Undead, I didn't expect that some orcs would use this kind of spiritism, it's really interesting...'

  Kel'Thuzad looked at these knights charging on death horses with some fanaticism, and made up his mind to intercept them for research. He had a hunch that the research on these death knights might greatly improve his spiritual skills.

  Here, Charlemagne also gradually deciphered the operation mode of the warlock's curse through arcane analysis, and lifted the curse for the surrounding rangers one by one.

   "Lor'themar, I'll leave this to you for now! I'm going to Sylvanas to help solve the curse."

   "Okay big brother!"

  In order to facilitate the communication between the two sides, a riding griffin specially provided by Lothar was arranged on the hills on both sides. Although these griffins cannot fight because of the poor domestication methods of humans, there is still no problem in sending messages.

  When Charlemagne flew over to lift the curse for the rangers, a new round of collisions occurred on the battlefield.

  Under the leadership of Uther and other Silver Hand officers, the knight troops of the alliance have already started a confrontation with the death knights.

   Today's early version of death knights does not have the complete three-line inheritance like Alsace did at that time. The first generation of death knights such as Talon Gorefiend will only instinctively use their own death power to fight against human knights.

  For ordinary knights, these death knights are very difficult to deal with. Their weapons contain powerful power of death, and if they are not careful, they will be corrupted by these evil forces.

  In addition, during the charge, Talon and the others did not forget to use their death ability to revive some corpses on the battlefield. The comrades beside them suddenly stood up and attacked themselves, which caused quite a commotion in the alliance's army formation.

  Looking at the role played by these death knights, Orgrim felt very complicated. He instinctively felt disgusted by these evil species exuding the stench of death, but now they just played a big role in changing the battle situation.

  The panic in the alliance army gradually began to shake their rock-solid defense line, and the loud shouts of the officers could not suppress the fear of being attacked by the sudden resurrection of dead comrades.

  This situation made Lothar frowned into the word "Chuan". This kind of attack that he had never seen before really made him a little difficult to deal with for a while.

  However, as an excellent commander, he could guess that there was something wrong with the human soldiers who staggered towards their comrades after resurrection.

   "Turalyon, raise your flag and let the soldiers attack these resurrected corpses."

  Tulayang was taken aback, and said hesitantly, "But..."

   "Go! They are not human anymore!"


   "Drink!" Uther, who was fighting against the Death Knights, also noticed the strange situation in the alliance army formation.

He crushed the head of a death knight with a warhammer emitting bright holy light, and then turned his head and shouted to Liadrin, "Miss Liadrin! Please take the paladins of the Dawnguard Legion to help Get rid of those reanimated corpses!"

   Liadrin, who was also charging with her hammer and shield, heard Uther's call, and hurriedly burst out with holy light to kill the death knight and his resurrected orc in front of her, and urged her horse to come to Uther's side.

   "Shall I go?"

Uther and Liadrin kept their hands on their hands, and continued to purify these dirty undead with hot holy light, while shouting, "That's right! The Silver Hand will continue to block these filthy knights, please You go to the Chinese Army to help stabilize the situation!"

   During the battle with these death knights just now, paladins such as Uther and Liadrin have discovered that the Holy Light is very effective in restraining these knights.

  With the blessing of the Holy Light, the paladins can easily deal with the death knight's weapons covered with the power of death. Presumably, the Holy Light should be equally effective against resurrected corpses.

   At this time, Talon Gorefiend also found Uther who was rushing to kill him. He personally rode his horse and came to Uther, and the two weapons covered with gold and black energy quickly clashed together.

   Liadrin saw that Uther, Saidan, and Tirion had found their opponents and stopped talking nonsense.

She hastily reined in her horse's head, raised the red-backed gold-patterned horse-head flag hanging on the back of her horse, and shouted, "Morning Vanguard, turn! The target, those filthy resurrected corpses in the Chinese army, cannot continue to be destroyed by these walking corpses!" Our formation, all follow me and charge!"



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