Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 309: Claws & Teeth

Chapter 309: Claws & Teeth

The battlefield became my playground, a canvas for me to paint with the vivid hues of destruction. I reveled in the sights of explosions, the expressions of the defeated, and the symphony of battle. It was as if I had tapped into an ancient primal energy, an untamed force that surged within me, urging me to unleash my true potential.

There was no room for hesitation or doubt. I this moment, I embraced my primal nature, unleashing the full extent of my power. With every strike, I fueled my hunger for victory, relishing in the chaos I created. The rush of battle was intoxicating, fueling my every move and driving me to push beyond my limits.

I refrained from tapping into my cosmic mana or unleashing my poison element. I knew that once I did, the very fabric of the battlefield would shift, and the tides would turn in our favor. But for now, I wanted to savor the raw sensation of tearing through the Shades with my claws and sinking my teeth into their flesh. I craved the tactile experience, the visceral connection with my primal instincts. It might not have been the most strategic decision, but in that moment, my primal nature took over, and I relinquished control.

Every swipe of my claws sent shards of darkness flying, slicing through the enemy ranks with deadly precision. The satisfaction of rending flesh and feeling the resistance of their bodies against my talons was unmatched. I relished in the sensation of raw power coursing through my muscles, propelling me forward with every lunge and every pounce.

The taste of victory was sweet, and the scent of their disgusting aura filled my nostrils, igniting a primal hunger within me. It was as if a dormant beast had awakened, thirsting for the thrill of the hunt. The adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. I could see the terror in ther eyes of the Shades as I tore through their ranks, their futile attempts to defend themselves only fueling my hunger.

In this primal state, I was one with the chaos of the battlefield. I fought alongside my dragon brethren, our movements fluid and coordinated, a symphony of feral grace. The combined might of our claws and teeth carved a path of destruction, leaving a trail of fallen enemies in our wake. We moved as a single entity, each of us driven by our primal instincts, united in our insatiable thirst for victory.

As the battle raged on, my senses continued to heighten, attuned to the ebb and flow of the conflict. I could feel the vibrations of each impact, the reverberations of spells colliding. The taste of victory was within reach, and I reveled in the exhilaration of the hunt.

But deep within me, I knew that my true power lay dormant, waiting to be unleashed. The cosmic mana and the poison element were like dormant volcanoes, ready to erupt and reshape the battlefield.

Just then a Shade suddenly lunged at me from behind, only for a colossal brown dragon to intercept the attack with a mighty swat, sending the enemy sprawling. The space around us trembled as the dragon unleashed a barrage of earth spells, causing the elements to rise and ensnare the hapless Shade. Without missing a beat, the dragon followed up with a devastating dragon breath attack, a torrent of scorching flames that engulfed the enemy in a fiery inferno.

I was momentarily taken aback by the dragon's efficacity and the swift manner in which he dispatched the Shade. Before I could even utter a word of gratitude, he simply nodded in acknowledgment and swiftly moved on, his attention already focused on his next target. It was a testament to the ferocity and efficiency of the dragons in this battle.

"Why are you still playing around for?" Breta's voice resonated in my mind, her divine power allowing her words to traverse the vast expanse of space. I turned my attention towards her radiant figure, moving with grace and purpose amidst the chaos. Her presence held a special aura, as she was the only celestial being in this battlefield, the only Goddess.

With each graceful movement, Shades fell before her, vanishing into ethereal ashes that dissipated into the emptiness of space. Her divine energy surged through her, a beacon of light and purity in the midst of darkness. She was a force to be reckoned with, her existence a testament to the power of the divine.

Not wanting to be outdone by a Goddess and my little brother, I reallined my focus, and cast aside the temporary thrill of combat and embraced the weight of our mission once more. My battles became more calculated, each strike and maneuver executed with precision and purpose. As I fought alongside the others, I channeled the untapped potential within me, allowing my cosmic mana to surge forth from within my soul space in a controlled manner.

As the cosmic mana surged within me, its raw power radiated outward, causing a ripple of astonishment and awe among the combatants on the battlefield. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble in response, as if acknowledging the arrival of a force beyond comprehension. All eyes turned towards me, drawn to the pulsating energy that enveloped my being.

The ethereal thread that connected me to the cosmic forces of the universe now appeared stronger, weaving through space with an otherworldly intensity. The sheer magnitude of the cosmic energy emanating from me created a hushed stillness in the midst of battle. Dragons, Shades, and Breta, my Goddess friend, all felt the potent danger that radiated from my transformed state.

The once chaotic and relentless battle momentarily paused, as if frozen in time, as everyone present recognized the imminent eruption of power. The battlefield had witnessed formidable fighters and mighty creatures, but the manifestation of my cosmic mana ignited a collective sense of reverence and trepidation.

A vibrant purple glow bathed my scales, casting an otherworldly hue that accentuated the ethereal nature of the cosmic energy coursing through me. It was a sight that captivated the onlookers, a visual representation of the immense power at my disposal.

In that moment, I felt a surge of confidence and purpose. With the cosmic mana granting me a connection with the very essence of existence. Amidst the hushed silence, a silent understanding passed between the combatants. The Shades, once fierce adversaries, now recognized the overwhelming might that stood before them. The dragons, awe-inspiring in their own right, acknowledged the arrival of a being whose power surpassed their own.

Dralina who was fighting in the front of the battlefield turned her gaze my way and grinned savagely.

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