Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 308: A space battle

Chapter 308: A space battle

With our alliance forged, we prepared to immerse ourselves in the chaotic dance of combat. Drawing stood atop the platform for a while, replenishing her mana reserves and healing her wounds. Her gaze studied us with a hint of interest before she spoke;

"But I must say, you sure are one strange group. Two pillars of existence, and a Goddess," she chuckled.

Acknowledging the dragoness's observation, I offered a faint smile in response. "We bring together different aspects of power and strength to face the common enemy," I replied, my tone reflecting a sense of understanding.

Breta's divine presence and abilities, coupled with the raw might and ferocity of Sidus and myself, created a formidable combination. Dralina's chuckle echoed through the air, a hint of amusement coloring her voice. "Well, Nythoria has seen its fair share of unconventional alliances, but yours certainly stands out. It will be interesting to witness the dynamics at play."

With a nod, I acknowledged her words. As we prepared to descend into the fray, any differences would fade into insignificance in the chaos of the battlefield. Dralina seemed satisfied as she spoke; "The only advice I'd give you younglings, is to stay off the edge of the battlefield. Don't stray too far alone, the Shades love to isolate and prey on individual Dragons. And unless you are absolutely confident in your strength, I wouldn't go to the front of the battlefield either, instead, perhaps it would be wiser for you to stay behind and observe things first as you get a feeling for the battle."

Acknowledging the dragoness's advice, I nodded in understanding. "Thank you for your guidance, Dralina. We will heed your words and exercise caution."

Understanding the importance of unity and strategic positioning, I knew that venturing too far alone could leave one vulnerable to the Shades' tactics. The battlefield here was a different one compared to what we have experienced in Valtariel.

Dralina nodded in approval, her eyes filled with a mix of confidence and wariness. "Good. I can see you have a level head on your shoulders. Trust in your instincts, rely on each other, and adapt swiftly to the changing tides of battle. Nythoria needs every capable defender it can get."

With her final words of encouragement, the dragoness spread her wings and took off, soaring back into the fray to join her comrades in the ongoing battle. As her form disappeared into the distance, I turned to Sidus and Breta, their determination mirrored in their eyes.

With renewed determination, we descended into the raging battlefield, ready to face the onslaught of Shades alongside the dragons. Sidus suddenly glanced at me and asked, "We can freely use our elements here, right brother?"

A wide grin extended across my draconic face as I nodded, "Why yes, not dear brother. Show them hell!"

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Sidus unleashed a mighty roar, his body shimmering with dark energy. Shadows twisted and coiled around him, amplifying his power. His claws extended, crackling with dark mana, and his wings flapped with newfound strength as he stepped off the platform.

"Hahaha!" Sidus laughed, his voice resonating through the platform before he left. In a swift motion, he dove into the midst of the Shades, slashing through their ranks with ferocity. Dark tendrils lashed out from his form, ensnaring and disintegrating his enemies, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.

The countless dragons at the back of the battlefield exchanged bewildered glances as they observed the newcomer. Sidus, unbothered by their curiosity, allowed his dark energy to expand, enveloping him like a shroud. His form melded effortlessly with the shadows, making him appear like a creature born of darkness itself.

The dragons watched in awe as Sidus seamlessly moved through the battlefield, his movements fluid and graceful. Shadows twisted and coiled around him, responding to his will, amplifying his power. With each strike, his claws crackled with dark lightning, unleashing devastating blows upon the encroaching Shades.

Sidus seemed to relish in the chaos and destruction, as if he had found his natural habitat amidst the vast expanse of space. The darkness became his ally, empowering him to deliver swift and merciless justice to the enemy. His presence sent ripples of fear and unease among the Shades, who struggled to comprehend the depth of his power.

As he navigated through the battlefield, the darkness seemed to guide his every move, allowing him to strike with precision and efficiency. He was like a phantom, disappearing into the shadows and reappearing where least expected. His adversaries stood no chance against his relentless assault.

The other dragons watched with a mixture of admiration and surprise as Sidus proved himself to be a formidable force. His command over the darkness elements was undeniable, and his mastery of the battlefield was awe-inspiring. It was clear that Sidus had found his true element, thriving amidst the vast expanse of space and utilizing the power of darkness to its fullest potential.

As I watched over him from afar, I couldn't help but nod in satisfaction. It was clear that Sidus had truly embraced his affinity for darkness, transcending the boundaries of conventional dragon abilities. In the vastness of space, he seemed to have found his element.

Beside me, Breta radiated divine energy, her form suddenly began to glow as she grew back to her normal massive size. She raised her spear high, calling upon the strength of her divine energy. A beam of intense radiance shot forth out of the platform, piercing through the darkness of space and straight through the enemy's defenses, purging their malevolent essence.

She turned to glance at me for a second before speaking; "Are you just going to stand there, smiling like an idiot? Or are you going to come?" Saying that her body turned into a beam of light that shot toward the battlefield.

"Hahaha!" My laughter echoed through the platform, a wild and exhilarating sound that matched the intensity of the battlefield. The explosions and flashes of light illuminated my draconic form, casting an otherworldly glow upon my scales. I reveled in the spectacle before me, the symphony of spells colliding, and the sight of magic permeating the space.

With each passing moment, the exhilaration coursed through my veins, electrifying every fiber of my being. The thrill of the coming fight consumed me, erasing any trace of fear or doubt. And so, I let myself go. My form shot forth with unmatched speed as my claws sliced through the very fabric of space, leaving trails of sparkling energy in their wake. I unleashed all of my elemental powers with abandon, channeling the raw essence of mana from my soul space into devastating attacks.

Amidst the chaos, I danced through the mayhem, dodging enemy attacks with lightning-fast reflexes. My movements were a blur, a symphony of grace and power. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. The bloodlust within me drove me forward, pushing me to seek out new adversaries and conquer them with unmatched ferocity.

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