Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 211: Pioneers

Chapter 211: Pioneers

The sun made way for the moon, as the day changed into night. The place surrounding the platform was filled with chairs and tables. I had to admit, I was a little jealous thinking of all the food they will get.

The royals were soon led by the servants to their respective places after they came over and paid their respects to me. The mage trio was seated closer to the platform at a table of their own, and the royals were seated close to them.

The guards and entourage were seated a bit to the back. Just as I was fantasizing about the taste of all the delicacies that I won't be able to eat, the large double door of the church opened, and a strong smell of meat wafted from the inside. My eyes lit up as I watched a dozen servants struggle to drag what looked like a large roasted animal of sorts.

'Boar? Still, that looks too big for a boar.' I inwardly noted.

The animal required about twenty servants to drag the enormous cart. Everyone's eyes were drawn to the curious sight of the unknown animal. I could smell the various spices they used to cook it. The smell was truly appetizing.

Lana was standing at the front guiding them toward the platform. When they came closer she turned to face me and bowed before speaking;

"This is a Thunderclaw, my lord. A monster that lives on the borders of Tinada. It's renowned for its strength but more famous for its incredible taste. Please enjoy."

I nodded and used mana to lift the Thunderclaw from the cart and placed it before me. It still looked small in size compared to me, but it'll do. I glanced at the guests who were eyeing me before I spoke in a loud voice.

"Let the feast, begin!"

As I said that servants brought out platters of roasted meats and vegetables, all expertly prepared to delight the taste buds of the guests. There were also a variety of dishes to choose from, including succulent venison, juicy pork, tender chicken, and some animals I didn't recognize, all seasoned to perfection.

To accompany the feast, the church offered the guests a selection of fine wines and ales, each poured from massive jugs and goblets into the waiting cups of the guests.

As everyone was enjoying themselves, I turned my attention to the tempting meal in front of me. I used my claw to grab it and quickly throw it in my mouth. The meat was succulent, juicy, and rich. The second it was in my mouth, it instantly burst with flavor, it had a tender texture that melted in my mouth. The taste was hearty and very satisfying, with a slightly savory flavor that left a pleasant aftertaste.

The meat has a well-balanced blend of spices and seasonings that enhance its natural taste, making each bite an explosion of deliciousness. It also had a slight smoky aroma, which only added to its delectable taste. Overall, very delicious. By the time I finished it, I was left satisfied and content despite the rather small amount.

The banquet continued as the mood slowly elevated, with people laughing and talking all around. The initially reserved leaders were soon laughing and enjoying themselves as well.

In the center of the banquet, was a stage for musicians and entertainers, providing live music and performances to keep the guests entertained. Tonight was a night for celebrations, a night where everyone put their differences away and enjoyed themselves. A night to usher in the new era of the world.


The banquet ended up extending until morning. The royals retreated back to their tents relatively early, but their entourage stayed up very late. Come noon time, they were ready to head back.

"Honorable dragon, we look forward to meeting you for the Ascension ceremony." The empress of Zasal was the first to speak, followed by the rest who paid their respects one after the other before they left.

"My lord," Lana approached me soon after they left. The church servants behind her were busy cleaning the aftermath of yesterday's party.

"En, Lana. What is it?"

Her expression was a little bit awkward as she spoke;

"It's just, the royals have already left. May I ask, what is your plan for now? Will you stay here until the ascension ceremony, or?"

"I do not plan to stay here. I came to the mortal plane to teach and explore. I would like to see the world with my own eyes, and so I will be leaving."

"So soon..." she whispered sadly.

"But I will be back. There is still the first Ascension ceremony for me to preside over, after all."

"I understand, my lord."

"For now, call Jon, Morena, and Wane over. I'll be personally teaching them for this week before I leave."

"Yes sir!" saying that Lana quickly rushed to summon the mages.

It didn't take long before all three of them were standing before me. Lana was a bit to the side, her eyes darted about as she wanted to say something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"May I have the honor of attending your lesson, my lord?"

I nodded "I don't mind."

"Thank you!" she hastily thanked me and edged closer to the trio.

"As you might have heard, I will be leaving soon. I do not know if I will come back before the time for the Ascension ceremony. And so, I will take this week to try and help you further your connection to the mana stream and understand your powers. Remember, you are the future pillars of the magic world. You must carry yourselves in a way that befits your status. You should be strong, but just. Wise and brave. Creative but responsible." I paused and stared at each one of them before I continued;

"You will pioneer this era and will lead your race. Whether that will be a good or a bad thing, is yet to be seen. Do not expect me to intervene in your matters, I am nothing but a guide. The road you choose is up to you to carve. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my lord!" They all simultaneously shouted.

"Good, good. Then let us begin."

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