Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 530

530 A painful warning

The challengers thought it was going to be easy. Or at least the first few were going to lose to Vincent barely.

The challengers whispered to each other about how Vincent would regret acting high and mighty simply because Duke Biro Hawkins took an interest in him. A comonomer was still a commoner in their eyes.

However, they didn’t know how their plan to exhaust Vincent and humiliate him was simply a dream that would never happen.

The reality happening right before their eyes shocked them. Later they would understand how they participated in an unfair match even if all of them fought simultaneously.

The first match started with an arrogant noble swinging his sword to tire Vincent. But when all his attacks were being blocked, similar to a beginner against a master, the challenger got serious and attacked with all his might. He even used Wild Blow to change the tide.

The other challengers laughed at how Vincent kept on the defense by blocking and acting like a coward. Second after second passed, block after block with the sound of wood colliding sounded, yet the only one suffering was the attacker.

*Thud* “I surrender.” Said the challenge on his knees and breathing heavily. His arms trembled as if he had exhausted himself from swinging his wooded training sword. The arrogance on the noble’s face changed to that of a humiliated person.

“Great match.” Vincent extended his hand to help the challenger stand up and continued, “You almost got me. I managed to win because of our stamina difference. Next time I might lose.”

*Clap* “Great sportsmanship, Vincent Lionheart.” Said Biro with a fake smile.


Biro was actually laughing in his thoughts as he knew Vincent’s words were a big lie. None of the challengers could contend against someone who goes head to head with Ollie in their weekly sparring matches.

The defeated challenger accepted Vincent’s hand and stood up. He nodded and went to sit on the ground to rest.

The next couple of matches were all the same. The attacker would attack with all their might and even use Wild Blow, but they could do nothing but become exhausted and barely chip the spiked wood gauntlet Sakura made.

The matches ended with a similar result and without making Vincent throw a punch during the match. Vincent also always offered the defeated challenger a hand to get up. But the more this happened, the more the challengers felt tricked.

The challengers grumbled how this event was a scam to make Vincent look better in the eyes of Biro. They gossiped about how Vincent knew about this event and he had secretly drank potions before the lesson to become the top student in Class A.

Some of the challengers decided to complain to Biro about how the wood gauntlet had a layer of metal inside because it wasn’t breaking and it was too strong to be ordinary wood.

Their eyes nearly popped out of anger when they discovered Vincent was using a pair of enchanted wood spiked gauntlets against them. This was another one of their excuses as to why they were losing and how Vincent had planned ahead to win.

One thing they didn’t know was how Vincent was doing his best in every match. He moved his arms to block while moving with the flow of the impact and reducing the damage done to the gauntlets.

Vincent didn’t want to make Sakura sad. Her perfect creation was destroyed again after all.

In the next matches, Vincent started using phase two. He added parrying to the mix.

After defeating a few challengers by parrying and making them give up as if they lost their will to fight, Vincent got serious and began the third phase of defense.

One after the other, the opponents were losing their grip on their swords from the sudden sharp movements of the parrying, causing their training swords to fall to the ground.

With his gauntlet pointed at the weaponless challenger, Vincent would always block the path to their sword and say, “Good match.”

The more the challengers became infuriated by the scam of a match against someone who they believed with all their souls to be cheating, the more Biro, Ton, Ollie, and Nick smirked and grinned. It was an interesting view to see.

The losers sitting on the ground, hoping Vincent to lose, glared daggers at Vincent. Their honor was tarnished after losing to a commoner who married into nobility. Some even secretly discussed challenging Vincent’s team to a ranking match and teaching him a lesson.

Soon, the final three students remained waiting to challenge Vincent. The remaining three were from team five, as Vincent pointed out to Biro that he had some unfinished business with them.

Biro nodded at Ton. As if they knew what was on each other’s minds, Ton quickly left to bring the medical staff with stretchers.

