Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 218: Far away battle

Chapter 218: Far away battle

We sat around the fire, the mercenaries still in awe of my presence. They asked me questions about my life, about my magic, about the tales they had heard of me. I answered them as best I could, trying to dispel some of their fears.

As the night wore on, I found myself surprisingly enjoying their company. I recounted some of the stories of my past, of battles I had fought. They listened intently, their eyes sparkling with wonder.

Then they shared some stories of their own. As the night continued, the mercenaries grew more and more comfortable with my presence. They shared their dreams, their hopes for the future, and their fears.

At some point, the relatively quiet rogue brought out what looked like a ukulele, and began to play a soft toon. Axel closed his eyes and started to sing a sweet melody. His voice was soothing which amazed me. I guess it was true that you could not judge a book by its cover.

At first, it was just a soft hum, barely audible over the sounds of the instrument. But as we continued on, his voice grew stronger, filling the surroundings with a gentle melody.

His song was soft and soothing, like a lullaby. The grass seemed to sway in time with his music, and the rustling of the leaves sounded like applause.

"Softly, softly, through the night

We walk on, by the pale moonlight

The shadows flicker, dance and play

But fear not, for we'll find a way

Though the forest may be dark and deep

And the monster's breath may chill and creep

We'll stand strong, we'll stand tall

And we'll fight until we've conquered all

So walk on, my friends, with courage bright

And let us chase away the night

With every step, with every breath

We'll banish fear, and welcome in the light."


Eventually, the fire died down, and the mercenaries retired to their tents with a bow. They thanked me for joining them and wished me goodnight.

As I watched them disappear into their tents, I felt a pang of loneliness. I had not realized how much I missed the company of my cute little siblings, somehow, the silence of the night made me think of them.

I shook my head, glanced at the tents before I spread my wings, and took to the air. I took extra care and used the mana to not disturb the tents. The stars glittering above me. But as I soared into the night, I knew that I would remember the brave or foolish mercenaries that shared their fire with me.


Far away in a distant land. Trees that once stood tall and proud were now withered and dead, their leaves turned black and brittle. The skies were shrouded in an ominous fog, obscuring the sun and casting the land in perpetual twilight.

A palpable sense of fear hung over the land, as if a malevolent force was watching from the shadows, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims. The rivers tainted with a sickly green glow, their waters teeming with twisted and grotesque creatures that no one had ever seen before.

"It's here," Sidus spoke in a serious tone.

"Yes, I can tell," Immy nodded by his side.

The duo circled the land and scanned it from the sky above. Their eyes quickly caught sight of their target.

"That's one ugly Shade," Immy mumbled as she glanced at the massive creature that towered over the two siblings. It had a shadowy body with three gleaming red eyes, and a pair of horns that curved to the back of it's head.

She turned towards Sidus and asked, "Are you ready?"

He coldly harrumphed and replied, "You'd best not drag me down." Immy simply rolled her eyes and prepared for battle. Sidus was the one to start, he gathered dark mana around him. His eyes glowed with a malevolent light as he prepared to unleash his attack.

Immy, on the other hand, did not wait for her brother to attack. Instead, she called upon her own magic, summoning a beam of brilliant white light that shot from her horns towards the Shade. The light struck the creature, causing it to recoil and roar in anger.

Sidus seized the opportunity and unleashed his attack, directing tentacles made of shadows towards the creature in an attempt to bind it. The tentacles struck the shade, causing it to stagger, but the creature quickly recovered and shook them off before he charged toward Sidus with its sharp claws.

Immy seemed to sense the danger and quickly intervened, using her light magic to create a barrier between her brother and the shade. The barrier absorbed the creature's attack, but it was not strong enough to hold for long.

This, however, gave Sidus enough time to react and dodge, he then quickly willed his mana and summoned a dark dome that trapped the monster inside with the purpose of weakening its defenses, and causing its movements to slow and become less coordinated. Immy, meanwhile continued to attack with her light magic, striking the shade repeatedly with beams of radiant energy.

"Aim properly, what are you doing?!"

"Shut it! Your little tentacles are useless! At least I'm doing some damage!"

The duo continued their bickering but their attention was still on the shade. The monster released a thundering roar that shook off the dome and resumed its attack, striking the ground with its massive claws and causing the earth to shake as it sent out a wave of energy toward the siblings. Sidus and Immy, however, were already prepared and dodged and weaved, using their magic to evade the creature's attacks.

As the battle raged on, the ground below exploded as pits and craters appeared all over. The duo began to tire. The shade's attacks were relentless, and it seemed as though it would never be defeated. But the siblings refused to give up. They continued to fight, using their different types of magic to complement each other.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the shade fell to the ground. Its head was separated from its body by a well-calculated light blade from Immy. Sidus baited the monster and distracted it, while she dealt the final blow.

Sidus let out a low growl of satisfaction, while Immy breathed a sigh of relief.

"This was a youngling, right?" Sidus hesitantly asked.

Immy nodded her head in confirmation.

"Damn it."

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