Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 531

531 The unexpected Monday continues

Biro stood up. *Cough* “I think I should leave the healing for professionals.” He said while leaving the fainted student with a deep bruise visible for all to see.

*Clap* “Today’s lesson is over. I think everyone has gotten enough exercise for one day. What does everyone say?”

The students nodded when Brio was trying to change the subject and shoo them. While getting up and preparing to leave, the students heard Biro say in a low voice yet obviously loud enough to be heard.

*Sigh* “I would have never accepted to teach if my students were men who bully and assault women...”

The students quickly left after clearly hearing every word. As anyone would expect, the physical students of Class A started spreading what transpired.

As the news was told by a different person, the reality of what happened changed drastically from mouth to mouth. The news soon created multiple rumors. Some were about the three members of team five, while the others were about Vincent.

From the morning up until noon, almost half the academy got to know what happened from the exaggerated rumors vaguely.

The reputation of team five was tarnished entirely, with the rumors becoming exaggerated as time passed. Many became disgusted, while others wanted to challenge them in a ranking match to teach them a lesson and gain fame.

On the other hand, the one who exposed their horrible deeds, Vincent Lionheart, had different rumors about him. Some praised Vincent, while others started to dislike him.


The reason for the dislike was because Vincent was portrayed as a fearless man who delivered justice for his female teammate.

Some female students started to consider his actions romantic. Others asked their boyfriends or fiance to be courageous man like Vincent. This enviably causes the male students to start hating him out of envy.

However, those were the only rumors circulating. There was no word about Vincent winning against all his class.

Ironically, their humiliation didn’t reveal how Vincent defeated the entire class apart from Nick. The strength Vincent chose to reveal was kept a secret for all those that lost, allowing Vincent to retain his cheating reputation and be underestimated for it.

Ton returned with the medical staff a while later. They paused for a moment at the shocking view of three students lying on the ground while Vincent, Nick, and Ollie were running the track, and Biro casually counted their laps.

No one cared for those injured and kept doing their thing as if the three injured students didn’t exist.

*Sigh* Ton shook his head at Biro’s irresponsibility to do a teacher’s number one job. To take care of the students and their safety.

“Please take care of the injured students.” Ton looked at the medical staff with a fake reassured expression and continued, “Teacher Biro is acting like that because he must have checked their condition and decided there isn’t the need to worry.”

The medical staff nodded and went to provide medical assistance. A frown shortly appeared on their faces as the three students required medical assistance. Not to mention how no one had tried to treat them before the medical staff had arrived.

The medical staff placed the three injured students on a stretcher and took them away for proper medical care. Any student watching the medical staff moving three student patients in the hallways later confirmed the rumors that started today.

“The medical staff has taken the injured students, but...” Ton paused while looking at Vincent and Ollie competing with each other on who was the fastest while Nick ran far behind them. “You all are acting as if nothing happened.”

“Why should we act differently?”

*Sigh* “I left before the match started to bring the medical staff. On the way, I overheard one of the students of this class saying how the three Vincent beat had done a shameful deed to his female teammate. Is it true what he said? Was this revenge?”

Biro chuckled. “Hehe, yeah. I could see the flame burning in his eyes. It was full of anger, yet it was being controlled until the last moment before delivering justice by his own hands.”

“But teacher Biro... we could’ve told the headmaster instead of making this situation escalate. Did you forget that one of their teammates comes from a Marquis family?”

“And so what?” Biro said while shrugging his shoulders. “I think Vincent is a man with a good head on his shoulders. I bet he has already planned ahead on what to do in case of revenge.”

Regrettably, Vincent had no plan other than to give team five a good painful lesson and reveal their harassment. He knew quite well how they would be treated by looking at how Nick is constantly treated.

Furthermore, Vincent let his strength be engraved in their bodies of what would happen if they ever tried to harass Jun Ye Rim again.

