The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Louis Ancton's talent was academic.

He couldn't use magic, and thus couldn't contribute to battles.

However, he had been with the allied forces, and had been seen several times at the royal class garrison.

Louis Ancton was like a mage who couldn't use magic, a mage scholar. In fact, he had helped in the design of power cartridges and Moonshines.

In the original work, Louis had helped improve the magic level of his classmates, and he was likely doing the same here.

Apologies to Louis, but when compared, he was like a lower-tier version of Harriet.

However, that was only because the comparison was with our stubborn protagonist. It didn't mean Louis was incompetent.

Although he couldn't use magic, he had the talent to perfectly understand and design all magic-related aspects.

Thinking from that point, there was a problem.

Louis Ancton had no connection to the Titan research project that Adelia had been working on. However, if he had been involved, he would have undoubtedly been of great help.

Louis Ancton was unrelated to the Titan project.

He might have improved and modified the battle magic of other wizards, but he was more than capable of taking on a major project.

The fact that Louis was unrelated to the development of Titan meant he had been entrusted with a completely different project.

Louis Ancton, quite literally, had talent in understanding dark magic.

So if Anna was working on a project related to the undead, Louis Ancton could help or even lead it.

As a result, although not yet confirmed, some facts had been revealed.

Anna was not eating and sleeping in a research facility somewhere in this garrison.

From the beginning, there was no reason for the allied forces' garrison to conduct research related to dark magic.

There would be many more facilities at the temple, and security would be easier to maintain.

Coming to the allied forces' garrison was like barking up the wrong tree.

To learn the truth behind the Empire's activities, one must go to the temple instead.

If Anna was really involved, whether Louis Ancton was involved as well.

If even Christina was involved, what were they doing?

What I thought was related to Death Knights could be very different, and it was impossible to predict what it was.

Would I have to see it with my own eyes?

If so, how?

Only when Louis Ancton and Christina were confirmed to be absent did I realize that my focus had been too narrow.

I had thought the desolate atmosphere at the royal class garrison was due to the aftermath of the Serandia battle.

It was winter, and the weather was cold, so I believed many people were staying inside the barracks.

However, it turned out that the desolate atmosphere was due to the lack of people.

During the winter, the garrison was not expected to move, and with the core monster areas in Serandia being suppressed, the threat of monsters had decreased.

Royal class personnel received special treatment. It seemed that they were accommodating those who wanted to spend the winter at the temple.

I had seen soldiers on vacation from the Imperial Court and hadn't considered that there would be similar personnel in the royal class.

Knowing one thing led me to know only one thing, instead of ten.

It was impossible to know if experiments were really being conducted at the temple.

However, since it was almost certain that Anna had returned to the temple, the likelihood of the experiment taking place there, rather than at the Allied Forces' base, had increased significantly.

The temple had superior facilities and security, so there was no need to conduct a dangerous experiment at the heavily monitored Allied Forces' base.

It was an ironic situation.

Usually, students would leave school during holidays or breaks.

In this case, however, the students were granted a break and returned to school instead.

I finally took a good look at the desolate Royal Class base.

What could be happening there?

How could I confirm this?

Bertus was in the Imperial Palace.

Tetra, the emperor's office at the Imperial Palace.

Bertus began reading the report.

For a while, Bertus remained silent.

Saviolin Turner also did not speak.

After a long silence, the emperor spoke briefly.

"Commander Turner, if divine punishment is given to those who have sinned, what kind of punishment should I receive?"

It was a horrible affair.

It was something beyond words.

If the guilt of those who ordered the act is greater than that of the ones who committed it, Bertus would be the greatest sinner in the world.

The divine punishment given to such a person shouldn't merely take their life.

Bertus wondered what could be worse than death.

"Your Majesty, all of this is for the future and well-being of humanity. You have made a decision for humanity. It cannot be called a sin."

"Do you truly believe that?"

It was an overly exemplary answer.


Just because it was necessary doesn't mean it wasn't a sin.

Both Turner and Bertus knew that it was merely a comforting statement.

That's why Turner couldn't respond to Bertus's overly direct question.

One cannot cover the sky with the palm of one's hand.

"Well, divine punishment might not even exist in the first place."

If God watched over the world, why does sin exist, and why did the Gate Incident happen?

"Come to think of it, divine punishment seems ridiculous whether it exists or not."

"Ridiculous, you say...?"

"If insurmountable trials are given without sin and judgments are made, isn't that some unfunny prank?"


