Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 207: Jack Joins the Fray

Chapter 207: Jack Joins the Fray

Jack jumped into the fray with a laughing roar. He could finally see the Lords movements clearly. Longswords slashes were readable. Priyas suns were no longer instant. The ice witchs tubes were slow.

He had finally done it. He was strong enough. He could fight these people head-to-head, and he wouldnt give up this opportunity for anything in the world.

Yes, he was a battle maniac. But so what?

Priya and Longsword exchanged another strike. Both used the momentum to fly back towards their respective camps.

Jack Rust! Longsword growled through gritted teeth. I knew I should have stopped you.

Dont do this, Priya warned.

Too late! Jack shouted. He was barreling forth like an angry bull. He could no longer be stopped. My apologies, Priya, but lets fight! Let the strongest cultivator win!

Even battle maniacs had a brain. In this case, Jack had a three-step plan to get the Top Treasure.

One, showcase his battle lust, so nobody would suspect he was holding back. After all, Lords were the apex existences in Trial Planet. Who would imagine that a random punching guy now had the same level of power?

Two, hide his real strength. Although he suspected he could fight Lords, he would pretend to be just an elite.

Three, erupt with his full strength the moment he found an opportunity and seize the fruitthe Dao Sprouting Pill.

Very simple. One-two-three. Couldnt go wrong, right?

Jack bounded into the fray with fists swinging and a wild smile on his face. The Lords exchanged a glance as Kareena and the ice witch, who had been clashing for a while, angled their battle to intercept Jack.

Bring it on! he shouted.

Suddenly, his world was filled with ice and purity. Sharp-tipped tubes grew around him like snakes whose bodies never moved, only lengthened. A sickening silver aura crashed down on his head, seeking to purify his mentality and turn him into a vegetable. One was a physical attack, the other a soul one. Moreover, both fought each other for ground as they enveloped Jack, and he was just lost between them.

Both Kareena and the ice witch were elites. Their strength was nothing to scoff at. A few moments ago, Jack would have been overwhelmed by either of these attacks and been forced to defend with all his might.

However, the present and the past were two very different things. He was strong now. Very strong. He just had to hide that.

Ah! he screamed as the ice tubes circled him like vultures. They grew at him, and he barely dodged, letting two nick his sides. He smashed a fist into a tubes body so they couldnt entrap him, watching it crumble from end to end. But there were more. The ice sought to surround him, growing around him and attacking from all directions, as the silver aura melted it in real time. It melted Jacks soul, too. He could feel his strength fading away like snow in the oven.

It was a very unpleasant feeling, similar to when he suppressed his own strength in the soul world to comprehend weakness. For the same reason, he wasnt flustered. He forced his Indomitable Will to stand down, letting the silver erode his soul. He let the weakness creep in. Let himself stumble.

An ice tube pierced into his thigh. He groaned as he punched its body, shattering it, but a bloody hole was left on his leg. He struggled to walk. His regeneration was hindered by the silver aura, too.

To all watchers, Jack looked to be in dire straits. Longsword and Priya tsked as they turned back towards each other and recommenced their battle. Both seemed convinced that Jack Rust wasnt a major threat, just an annoyance.

Of course, tricking them was not that simple. These people were all highly intelligent. Even if they thought him weak, they wouldnt just forget about him.

But he could work with that. Every step he took was a victory.

Meanwhile, Lady Minerva returned to the fray. She had abandoned her wolf and now rode a hulking hippopotamusalso an Elite beastwhich stomped through the battlefield to reach the fruit. The sparrow flew over her shoulder, and the turtle was approaching from the side, ready to intercept whoever tried to stop the Lady. The dryad rode the hippo, too, just behind Minerva. She would heal the beasts and make sure they kept fighting.

The battlefield was a swiftly changing environment. Chuto was locked in combat against Vocrich. The clash between Kareena and the ice witch had reached a climax, not letting either disengage, and Jack was trapped between them. Longsword and Priya were fighting each other near the fruit, unable to approach further without revealing an opening. Sun-clad palms met the long blade. Suns were torn apart. Dark slashes were immolated.

As Minerva charged at the fruit, surrounded by beasts and backed by a healer, the other two Lords exchanged a glance. At the same time, they turned and charged to intercept her.

The turtle threw itself in the way, blocking Longswords slash with its shell. The sparrow flew at Priya, maneuvering around her palms to strike from behind. Its burnt feathers and the turtles cracked shell were repaired by the dryad as the hippo barreled forth unstoppably.

A sun and a blade crossed before it. The hippo groaned as a deep wound was cauterized on its forehead, and it was forced to slow down, but it remained a formidable threat. The sparrow kept circling Priya at blinding speed. One mistake would end with her throat torn. The turtle stubbornly remained before Longsword, blocking as many of his slashes as possible.

