The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

I had let my guard down.

Having returned to the garrison, Ellen had placed me on her lap and stroked me for a while, lulling me into an unwitting slumber.

Honestly, it was impossible to resist sleep with Ellen's gentle touch, which I had grown accustomed to.

When I came to my senses, I found myself trapped in a cage.

It was a conspiracy.

A scheme.

There was a hidden agenda.

I had been deceived by Ellen.

I couldn't tell who she had spoken to or what was discussed, but it seemed Ellen had decided it was better for me to be raised at the temple, rather than in this dangerous battlefield.

If I were a real cat, it would be nothing short of a miracle that I had managed to survive and follow the allied forces thus far.

To be blunt, it wasn't the monsters that were the problem – I could be crushed to death while hiding in their luggage, and there would be nothing to say.

I could see what Ellen was thinking without her saying it.

She couldn't stay at the temple forever.

Even if she couldn't see me, she wanted to send me somewhere safe.

Just as she wanted to send Ludwig back to the temple because it was dangerous, she wanted to raise me in the temple because it was dangerous for me as well.


No matter how much I cried and scratched from within the cage, Ellen appeared to grit her teeth and endure it.

She must be sad about parting, but she must have decided it would be better for someone else to raise me in a safe environment.

I could break the cage if I wanted to, but that would lead to a situation beyond control.

Not only Ellen, but even Scarlett, and Ranian Sesor seemed to agree with Ellen's words, nodding their heads as if it was the natural course of action. Ludwig, whose return to the empire was decided, had a wry smile but didn't say it was pointless.

Well… Ludwig wasn't in a position to worry about a single cat right now.

-Teleport recipients, please step back!

The mass teleport casting was nearing completion.



"It's frustrating, I know. I'm sorry. I'll let you out in a bit."

Ellen whispered quietly, thinking I was upset because I was trapped.


The brilliant light of the mass teleport enveloped us.

Ellen was particularly busy, but it was safe to say that there was little danger at the garrison. That's why Ellen could afford this much time.

Rather, Ellen absolutely needed some rest.

It was during this precious and rare respite, the length of which was uncertain, that she decided to entrust the cat to the temple.

This was a problem.

Quite a big problem, at that.

If I were to be left at the temple in the future, I would no longer be able to use the cat operation.

Although I could disguise myself as another cat, wouldn't it be suspicious for one cat to disappear and another to appear immediately after?

Although a temple stray cat would undoubtedly have a better fate than a garrison stray cat, I am not a cat!

Upon returning to the Imperial Capital, Ellen wore a hood to avoid being recognized.

She seemed to be heading for the royal class dormitory, and there was someone with her who had no particular reason to accompany her.

Ludwig, who had lost an arm and received a rear-guard standby order.

Ellen, returning to leave the cat.

Looking at it this way, Ellen seemed like a reckless person, but there was no one to scold her for acting this way, given what she had accomplished so far.

Ludwig and Ellen were not close friends.

However, it wasn't as if they were on bad terms either.

"Are you on a break?"

"No, I'll be heading back soon."

Ellen replied softly to Ludwig's question.

Her voice carried a sense of guilt.

It seemed like she thought Ludwig losing his arm was her responsibility.

As she believed everything that happened after the Gate incident was her fault, she couldn't help but think Ludwig's situation was her responsibility as well.

And even though it was necessary, the fact that Ludwig, who had lost an arm, was paying attention to a cat seemed like a strange behavior to her.

Ludwig, of course, wouldn't blame Ellen for this.

"From now on... you'll be staying at the temple?"

"Yeah. But I won't just sit still. I believe there's something I can do at the temple. Even though it turned out like this... there must be something."

Ludwig spoke with a hint of cheerfulness.

"There must be. Definitely."

Ellen responded softly. Ludwig's strength was his bright nature.

Although the darkness within him had grown due to war and countless misfortunes, Ludwig didn't want his gloom to spread to others.

"For now, I'm thinking about things like training new recruits or joining the guard. I can handle small monsters. The refugee areas are said to be quite dangerous, right?"

"That's true."

Since Ludwig had no choice but to return to the temple, it seemed like he was trying to find work that needed him there.

"Don't push yourself too hard."

Ellen added quietly.

In the end, it seemed obvious that once Ludwig became somewhat accustomed to using weapons with his left hand, he would devote himself to combat-related tasks.

The dangers he would face at the temple would be less than those on the battlefield. However, there was no guarantee he wouldn't be seriously injured again while trying to kill a monster.

"...I'll be careful."

Ludwig's right sleeve fluttered emptily.

I had already come to the temple.

So, a black cat similar to me could no longer appear at the military base.

Was the cat operation permanently sealed?

Should I try something similar with a dog next time? It feels like I might end up on a leash, though.

No, there's no guarantee that Ellen would find another animal as cute as she found me now, is there?

It's not about being cute, it's about whether or not I can attract attention! Cuteness isn't the core issue!

Is that... how it is in the end...?

In the long run, this could cause significant disruptions to my intelligence gathering.

However, in the short term, it's a good situation.

Ellen was taking me directly to the temple, specifically to the Royal Class dormitory.

Therefore, I had a high chance of encountering Anna de Gerna and seeing what they were up to.

I even frequently came across the B-Class individuals who were back at the temple.

So, considering the information gathering I need right now, there's no better situation.

Although it's frustrating that I can't scout the military base in the long run.

Staying in the Royal Class dormitory for a few days before being taken to some part of the temple shouldn't make it too difficult for me to leave.

But in that case, when Ellen comes back to see the cat later, I won't be there.

What if someone tries to forcibly keep me in the Royal Class dormitory?

My head is starting to ache.

But what can I do?