"If there is no reward or punishment, why did these events have to happen in the first place? What was the purpose of the gods throwing such a thing into the world?"


"Well, I now believe that the so-called gods no longer have any interest in this world."

Bertus clicked his tongue briefly.

"I apologize, Commander Turner. It seems I am agitated. Pointless talk..."

Bertus wiped his face several times.

Divine punishment.

There is no such thing in this world.

Then why does sin exist?

Who should be held responsible for sin?

Who should bear the burden, and who should be punished?

"By the way, have you grasped the situation with the Holy Knights?"

"......We have not identified which specific group is involved. Also, we have the problem of not being able to investigate the scene."

Not long ago, Bertus received a report that the tomb of the saints, located in the basement of the Holy Knights' headquarters, had been destroyed.

The tomb was destroyed, and the remains were stolen.

"Eleion Bolton is expected to return to the Imperial Capital soon."

"......I see."

The matter of the Holy Knights was the Holy Knights' business.

Hoping that this matter would not spark a fire in the wrong place, Bertus glanced at his now cold tea.

"One of our classmates has died, and another has been left crippled."


The deceased classmate.

And the crippled classmate.

"I know that Ludwig is a stubborn fellow."

"Yes, that's true."

During the time when Saviolin Turner took on the role of a dormitory supervisor for Charlotte's protection, she had once observed Ludwig's swordsmanship.

Initially, it was just an excuse to observe Reinhardt's swordsmanship, but she had long watched Ludwig, who kept asking for guidance persistently despite stumbling repeatedly.

She had also observed Delphin, though not in as much detail.

Delphin was dead, and Ludwig had lost an arm.

Naturally, Bertus was aware of his classmates' situations to some extent, even if not in great detail.

And not only during their time at the temple, but Bertus had also been informed of their individual achievements since the outbreak of the Gate incident.


One of the four classmates who had gained Magic Body Strengthening without learning it.

His comparatives were the hero and demon king, but compared to his peers of the same age, Ludwig was an unparalleled talent.

He was a monster.

If it hadn't been for the war, he would have had more than enough potential to join the Master Class within a few years.

"I know that he's not the type to give up easily."

"Perhaps, that's true."

And it wasn't just his abilities but also his personality.

His closest friend, Delphin, had died, and he had always chosen the most dangerous battlefields during the Gate incident. Therefore, it was unlikely that he would give up fighting just because he had lost an arm.

He had the kind of stubbornness that could get him killed.

Bertus could foresee what would happen without seeing it firsthand.

To prevent the miserable deaths of his classmates.

Before the moth was consumed by the flame.

"Tell him to return to the temple."

Bertus issued the imperial decree.

There are beings in the world who don't need to persuade or convince others.

Beings who simply need to say "come" or "go" to make it so.

Bertus was one of them.

Even in the current state of the world, at least on human lands, he still held that power.

As Ludwig stood at a crossroads between fighting on in rage and despair or not, facing Cliffman's harsh words, his friends' persuasion, and his teacher's advice, he soon faced a single coercion.

"Ludwig, His Majesty has decreed that you return to the temple."

The emperor's order was relayed through Master Mustlang.

"Go to the warp spot and deliver this document, and you should be able to return to the Imperial Capital."


Master Mustlang carefully explained where the warp spot was located within the allied forces' base and who Ludwig should look for.

It was a humbling experience.

An imperial decree was not something given lightly.

Even though he was a fellow classmate who had been injured and was stubbornly intent on fighting, the direct decree to return to the temple quietly showed how kind the emperor was.

He had gone so far as to issue a direct decree to a student who was, albeit of Royal Class, left crippled and didn't necessarily need his attention.

Gratitude was due.

There was no need for persuasion from others, facing reality, or for Ludwig to accept their words and return quietly with understanding.

Just go back.

With a single command, Bertus could force Ludwig's actions, and Ludwig had no other choice.

Master Mustlang's face was also deeply moved when he saw that Emperor Bertus, having become emperor, was personally paying attention to Ludwig.

However, upon seeing Ludwig's stern expression, Master Mustlang's face gradually hardened as well.

"Ludwig, this is an imperial edict. It's not something you can refuse. You know that, right?"

His attitude seemed hesitant.

This was the emperor's consideration.

The moment he refused, he couldn't complain even if his neck was severed.

An overbearing consideration.

"Yes, Teacher. I know. Of course…"

Ludwig nodded quietly.

Master Mustlang heaved a sigh of relief, as he didn't know if Ludwig would make a big fuss about it.