The three Lords were finally embroiled in an all-out battle. Minerva seemed to be the superior one, but the other two were working together to keep her at bay. They were exchanging time for the blood of her beasts, of which she had a lot. Obviously, they were winning. Two Lords against one Lord and an Elite was just too good of a matchup.

As their battle mounted, and everyone was busy fighting their own opponents, Jack saw his chance.

Suddenly, he roared, unleashing more of his strength. The silver aura was held at bay for a moment as Brutalizing Aura erupted from his body, sapping the ice tubes of their strength. He put his head down and charged like a bull, smashing punches in front of him to clear the way. He ghost-stepped, too. Amidst a shower of ice shards, he escaped the battle between Kareena and the ice witch, who couldnt follow this time, or they would have to expose themselves to their opponent.

He remained injured, at least on the surface, so he didnt seem like much of a threat. However, he was now much closer to the fruit. Someone had to stop him.

Chuto and Vocrich growled at the same time. Chuto smashed a golden palm into the shadows, banishing them and sending them flying towards the central Lord battle, where Vocrich could assist his Lady and balance out the battle. The golden giant had to stop Jack, so he conceded this advantage.

He turned and charged at Jack. You caused me a lot of trouble, brother! he roared, laughing. But I just have to beat you fast enough. Let Chuto, the golden giant, measure your strength!

Jack grinned wildly. All that stood between him and the fruit was this man, who the rest were convinced could stop him for a good while, if not beat him soundly.

Step two, hiding his strength, was complete. Nowit was time for step three. Reveal it.

A golden palm fell towards Jack. For the first time, he felt the pressure. He was standing up to the full might of an Elite. His knees wanted to bulk. His neck tingled, and his hair rose. But all those were remnants of the past. Fears left over from when he was weak.

The palm was large enough to cover the sky, easily as wide as he was tall. It fell on him like a tumbling cloud. Jack clenched his fist and felt the power brewing inside. His Dao was singing. It had been suppressed long enough. Now, it was time to fight. Time to punch. Time to battle!

The golden palm fell on Jack.

Its radiance disappeared. Time slowed down. All sound and color was sucked under the massive palm, where a single clenched fist shone purple, a meteor about to crash. It was pulsing with incredible power. Even Jack didnt know how strong this new Meteor Punch was.

The world held its breath. The giant palm crashed down. Jack stepped hard and smashed out with all his power, forgoing defense. A single purple fist in a world of darkness, illuminating the way forward.

And the world exploded. Color and sound erupted from the point of impact. Everything shook.

The golden palm was broken. Chutos gigantic body was sent flying back, blood spurting from his mouth, like hed been struck by a moving train. Jacks feet had formed craters on the ground, but he still stood. His hand was shaking. The knuckles were cracked. He felt exhaustion for a moment before the feeling of overwhelming power returned.

He stood there, with his fist outstretched, as the golden giant rolled to the ground a hundred feet away. His previous wounds were closing at increased speed until he was good as new.

Everyone had fallen silent. The battle had paused. Every eye in Trial Garden was aimed at Jack Rust, who had just proven he could stand on this stage. The greatest stage.

He was a Lord.

Longswords gaze turned serious. Priyas, elated, but also conflicted. Minervas, calculating. All three of them now viewed Jack as an equal. For the first time, they genuinely took notice of him.

And Jack couldn't stop his smile from spreading. His hand regenerated. The cracks closed. His expended stamina didnt return, but he still had plenty. He could easily shoot two or three more Meteor Punches, if needed.

He raised his head at the sky and laughed.

I am here! he shouted. Fight me, Lords! May the strongest win!

He didnt know how he stacked up against the other Lords. Their Daos were of a similar caliber as his. So were their titles, probably, but he had no followers, while each of them had two.

Most importantly, however, he was too close to the fruit. Nobody expected him to get past Chuto so quickly. This was the opening he needed.

Strength gathered in his legs. He shot out. Ghost Step flashed, carrying him forward. Everybody tried to react, but they didnt have time to stop him. The fruit was his.

In the Lord battle, Longswords eyes suddenly hardened. He stopped defending against the hippo. Instead, he jumped into the air and crossed his arms, letting the pink head smash into him with all its strength. He went flying so fast and so hard that he spat out blood. Yet, mid-air, he rotated and reoriented his body. He was flying at Jack. He had been hit on purpose to make it in time.

Jack Rust could not be allowed to get the pill.

Longsword crash-landed and jumped up. He was close to the fruit, actually. If he just defeated Jack, he would get it. At the same time, Minerva redoubled her efforts. Flanked by Vocrich and the dryad, they were swiftly overwhelming Priya, who had fallen at a great disadvantage but didnt even have time to disengage. Chuto spat blood and stood back up, rushing to help his Lady, but even he could only delay the inevitable. They were just outmatched, and Kareena was locked in another combat.

