Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 212: The Celestial ranges

Chapter 212: The Celestial ranges

The next week was spent with me personally tutoring each one of the mages. The easiest to teach was without a doubt Morena due to our common element, while the hardest was Wane. I spent the entire week helping them hone their control over the mana, and tried to explain the feelings and some of the concepts behind it. Lana joined all of the lessons and kept her little notebook with her the whole time.

Time passed by relatively fast, and it was soon time for me to leave. My apprentices, I suppose it was right to call them so in a way, were reluctant to see me leave, but they understood that I had nothing left for me to do here, and so they paid their respects and waved me goodbye.

Lana, on the other hand, was out of character that day. She was very quiet with a heavy expression. I could sense her sad mood as I prepared to leave.

"My lord?" She called out.

"Hmm? What is it?" I asked.

"You are going to come back, right?"

"I am indeed planning to. I still have a ceremony to preside over."

Hearing that, Lana nodded and bowed her head in respect before speaking;

"I wish you good fortune in your travels, my lord. And I hope to see you soon."

"En," I nodded and turned my gaze to the head of the church. He was standing to the side with the rest of the priests and staff behind him.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Byron. I will not forget that."

"It was an honor to host you, my lord. We look forward to your return." The bald old man bowed followed by the priests and staff.

Giving everyone a final glance, I nodded and jumped to the sky. The ground shook as I took off and disappeared from their sight. It wasn't a very long trip, but still a meaningful one. With this chapter closed, I flew north to the borders of Tinada.

My first stop was the mountain range called 'The celestial ranges'. I did my research before my trip, and I was already quite familiar with the geography of the mortal plane.

The celestial ranges were the barriers and borders that once separated Piya from Tinada and Rimor. It spans for hundreds of kilometers, between the three, now two kingdoms, stretching across vast landscapes and was surrounded by dense forests and rolling hills. The mountains themselves are massive and towering, with peaks that reach towards the sky and valleys that dip below the clouds.

I stared in wonder at the sight below as I slowly flew by, taking in the whole scenery. To the mortals, the celestial ranges are shrouded in mystery and legend, with stories of ancient races that are said to reside within the peaks. These races are said to be powerful and wise, guarding the secrets of the mountains and treasures that lie within.

I, however, already knew the truth. There were no ancient races, no anything of sorts. There was instead a number of small communities of Elves and Demons scattered across the mountain range. They lived away from the human nations that discriminated against and enslaved them.

Similar communities could be found all across the plane. They live in hidin and avoid interacting with the outside world. A few Dragon blessed regularly bring news of such communities and their movements.

Some were peaceful, while others seem to have been preparing for a revolution, for a very long time. It was interesting. I thought as I scanned the sight below.

The peaks of the Celestial ranges were lined with glittering gems and metals, and the valleys were filled with crystal-clear rivers and streams. The air was crisp and pure, making me close my eyes in contentment. The vistas were breathtaking, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

I continued my slow flight as I enjoyed the sights. On a whim, I decided to land on one of the peaks for the night. The sun was already setting in the distance, so I decided to rest here.

As I perch atop the mountain peak, surrounded by the majestic Celestial ranges , I watch as the sun dips below the horizon and the sky transforms into a canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples. The sight is mesmerizing, and I am filled with a sense of awe and peace.

I spread my wings and feel the cool mountain air rush over my scales. From this height, I can see for miles and miles, taking in the rolling hills, dense forests, and glittering streams that surround me. It is a breathtaking view, and I find myself grateful for this moment of peace.

As the last light of day fades and the stars begin to twinkle overhead, I find myself reflecting on my place in this world. I am a dragon, I am supposed to be a protector of this land, of this world, a being of magic and power. I bask in the light of the setting sun contemplating and gathering my thoughts before I curl my tail around me and call it a day.


My name is Halbor, I am an elf chief of the moon tribe that lives hidden amongst the peaks of the Celestial range. The humans don't dare pursue us this deep into the mountains, and so we lived in peace, undisturbed and tucked away from the world for the past years.

Today, however, I witnessed a sight that has never before graced these mountains. A massive blue dragon descended from the sky, its mighty wings spreading wide as it landed atop one of the tallest peaks. I was filled with wonder at the sight of this magnificent creature, and I felt a stirring deep within my heart.

For years, I have seen the plight of my people and the suffering they endure. Different tribes seek to restore our previous place in the world, yet despite their best efforts, we are unable to protect ourselves from the humans that seek to harm us. We have even reached a mutual understanding between the Demons, but our numbers are too small to pose a threat, so we retreated from the world. Waiting for our chance. And so, as I watched the dragon land, I felt a glimmer of hope.

I only knew of dragons what legends spoke of, that they are powerful creatures, with magic and knowledge beyond what most could imagine. Their strength surpasses that of the gods. Still, as I gazed at the distant mountain peak, a wild thought rose in my heart. Perhaps this dragon could help us, I thought. Perhaps it could bring an end to the suffering of my people and help us reclaim our rightful place in the world.

And so, with a heavy heart and a trembling hand, I set off towards the peak where the dragon had landed. I do not know what I will find when I reach the top, but I am filled with determination and a fierce hope. I will ask the dragon for its help, and I pray that it will listen to my words and lend its aid to our cause. Many would call me foolish, but this was not a chance I wanted to miss. I did not want to regret my inaction in the future.

"Heavens, help me."

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