Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 206: Lord-Level Slaughter

Chapter 206: Lord-Level Slaughter

The moment the final barrier fell, the Lords sprang into action. Their teams followed a beat later, roaring out war cries.

Chaos descended instantly.

Chotu turned into a golden giant and collided with Bocor, who barely held his ground. The ice witch sent vines of ice to grow around Vocrich, whose darkness devoured them. Kareenas silver light extinguished the darkness, however, letting the ice vines penetrate Vocrichs defenses. He twisted away, suffering several nicks and cuts. The dryads healing powers focused on him in the next moment, healing him.

After smashing a palm strike into Bocors chest and sending him flying away, Chuto laughed. He took a step forward to stand before Longsword, an unmovable golden giant. Before him, Longsword seemed tiny. Yet, when he slashed out, the Dao radiating from his sword filled the air.

Out of my way! he shouted. Magic enhanced the blade as it bit into the giants palm, which hed raised to defend. Golden blood spurted out. The sword cut halfway through the palm. It was stopped, however, and Chuto only laughed as Kareenas silver light healed his wound.

You arent getting past me! he shouted in defiance. Longsword snorted.

Behind them, near the crooked tree that held the Dao Sprouting Pill, Priya was clashing against Minerva, who was riding her white wolf into battle. Each of the two was giving it their all, not letting the other rush towards the fruit.

A palm strike that carried the sun landed on the wolfs side. At the same time, the sparrow flew through Priyas defenses, diamond wingtips slashing her skin open. Suddenly, Minervas turtle fell from the sky and landed before the Exploding Sun Lady, cutting her off.

Priyas eyes shone. You can try! She growled. The temperature rose drastically. Flames shot out of her orifices, forming a radiant ball of fire around her. Flame tongues licked Priyas surroundings, focusing on the turtles shell and boiling it alive.

The turtle screamed. Its stubby legs emerged and quickly carried it away, letting Priya storm through. The sparrow chirped and made a wide circle, no longer daring to approach her.

A man of shadow, however, stood in her path. Going all out already? he asked. His tuxedo unraveled into countless shadows, hugging his skin tightly and revealing the scale armor underneath. The shadows then expanded into a sphere around him, submerging the world into cold darkness.

Hmph. So what if I go all out? Priya replied proudly. You cannot stand against me, Vocrich!

The ball of fire rammed into the darkness. They warred for a moment. Tongues of flames and tendrils of darkness wrapped around each other, snuffing themselves out. Soon, the flames gained the advantage. Vocrich could not beat Priyabut he could hold his ground for a little while. He could delay her.

Priya shouted. Her flames intensified, but she still needed some time to get through. Minerva was free to advance on the fruit.

Seeing this, Chuto, the golden giant, stepped aside. Lord Longsword darted past him, swinging his blade through the air and shooting out a long black streak directly where Minerva was headed. A whip of green energy came from the side like an enraged vine, clashing with Longswords slash head-on. The vines were sliced in half, but the slash was sent off-course, veering into the ground and carving a wide swath of earth before dissipating.

Longsword screamed in outrage, but he was still too far away. In such a fast-paced battle, even a hundred feet could seem like an unbridgeable chasm.

Minervas followers had delayed the other two Lords. She had a clear shot at the tree. Already, she was rushing there atop her wolf, her dark clothes striking a contrast against its white fur.

The Dao Sprouting Pill was within grasp.

Stop right there!

Two different powers merged together and came at Minerva from the front, forcing her to stop and dart aside. Kareena and the ice witch stood side-by-side right in front of the tree, cooperating in the face of a common enemy. Ones eyes shone silver and the others white as both unleashed the full extent of their power on the Lady.

Even though they were standing right next to the tree, followers were not allowed to touch the fruit. Only Lords had that right.

Tubes of ice grew from the ice witchs fingertips. They kept growing through the air, pushing their spike tips forward, lengthening while their body remained stationary. Soon, they formed a net that closed in on Lady Minerva. Kareenas ponytail began to float as a silver halo materialized around her head, resembling the brilliance of a full moon. Minerva wincedshe was suffering a soul attack.