If a winner appeared quickly between Jack and Longsword, that person would get the fruit. If not, Minerva would.

Jack focused on his opponent. Finally, he could face this Lord on equal ground. Ive been looking forward to this, he said, cracking his knuckles. Come, Longsword. Lets see how you fare without impossible stats.

See, and die, Longsword retorted. His black blade split the sky. It swung around like a whip and flew at Jack tip-first. Like the last time theyd met, his skill with the blade was superb. He was wielding it as naturally as his arms.

Unlike last time, however, Jack could keep up. And he, too, took pride in his skills.

He leaned back, letting the blade sail over his nose. He ducked and charged. He couldnt fight Longsword at long range. Up-close and personal was the way to go.

Longsword was no joke. He jumped back, accelerating his slashes. The world was filled with dark blades that reached for Jacks neck. He felt the pressure of a Lord. It was more than he expected. Just like the time he fought Rufus Emberheart, he felt suppressed, his power and skill matched to their very limits.

There was a certain feeling to fighting like this. It was completely unlike any other enemies he had faced. Completely different from the many monsters hed slain and opponents hed stomped. Rufus then and Longsword now challenged him on equal footing. They were pushing him to the very edge by pure skill. They were striving to prove themselves better than him. More capable.

If he lost now, it wouldnt be due to a lack of stat points or experience. He would simply lose because he was inferior. His pride as a warrior was on the line. The skills in which he had devoted everything were tested on Longswords blade.

And it was exactly this kind of battle that made Jacks blood boil, that filled his veins with steel, that awakened his wildest, most primal instincts.

He felt time slow to a crawl. His mind accelerated to the max. His Indomitable Will cut away all distractions, and his Dao Seed erupted with power, beating to the tune of his heart. Jack was not a human anymore, but a machine made to destroy and triumph. To conquer with his fists.

He had always wondered about his class name. Now, he understood. It wasnt random. The System knew exactly what it offered him.

Because, in this moment, when Jacks barest self was revealed, he was the Fiend of the Iron Fist.

An aura rolled out of him. It filled both ground and air, making everyone frown. The weakest people present had sweat on their brow. Longsword, however, was unaffected.

Show me your worst, he called out. His eyes were narrow and calculating. His mind was cold and his heart on fire. Like Jack, he was a born warrior, and the two met chin-to-chin.

I wont show mercy, Jack replied, charging.

His fist met the blade head-on. Color and sound disappeared. A purple meteor was the only thing left. It exploded against the tip of Longswords blade, meeting its tremendous strength directly.

The earth was blown apart under their clash. Dust and wind flew everywhere. A shockwave erupted, making Longswords hair and cloak billow. Jack, on the other hand, wore nothing but his pants, and his hair was short. There was nothing to billow. He was a mass of pure, ferocious power.

It was exactly at this moment that Bocor woke up from where he lay unconscious. It took him a long while to comprehend what he was seeing. When he did, his jaw dropped. He still gathered his shield and rushed forward to rejoin the fight.

Both fist and blade were pushed back. Their powers were roughly equal. If anything, Longsword had gotten the best of the exchange, but only by a tiny bit. It wasnt enough to overpower Jack.

That lit a fire in the swordsman. If he just beat Jack here, before Minerva could defeat Priya, he would get the fruit. He would win.

He charged again.

Jack seemed to panic. He bit his lipa motion hed picked up from Naujaas if desperately trying to come up with something, anything. He reached for his secret pocket and took out a gray orb, flinging it at Longsword to scare him. At the same time, he made a run for the fruit, gambling it all.

Longsword snorted. Idiot, he thought. In your panic, you forgot that I was there when you took this. Its the Ticklish Pebble. Only an idiot would be scared of it.

He ignored the coming pebble and charged at Jack, ready to slash at his exposed back. After that, he would easily get the pill and the title. Triumph was so close he could taste it.

Except for one thing: this wasnt the Ticklish Pebble.

The Repeat Exploding Orb exploded in Longswords face. He had no defenses. The full force of a peak E-Grade explosion struck him head-on, and even as a Lord, he was injured. Blood erupted from his mouth. He was flung backward. He screamed.

Everyone watching failed to comprehend this. It made no sense. Longsword had just ignored a coming projectile. Of course hed been hit. What an idiot.

Most importantly, however, Longsword had been the only thing standing between Jack and the blood-red applethe Dao Sprouting Pill.

No! Minerva and Priya screamed at the same time. Longsword was on the ground, roaring in impotent fury. This time, he couldnt make it. Everyone else was busy fighting elsewhere. For the second time, Jack had punched through much faster than anyone anticipated, proving his brains in addition to his brawn.

He dashed the final few feet, reached the tree, wrapped his palm around the apple-looking thing that was the Dao Sprouting Pilland cleanly tore it from the branch.

He had the Top Treasure.

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