Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 219: Six months later

Chapter 219: Six months later

My journey through the mortal lands continued in such a manner for the next few months. I did not get close to any large human settlement, although I did stumble upon the occasional small cities and villages.

I followed the large celestial mountain range, throughout the borders of Tinada and made my way to Rimor. Both countries shared a lot of similarities, so it was not that different. Another thing worth mentioning was that I did not come across another group of accommodating mercenaries.

It looked like Athena's group was the odd one. All of the other humans I've met or stumbled upon after that either directly collapsed, prostrated themselves in worship, and the occasional foolish ones that tried to test me.

As I reached Rimor and left the mountain range behind, I continued my journey following the sea route. I occasionally hunted for prey in the ocean and kept my eyes open for another sight of mana monsters.

Unfortunately, I did not come across another one again. This made me regret eating that monster even further. I didn't even get the chance to study it well and understand how it worked. All I knew was that it was made out of mana.

It almost looked like the elements took form. This intrigued me even more. Why did the elements take form in the first place? What was the reason for that? Did the monster have some special circumstances that caused it to be born? Or was it simply a coincidence?

I contemplated such thoughts as I traveled across Rimor and enjoyed the sights it had to offer. Occasionally a small battalion of knights would appear in the far distance, keeping an eye on me. I didn't mind, nor did I care. Their presence had no effect on my journey.

Along the way, I also attempted to find some suitable mage candidates, but my search did not bear fruit. I wasn't too disappointed, however, since I already had Halbor who took over the position of the final wind mage.

And so, after close to six months of leisurely traveling, I was ready to go back to host the ascension ceremony. I only managed to visit a small part of Rimor and Tinada, and still had the two empires Yador and Lumia, along with the Zasal dynasty to visit. But first, I had to take care of this.

I stood atop a towering cliff, the vast ocean spreading out before me like an endless expanse of blue. The waves crashed against the rocks below, their rhythmic sound a soothing lullaby to my ears. I could feel a deep connection to the ocean, its power, and mystery calling to me. No matter how long it has been since I first mastered my control over mana, the feeling was still as fascinating as ever.

For a moment, I bask in the beauty of the scene before me, the salty air filling my lungs and the sun warming my scales. But the urge to fly takes hold of me, and I can no longer resist the temptation to take to the skies.

With a mighty leap, I launch myself from the cliff's edge and spread my wings, feeling the rush of wind beneath them. As I soar higher and higher, the ocean below becomes a blur of blue, and the world seems to shrink beneath me.

For a moment, I simply revel in the feeling of freedom that flying brings, the wind whipping past my face and the power of my wings carrying me ever forward. My heart swells with joy at the sensations and a smile overtakes my face.

"Well, I best hurry. I wouldn't want to be late when I'm the one hosting the ceremony," I chuckled and flapped my wings, covering a large distance with each second. It wouldn't take long before I arrive.


A day later, I find myself flying over a familiar mountain range. The church was still the same, and the platform was there as well, albeit some changes have been made since my last visit.

An arena of sorts was built to the west of the platform, with stands that could accommodate a large number of people. It looked like an open coliseum of sorts, except a bit smaller.

'Hmm, so that's where they'll host the games,' I nodded in thought as I circled the area far above in the sky. No one seemed to notice my presence just yet, and I took that opportunity to further scan the camp.

The tall pillar was now surrounded by a fence of sorts. It looks like the church personnel were treating it like a holy ground. Two soldiers even stood guard around it. A bit further behind the church, standing on top of a different peak each, were three impressive mansions.

I could roughly guess who were the owners of said mansions. It looked like my 'apprentices' were enjoying the benefits of being the first 'transcendent' mages. Still, I had to admit I was impressed by how fast everything was built. In just six months, everything was already looking this good.

After inspecting the camp for a bit longer, my curiosity was finally satisfied and I shot down toward the platform. My huge body cast a large shadow on the ground as I approached. Gasps could be heard from the servants and people below as they watched me land with a loud bang. A cloud of dust rose as I settled on top of the platform and released a deep roar that shook the mountain range. I couldn't help it.

The servants, priests, and soldiers, it mattered not for all of them fell to their knees in fear and awe. A small part of me felt satisfied at the sight. Very quickly after that, the bald priest hurried over in nimble steps.

"Welcome back my lord!" He greeted me with his head first. I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I apologize for bothering you as soon as you came, b-but an elf that called himself Halbor came a week ago and proclaimed himself your 4th apprentice, the wind mage."

I nodded once more and replied, "That is correct. He could indeed be considered my fourth apprentice."

The old man's eyes widened slightly in surprise before he nodded in understanding, "I understand my lord. Sir Halbor already left and is staying a few mountains away from here along with a group of his people. They did not want to stay here together with the rest of us, as there were some... Tensions."

"No matter, come first tell me of the preparation you have made."

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