Vincent looked at the defeated challengers and showed a triumphant smirk. “It looks like one on one isn’t enough against me.”


“You cheater!”

“Fight us all if you have the guts!”

All of the defeated had something to say loudly and in an angered voice. However, this was Vincent’s plan to use their anger to change the match type.

Biro wanted to stop the defeated, but he remained silent to see what Vincent was planning to do. His interest was piqued, and his day was great so far.

“I like some of the suggestions my great classmates are saying. How about the last three challengers fight me together?” Vincent said while acting confident to infuriate them even more.

“You asked for it!” The three members from team five exclaimed at Vincent’s provocation.

[Vincent. I think it is better to remove your gauntlets. Some of the spikes are still sharp.]

-Yeah, it is better to do as you say. Giving them a quick death isn’t my intention.-

Vincent removed his gauntlets and stored them. He arrogantly smirked and said, “I don’t need gauntlets for these three weaklings. No wonder teacher Biro left you three for last. My gauntlet would feel ashamed to be scratched by you three.”

“What is wrong with him all of a sudden?”

“Why did he suddenly change?”

“Our match felt friendly, but this is starting to feel different.”

“Yeah. This feels personal.”

*Clap* “Quiet boys. The match is about to start. The daring Vincent Lionheart has decided to a three on one match, and it looks like the challengers have already accepted.” Brio said while keeping Vincent in his view. “Final match, begin.”

Vincent extended his arm and taunted the three from team five by signaling to bring it on. “What are you waiting for, weaklings? I don’t have all day to swat the weakest of our great Class A.”

“That’s it!”

“Let’s beat him!”

“You’re gonna be humiliated soon!”

The three rushed at Vincent while keeping their distance from each other. They swung their training swords at Vincent, but what happened next shocked them and those hoping to see Vincent lose.

After Vincent got used to the patterns of his previous opponents, Vincent confidently moved his arms to receive the initial force of the hit. He parried the attack of two training swords with his muscles and led them to the desired location.

*Bam* The two training swords clash with each other and block the third training sword from hitting Vincent.

“Eye for an eye. ” Vincent said while clenching his fish. With a smirk on his face, Vincent landed a strike with all his might in the same exact location Jun Ye Rim was hit the hardest.

The target for revenge, standing in front of Vincent with his sword blocked by the other two swords, was sent flying and tumbling to the ground. He cried and shouted out of pain while he gasped for air.

“Tooth for a tooth. ” Vincent said while punching and sending the second one flying and tumbling on the ground. He gasped for air while lifting his shirt, revealing a deep bruise that almost made a student or two faint.

The third target for revenge swung his sword, but he immediately turned around and caught the training sword as if Vincent had eyes behind his head.

“Hurting my teammate, I hurt you all.” Vincent clenched his fist harder and threw a stronger strike to the gut while holding his shoulder to receive the full impact.

*Thud, Blaargh* The last target on the list slammed to his knees and puked before fainting on his previous meal. The three members from team five were both utterly defeated and humiliated.

“Looks like I win.” Said Vincent in a confident manner. He looked at his classmates staring at him as if they were about to be beaten to death.

This was the moment Vincent understood he couldn’t act weak anymore, and couldn’t remain an ordinary student with a strange class. However, if it meant his teammates’ protection, Vincent didn’t care.

“Vincent. Didn’t you go a little bit too rough on those weaklings?” Asked Biro while kneeling to start healing the three injured students.

“Too rough? They harassed, beat Jun Ye Rim, and even created malicious rumors about her. They are lucky I only did this for now as a warning not to mess with others. ” Vincent looked at his classmates and continued, “What would you do if your teammate, a defenseless girl at that, returns with a purple bruise on her belly?”

The students looked at Vincent without uttering a word. Some looked at the injured students and wondered if Vincent was telling the truth. Jun Ye Rim’s rumors coincidently started recently, but no one knew much about her other than appearing a little bit more friendly with her teammates.

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