The wolf, however, was not. It jumped to the side and ran away, narrowly escaping the ice net. The tubes unraveled, each chasing the wolf like they had a mind of their own. They were tipped with sharp spikes and grew rapidly, filling the space where they passed.

But the wolf was an Elite E-Grade beast. It jumped between the tubes, dodging their sharp ends and forcing them to circle around. It stepped on their bodies, frozen in place as they were, snaked between them, and leaped over them. The ice witch hurriedly abandoned these tubes, forgoing their floating properties and letting them crash to the ground, as new ones shot out of her shoulders.

But she was too late. The wolf had leaped into the air, heading directly for the crooked tree.

A golden giant jumped before it. One palm was wide open and drawn back, shining brilliantly. Stand down! Chuto shouted, and smashed the wolf.

It had nowhere to dodge. The palm fell on it like a mountain, neutralizing its forward momentum and nailing it to the ground like a spiked volleyball. A pained cry came from the wolf, which struggled to stand back up.

Minerva, however, was not there. She had recovered from Kareenas soul attack as Chutos palm came crashing down, and she jumped up, over the palm, flying into the air. Chuto looked upward. His entire golden body shone brightly enough to blind her, but she only closed her eyes. Her hands were stretched upward.

But Minerva could not fly. She was defenseless.

The ice witchs sharp-tipped tubes arrived then, growing from below her like a bamboo forest.

The sparrow flew over Lady Minerva. It grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her along, clearing the spikes and passing over the golden giant. She was directly above the tree now. The sparrow dove.

A black slash carved the ground as it headed her way. A green whip rose againthe dryads powerbut it was not enough. The black slash cut right through it, maintaining over half of its power as it crashed into Minerva. It was so fast that even the sparrow couldnt help her dodge in time.

Minerva was flung backward like a ragdoll. She turned three times around herself mid-air and spat out blood, but green healing energy surrounded her, and she instantly regained her bearings.

Just in time, too. Bocor had taken to the air, attempting to spike her into the ground with his tower shield like the golden giant had spiked the wolf. Minerva sharply turned her head. Before Bocor could look away, they had crossed eyes.

He almost instantly frothed at the mouth. His Dao crumbled. His shield lost its strength, and his body began to fall without ever striking out.

To add insult to injury, Lady Minerva landed on his chest feet-first and used him as a platform to jump to the ground, sending him flying away.

Jack didnt see what Minerva did next, because all hell was breaking loose around the scrawny tree. Longswords blade clashed against Priyas palm mid-air. A sun erupted, sliced in half by a dark line. The point of impact detonated. Flames and sword slashes flew everywhere, random discharges of energy that could rend the ground and slice the mist.

None of the two were blown back. They couldnt fly, either. They stayed close to each other and kept exchanging strikes as they fell. Palms fell like boulders, and Longswords sword moved like a snake. Despite its length, which made it inconvenient for close combat, it had a sharp blade more threatening that Priyas bare palms.

Suns blossomed and were diced apart. Black slashes melted before the sun. The air shimmered around them. Longswords tattered cloak billowed like it was caught in a hurricane, and his long hair floated behind his face, making him look demonic.

Priyas entire body was glowing with heat. Her tanned skin had taken on a reddish hue, and her palms were glowing white like hot iron. Every time she clashed against Longswords blade, sparks flew, and a wave of heat spread in the direction of her attack.

Lordsword couldnt pierce her bare palms.

While the two were embroiled in combat, their followers clashed below, each wrestling for control of the trees immediate area for when the Lords landed. The ice witch filled the air with sharp tubes, which wobbled and fell apart where Kareenas silver aura shone. Chutos golden radiance was overshadowed by Vocrichs long mantle of shadows. Since Bocor remained unconscious, the vampire had come to even the playing ground until his Lady arrived. He couldnt let any of the other two Lords claim the fruit.