“We will need to at least keep an eye for his team. I don’t want to see Vincent expelled after complaints.” Suggested Ton out of worry. He knew more than Biro how petty the students could be.

Biro placed his hand on Ton’s shoulder and said while laughing, “Then I will quit being a teacher and take Oliveros with me. Without Vincent, the academy isn’t fun.”

*Sigh* “Teacher Biro’s interest in talented young people is sure vast.” Said Ton while believing Biro might have Vincent’s back if anything happened.

Later, Vincent and Nick went to wait for the girls at the arrival hall. The rumors traveled fast, and everyone was looking at Vincent with different expressions. Some of respect while others of hate and envy.

“Vincent... why is everyone looking at us... strangely?” Asked Lilith with a frown. She was gradually getting used to being looked at by many people, but she was still far from being cured entirely.

“I thought three out of the five trash what happens when they.” Vincent looked at Jun Ye Rim while continuing, “Mess with our precious teammate.”

Jun Ye Rim blushed; Clair frowned and looked at Nick for answers, while Lilith became worried.

Vincent went beside Lilith and placed his arm over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Lilith. We can ask for help if it gets messy. Melissa owes me for saving her life after all.”

“Did you paint on them as you said?” Asked Jun Ye Rim while averting her gaze.

“Yes. They were so weak that I sent two of them flying and the other one puked and humiliated himself in front of everyone.” Vincent boasted before smiling warmly and continuing, “I hope this will make you less scared to be alone.”

“Humph! Who said I am afraid to be alone. I am fine. I never needed any help with this matter, to begin with. You simply decided to help me to show your women how a good and kind man you are.”

“Telling me I am a good and kind man with a blush on your face is a great compliment. Thank you.” Vincent teased.

Jun Ye Rim’s cheeks brightened. “You!...” She exclaimed while frowning and heading for the class alone.

Jun Ye Rim felt too embarrassed to face Vincent and the others. Even her pointy ears gradually became red as she left in a hurry.

“Wait for us!” Both Clair and Lilith said while following the embarrassed Jun Ye Rim.

Vincent and Nick looked at each other.

“Vincent... did you have to tease Jun Ye Rim like that?”

*Cough* “I like to see Jun Ye Rim show some kind of emotions other than acting as if she is both deaf and blind most of the time.”

Nick shook his head as if this was Vincent’s hobby and followed the girls.

[Looks like you became the bad guy, haha.]

-You too, Kazumi? I thought it would be better to change the mood.-

[Well, thanks to you, I enjoyed the show of an elf light bulb being switched on. Thanks for the show, haha.]

Vincent smirked at the idea of teasing Jun Ye Rim. He found it amusing because her responses were always too difficult to predict. To Vincent, this was similar to clicking a button and receiving an unexpected response.

The five of them later arrived at Maria’s outdoor magic class. The two team members of team five immediately rushed toward Vincent with a furious expression.

“We seek answers, Vincent Lionheart!”

“Why did you attack and humiliate our teammates!?”

“Did I do something wrong?” Asked Vincent with a smirk.

The situation was getting heated, and the two from team five already had their wands out. The chances of using them were high.

Maria arrived before the situation escalated. She frowned when the students looked like they were about the fight and the others spectating what was going to happen next.

*Sigh* “What is the matter? I already heard how there was a commotion in the previous lesson, and three students were badly injured in a sparring match.”

The two members of team five went in front of Maria. One of them said as respectfully as possible, “Teacher Maria. Please hear our complaint.”

*Sigh* “Don’t tell me you two brats are angry because your friends got their asses handed to them. Not to mention the rumor spreading how you five attack innocent and defenseless women.”

“What! Those are shameless accusations! We would never stoop that low!” The angry student pointed at Vincent and continued, “He spread the false lies, and he used violence...”

Maria revealed a sly smirk while looking at Vincent without showing a single sign this situation was uncomfortable. “Why don’t two challenge Vincent to a sparring match?”

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