Single Stat System

Chapter 78: Ultimate Skill

Chapter 78: Ultimate Skill

Agila only had 60% mana left after missing his target seven times. After drinking the mana potion, he would gain +1% mana recovery for ten minutes. That said, with his original +1.3% mana recovery, he would recover 2.3% mana every minute for 10 minutes. A total of 23% after the effect of the potion wore off.

This might seem not much, but it really could assist someone to recover their mana a bit faster. And for him who didn't belong to any wealthy background, this mana potion was already a big help.

In any case, using his ultimate skill would cost him about 30% of his maximum mana. He wouldn't use this when dealing with such a low-level player but seeing that this guy was capable himself, he would make an exception.

With his ultimate skill: Perfect Hit, he could successfully trigger the Hit chance once he used the next skill. That said, dodging this attack was next to impossible.

With that in mind, and upon locking the target who was currently looking in his direction, Agila pulled the trigger of his gun.

"Die, you bastard!"


With the crisp sound of the wind, the bullet rushed in Sakim's direction threatening to cause destruction at any moment.


Meanwhile, a short moment ago...

"Hmm... That guy stopped attacking..." Sakim muttered. He gazed where the attack was coming from as he voiced out his thoughts, "Did he finally give up? Or is he reloading his gun?"

"It's unlikely master," Izel suddenly said from the side. "I know him well. He will never give up until he hit his target. That said, he was probably preparing another kind of attack."

"Oh? What kind of attack do you think it is this time?" Sakim asked as he stared at Izel.

"Since he can't hit you, he might use his ultimate skill," Izel replied as she pondered.

"Ultimate skill?"

"Yes," Izel nodded as she added seriously. "It's a skill that can buff the next skill he will use and give it a 100% Hit chance. That said, if he used that skill, it's unlikely for you to avoid that attack."

Sakim suddenly frowned when he heard her explanation. The next attack was likely to be unavoidable? How would he survive that? He shifted his gaze back in the direction of the sniper as he muttered, "This is really troublesome..."

"But if it is you, I think it is fine." Kristina suddenly spoke with a smile.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" Sakim stared at her with piqued interest.

"Have you already forgotten what you did to me a while ago?" Kristina still remembered the blood thing that his master gave her to heal her. With that item, she was confident that her master would immediately regain his HP once the bullet hit him. "That bullet may seem dangerous, but it can only deal damage equal to 5~95% of the target's HP depending on the distance. And from that distance, I think, he could only damage about 60 to 70 percent of your HP. With that amount of damage, I think it is still fine for you, right?"

"Hmm..." Sakim nodded slowly as he realized that that bullet was actually not that dangerous. In any case, he could still get what the other party trying to say. With his healing items, even if his HP dropped below 10%, he could still refill his HP fully even if it dropped below 10% five times. "Alright, if you say so."

Since the next attack was unavoidable, Sakim decided to just let it hit him and then use healing items to refill his HP afterward. Thankfully, he had a lot of spare healing items. The only thing he needed to worry about anymore was the pain he would experience sooner or later.

"But, we can also block that attack if you wanted us to. Although you will still receive some damage since that bullet will be locked onto you, at least we can minimize the damage a bit." Kristina suddenly suggested with a smile as she added, "We are willing to be your meatshield so just let us know if..."

"Nah, it's fine." Sakim interrupted nonchalantly as he continued, "Leave it to me. I also want to experience this."

"If you say so," Kristina smiled sweetly. But... Was he a masochist? Why did he want to experience pain that much? Kristina didn't know but nevertheless, she didn't pursue the matter anymore and turned silent instead.


"Damn bitches. What a hypocrite." Julius cursed inwardly. These two were really trying their best to please this walking gold mine.

If Julius only knew that they had no choice...

In any case, Julius had already PMed[1] Agila so that they could hide their next move but these two bitches still figured it out? So annoying.

But then, what if they knew about it? It was not as if it could change the fact that this guy would still not be able to dodge the next attack. It was just that... What the hell was with their confidence? How could this guy remain calm even after knowing that the next attack would be unavoidable? Did he really have a way to resist it? Could it be that...

Julius suddenly thought that since Sakim was a rich kid, he might have a defensive artifact with him capable of blocking such an attack. But...

If he had that defensive artifact, then he wouldn't be dodging the previous attack anymore, right? Or maybe, he was saving up that artifact because it had limited use. Or perhaps, he didn't want to reveal it yet since it was his trump card.

But then, it was also possible that he had healing items with him to refill his HP instantly. And from the looks of it, it was more likely.

No matter what was the case, whether he had defensive artifact or instant healing items, it could only spell trouble. After all, Agila could only use his ultimate skill two or three times for a while. If this guy really had such things, then it would really be a waste to use his ultimate skill now.

But it seemed like Agila had already used his ultimate skill and was already preparing for his next attack so telling him to change the plan was already futile. So... Julius contemplated for a good while before he came up with an idea. "Maybe, we can do that."

Although it was just a guess of him that this guy had such items, it was highly likely to be possible since he was a rich kid. With that in mind, Julius PMed Agila again.

[Julius: This guy seems to have instant healing potions or possibly, a defensive artifact. Give him a second or third follow-up attack after you hit him.]


[1] PM means Personal Message (I guess everyone already knows about it.

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