This all takes a long time to describe, but it happened in the span of three, maybe four seconds. From the time the barrier fell to now, only a tiny amount of time had passed. Jacks jaw threatened to drop at the level of battle he was watching. Everybody here was extremely strong, a genius in their own right, matching Rufus Emberheart in ferocity. They had excellent battle awareness, too. He struggled to find mistakes in any exchange he witnessed, and everyone reacted appropriately to all situations, making it hard for anyone else to find an opening.

Before he knew it, Jacks blood was boiling. This was it. This was the level he aspired to reach. The highest plain he could stand on. The very summit of power. These people were his opponents.

Battle lust flooded his mind. His fists sang with the Dao, and an oppressive aura billowed out of him, raising dust, upsetting the mist, and drawing everyones glances despite the heated battle at the very front.

Jack was watching a battle of demi-gods. He didnt know if he could fight against them, but he wanted to try so very badly. His lips wouldnt stop grinning. His skin wouldnt stop shivering.

He was overwhelmed by desire to battle. To prove himself. To test his might.

There was no sense waiting anymore. He reached into his pocket and crushed the experience crystal. An aura of power flooded his body harder than hed ever felt before. He felt his state of being rise meteorically. His battle lust was heightened into ecstasy by the many level-ups.

Level up! You have reached Level 98.

Level up! You have reached Level 99.

Level up! You have reached Level 100.

Level up! You have reached Level 101.

Level up! You have reached Level 102.

Level up! You have reached Level 103.

Level up! You have reached Level 104.

Level up! You have reached Level 105.

Level up! You have reached Level 106.

Level up! You have reached Level 107.

Level up! You have reached Level 108.

Level up! You have reached Level 109.

Level up! You have reached Level 110.

Level up! You have reached Level 111.

Level up! You have reached Level 112.

Level up! You have reached Level 113.

Level up! You have reached Level 114.

Level up! You have reached Level 115.

Level up! You have reached Level 116.

Level up! You have reached Level 117.

Level up! You have reached Level 118.

Level up! You have reached Level 119.

Level up! You have reached Level 120.

Level up! You have reached Level 121.

Level up! You have reached Level 122.

Level up! You have reached Level 123.

Level up! You have reached Level 124.

A cascade of levels. A cascade of blue screens. A battle of epic proportions before his very eyes, and the ticket to greatness at the tips of his fingers. What better time to be alive? What better way to live?

In just a moment, Jack had reached the peak of the E-Grade. There was even a bit more energy which dissipated as his body refused to accept it.

He didnt even know how many stat points he had available. He didnt care. It didnt matter. With a thought, all of them went to Physical, split equally between Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. There was no time for finer calculations. The battle for the Top Treasure could end at any moment. He had to join now.

Amidst the battle, everyone glanced in his direction. Even the Lords stopped fighting for a moment. Priyas eyes widened. Longswords narrowed. The golden giant, wrapped in shadows as he was, laughed. Come! he shouted, and his voice shook the air.

Jack blood had been replaced by lightning. He had never felt such a surge of power before, except for the time hed absorbed the Life Drop. In a single moment, he had transformed. He spared a look for his screen, simply to admire the numbers.

Here I come! he shouted.

And, with a laughing roar, jumped into the fray.

Name: Jack Rust

Species: Human, Earth-387

Faction: Bare Fist Brotherhood (E)

Grade: E

Class: Fiend of the Iron Fist (Elite)

Level: 124

Strength: 575

Dexterity: 525

Constitution: 545

Mental: 50

Will: 100

Skills: Ghost Step I

Dao Skills: Indomitable Body III, Meteor Punch III, Iron Fist Style II, Brutalizing Aura I

Daos: Perfect Dao Seed of the Fist (peak), Dao Root of Indomitable Will (fused), Dao Root of Life (fused), Dao Root of Power (fused)

Titles: Planetary Frontrunner (10), Planetary Torchbearer (1), Seventh Ring Conqueror

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