It's my fault that the beast became friends with humans and ended up locked in a cage.

I have no choice but to go with the flow.

The temple is far away, and the magic train has stopped running, so Ludwig and Ellen walk silently towards the distant temple.

"Earlier, I saw the Holy Knights gathered with very serious expressions... the Holy Knight Commander was with them too."


"Do you know what happened?"

At Ludwig's question, Ellen nods as if to say she knows the story.

Ellen had access to information going in and out of the general headquarters, so it was inevitable that she and Ludwig would know different things.

"I don't know the details, but... something happened at the Temple Knights' headquarters."

"What happened?"

"Well, I heard the headquarters' graveyard was robbed... something like that."

Rumors were bound to spread to the allied forces' camp, and naturally, it would reach Ellen's ears as well.

No one yet knows how the incident is specifically related to any other events.

Ludwig is taken aback by the unexpected grave robbery story.

"Why would they do that? Who did it?"

"I don't know. So, the Holy Knights probably returned to the Imperial Capital to investigate the incident."

"I see..."

Ludwig nods silently.

They will likely face a commotion to investigate this unexpected and heinous event, including Eleion Bolton.

But our Death Knight has already been replenished.

They will never know that the stolen bones were somehow used by us, and even if they did, it wouldn't change anything. The Holy Knights can't find us anyway.

"Why would they rob the graves? Are there treasures there?"

"I don't know."

It was impossible to tell whether Ellen really didn't know about the situation or was just pretending not to know.

I also couldn't tell whether she knew or didn't know about what the empire was currently doing.



Another awkward silence flows between them.

Ellen and Ludwig were not very talkative with each other.

To begin with, they were not close enough to be considered friends.

As they approached the temple's main gate:

"I wish I were as strong as you."


I lost because I was weak.

I was hurt because I was weak.


Ludwig seemed resentful of his weakness and envious of Ellen's strength, which he could not possess.


Ludwig looks at Ellen.

"Do you... plan on getting revenge on Reinhardt...?"

Ellen's eyes widen at the cruel question.

Was he hoping that Ellen would take on his role, since he couldn't do it himself?

She couldn't say no.

She shouldn't give Ludwig that kind of answer.

Regardless of what she was thinking, I secretly hoped Ellen would tell him what he needed to hear.

"I think... someday... we have to... fight..."

In the end, Ellen spoke with a determined expression.

Ludwig wouldn't be satisfied with just that answer from Ellen.

"…I'm sorry. Someone like me shouldn't be asking you… I have no right to say anything…"

But it seemed that he hated his situation more.

The fact that he had to rely on someone else for revenge.

His own weakness.

He hated it more.

So, in a way, I fell for Ellen's scheme.

I couldn't sleep or eat because she kept petting me, and when I woke up, I was trapped in a cage.

I ended up returning to the Imperial Capital, still locked in the cage.

It was unclear whether Ellen had come up with this idea on her own, or if she had reached this conclusion after discussing it with others.

Regardless of who had come up with the idea at the royal class garrison, it was likely that no one would have objected to the decision.

Even if they wanted to see and pet me frequently, they would have thought it was better for me to grow up peacefully in a safe environment rather than a dangerous one.

While this might pose a problem for gathering information in the future, it wouldn't be an issue for me to escape.

As long as nobody imprisoned me, I could return to Edina.

Since I had a teleport scroll prepared for emergencies, I was sure I could do it.

However, I had misunderstood again.

I thought Ellen intended to leave me at the Temple's royal class dormitory.

In reality, Ellen did return to the Temple with Ludwig.

They had to stop briefly at the Temple's main gate.

"Is this the cat that the Hero is raising?"

"Huh? Ah... Yes."

The guard asked Ellen a rather peculiar question.

In any case, Ellen did take me to the royal class dormitory.

However, after Ludwig had returned to the B-class dormitory to sort out his luggage, Ellen arrived at the royal class second-year, A-class dormitory.

"Is this the cat?"


Ellen carefully opened the cage and said, "Take care of it."

In front of my eyes was Emperor Bertus.

Judging from Bertus's expression, it seemed they had already discussed this beforehand?

"Alright, it won't be too difficult."

No. This was too safe!

Was it their intention to have me stay not in the Temple, but in the palace, specifically in Tetra?!

I wouldn't be able to go anywhere if it was too safe like this!

This wouldn't do!


Ellen, surprised by my sudden leap, embraced me as I clung to her chest.

-Meow meow meow meow!

"Wait a moment, it's okay."

Ellen gently pried me away and attempted to place me on Bertus's lap.

-Meow meow meow meow!

"It seems... it doesn't like me?"


Watching me throw a tantrum, Bertus chuckled while Ellen appeared at a loss for what to do.

This wouldn't do!

The moment I entered the palace, I wouldn't be able to go outside, and everyone in Edina would panic, believing the Demon King had gone missing!

I wasn't the Temple's cat.

Ellen was trying to make me the Emperor's cat.

What if I had been a stray cat that somehow infiltrated the allied forces?

A stray kitten that managed to infiltrate the allied forces would catch the Hero's eye for its cuteness, eventually becoming the Emperor's cat.

It would be an extraordinary rise in status for a creature, not a human.

Although there may not be history in the world of animals, if there were, it would be a noteworthy event in animal journalism.

An overseas topic, yes.

But I was not a cat; I was the Demon King who had transformed into a cat to gather information.

...This seemed even more like an overseas topic?

Anyway, I appreciated their concern, but this wouldn't do.

The Temple would be fine, but the palace was absolutely out of the question.

It wasn't about being in the palace, but about becoming the Emperor's cat.

I would undoubtedly be completely tied down.

Ellen was trying to ensure I could live in the safest place in the world.

Moreover, