Single Stat System

Chapter 77: Can't Hit The Target

Chapter 77: Can't Hit The Target

A few moments ago...

[Julius: Hurry up and help me here. I can't move now since I am paralyzed. Anyway, this guy here is not normal so don't underestimate him just because he is low-level. And also, don't kill him. This guy is a rich kid, we will strip everything we could get from him.]

[Julius: By the way, Kristina and Izel have betrayed us as it seems like they are obeying this guy. Let them suffer as well and teach them a lesson.]

Izel and Kristina read the message in the party chat as they didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They wanted to laugh because Julius still believed that Sakim was the son of some powerful family. They really wondered how would he react if he ever learned that that walking gold mine he was talking about was actually the Vessel of the Greed sin they were looking for.

But then, they couldn't blame Julius as well. After all, even the two of them didn't believe it at first when the knight's captain told them that he was the vessel. They only laughed at him coldly thinking how ridiculous what he had just said. They believed that even though the vessel was a low-level player, his Greed Energy should be overwhelming and was surrounding him.

But when this guy unleashed his Greed Energy and stole the life of the two knights driving the carriage he rode, the two of them could only swallow a mouthful of saliva as only then did they believed in it.

With that being said, as long as Sakim didn't reveal his Greed Energy deliberately, Julius would remain oblivious to the fact that he was the vessel. And it was laughable no matter how did the two of them think about it.

But there was this urge in them telling them to cry upon reading the last message of Julius. How could they not if he had just ordered the other bandits to teach them a lesson. Surely, the two of them wouldn't be able to catch them off guard anymore as they would instead fight them head-on. Something unfavorable for them especially when there were only two of them while the other party had five.

No, there were three of them. Izel and Kristina shifted their gazes at the back of Sakim as they felt that as long as he was with them, they could defeat these five bandits.

"Master, we must be careful. It seems like the others are now heading in here." Izel informed her master.

"Is that so?" Sakim replied calmly. He shifted his gaze in the direction of the Edge Of The Forest and then closed his eyes afterward.

The moment he shifted his consciousness into his Blood Servant, he saw the four bandits from before as it seemed like they were arguing. But after a few moments, one of them left the area, jumped from the top of the cliff, and rushed in their direction. The other two also left the area leaving only the sniper alone.

"It seems like they are really coming here..." Sakim muttered inwardly. But seeing the sniper making a move again, he couldn't help but become extra wary.

Just like that, the sniper released another bullet as it rushed towards Sakim at an extremely high speed. Sakim didn't waste any time as he quickly retracted his consciousness and jumped to the side again. A fast object then soon arrived and went past him, successfully dodging it barely.

"That guy is really a sharpshooter..." Sakim remarked as he gazed at the direction of the Edge Of The Forest again.

"You've avoided it again?" Julius was shocked seeing that Sakim dodged the bullet of Agila again. He thought that it was just dumb luck for this guy to dodge the first bullet. But now that he dodged it again, he was starting to believe that even from far away, he really had the capability to detect the bullet of Agila which was coated by his passive skill: Bullet Cloak, a skill that could hide the presence of his bullet to a certain extent. Such a feat was really terrifying. Even he himself could only block such an attack.

On the other hand, Izel and Kristina could only admire Sakim again as they were relieved that even without their help, he could handle that attack. But... They didn't want to admit it but his movement was really... slow. If Agila was any closer, they doubted if Sakim could still be able to evade such an attack.

Kristina and Izel were still admiring Sakim when he suddenly moved to the side again. After which, another bullet went past him almost hitting him again. Not only that, he moved back and forth as bullets went past him.

Sakim had no time putting his consciousness into the Blood Servant anymore as he tried to move immediately every time his Blood Servant notified him that a bullet was coming. He would move wherever his Blood Servant told him, enabling him to avoid every attack successfully.


"Damn it! Just why the hell can't I hit him?!" Agila cursed out loud as he'd missed the target seven times already. He was now even drinking a mana potion as it appeared that he wasted that much of mana from all the bullets that missed.

Thankfully, he was all alone in there. If his comrades just happened to be by his side, then they were surely mocking him now.


But then, when he thought that no one knew about his failure, the System suddenly appeared before him with a new notification. When he saw it, his face had immediately reddened in embarrassment.

It was a personal message of their party leader!

[Julius: Hey Agila, what the hell are you doing? Why can't you hit him? Don't tell me, you cannot hit a moving object anymore?]

"F*ck you, what do you know?" Agila cursed angrily. Thankfully their leader wouldn't be able to hear it since he was just alone in there. After a moment, he sent a message to Julius,

[Agila: Sorry leader, this guy is pretty strange. He would always dodge my attack when I have already pulled the trigger of my gun. And you know as well that I cannot change the direction of my bullet, right?]

[Julius: Then you should have figure out where would he dodge into and then shoot that spot!]

Agila was seething in anger but thankfully, he appeared as if sorry in the chat as he explained,

[Agila: I already tried but I still can't hit him. It's as if he is waiting for me to fire first before he tries to evade my attack...]

[Julius: Tsk! How useless. Just hurry up and use your ultimate skill! Don't just waste your mana you fool!]

Agila gritted his teeth upon reading the message before blurting out loudly, "Fine!"

He didn't bother sending a message to Julius anymore as he pointed his gun at Sakim again looking with a sniper scope.

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