Ludwig stared at the document containing the emperor's decree, holding it in his hand.

No matter how much Ludwig didn't want to leave the battlefield, he knew he couldn't refuse the emperor's command.

Now there's really no choice.

What must be accepted has to be accepted.

There is no place for him on this battlefield, and countless people are trying to send him away from the battlefield out of consideration for him.

He can no longer refuse.

"When I return to the Imperial Capital, there will be something I can do, right?"

"Of course, I told you, didn't I? There will be many places that need you. You also have friends in the dormitory now, so you won't be lonely."

Master Mustlang smiled brightly and nodded, thinking Ludwig might be stubborn about it.

Despite his many stubbornness, obsessions, and desires to fight,

Even the short-lived determination and resolution to kill the Demon King with his own hands were eventually broken by others' intentions.

With the emperor's command as the last straw, Ludwig must leave the battlefield.

There was no need for an overly long farewell.

The very next day,

Ludwig exchanged simple greetings with his fellow Royal Class students, gathered his belongings, and headed toward the warp point.

Ranian Sesor and Scarlett followed Ludwig to see him off until the very end.

"You have Christina, Louis, Anna, and Dettomorian, right? So you won't be bored."

"That's true."

"Take care, Ludwig."

"Thank you."

Ludwig lost his arm while saving Scarlett. Ultimately, Ludwig had to leave because of her, so her expression was filled with guilt.

"Don't apologize, Scarlett."


Hearing such words only made Scarlett feel more miserable.

He decided to leave the battlefield.

So there should be no regrets.

As Teacehr Mustlang said, Ludwig believes there will be something for him to do in the imperial capital.

Whatever it is, their tasks are not trivial, so he believes he can still do something even if he cannot fight in this war.

The emperor's command is something to be grateful for, not a reason to feel bitter and resentful.

If he ever meets the emperor, he should kneel and thank him.

Among the people and supplies returning to the imperial capital at the warp spot, the mages in charge of the warp began casting Mass Teleport.

From beyond the boundary of the warp spot, Ludwig waved to his friends remaining on the battlefield.

"Stay safe. Please."

Death is a sad thing.

Praying for the wellbeing of his friends from the distant imperial capital upon hearing news from the battlefield is now the only thing left for him to do.

It may be sorrowful,

But knowing there's no place for him anymore, Ludwig leaves.

"Yes, you too, Ludwig."

I will fight on your behalf and survive until the end.

Scarlett had said this to Ludwig several times, and Ranian Sesor continued to wave at Ludwig until the long Mass Teleport casting was complete.

The casting of Mass Teleport takes time.

It wasn't a spell that just anyone could use, and it was akin to transporting personnel and supplies simultaneously, operating at certain intervals. Moreover, Warp Spots were being used at various locations of the allied forces' base.

Thus, until the Mass Teleport at the Warp Spot was activated, Ludwig could watch as people and supplies were gradually sent back to the Empire.

Ludwig had not returned to the Empire since his deployment and had never been to a Warp Spot like this.

However, even Ludwig, who had no reason to come to the Warp Spot, couldn't help but notice that something about the situation was quite unusual.

'…Holy Knights?'

At the Warp Spot, there were not only soldiers returning to the Empire for the winter but also Holy Knights.

That much was understandable.

But there were significantly more Holy Knights than others.

'Is the commander going back as well?'

The Holy Knights Commander, Eleion Bolton, was among them.

By now, Ludwig had no choice but to recognize the faces of the leaders of the prominent groups.

Seeing the serious expressions on all their faces, Ludwig couldn't help but feel a strange sense of unease.

Had something happened?

That wasn't all.


“Are you going back too?”

“Yeah, I'm going back for a bit and then returning.”

From a distance, Ellen was approaching, and Ranian Sesor and Scarlett turned their heads upon spotting her.

Naturally, the others' gazes shifted toward Ellen.

The Hero, Ellen Artorius, approached the Warp Spot wearing not her usual battle armor but plain clothes.

Being an exceptional existence, Ellen would have been able to use the Warp Spot freely with the headquarters' permission.

But this Ellen seemed different from the one they usually saw.

She was holding something in her right hand.



'Meow, meow, meow!'

In the unexpected cage held in Ellen's right hand, a bewildered-looking black cat was spinning in circles and meowing.

“I'm going to leave it in the Capital, where it'll be safer.”

“That makes sense.”

“Indeed, it does.”


Ellen hugged the cage as if it were precious, and the cat, looking extremely confused, spun around inside the narrow cage with wide-open eyes.

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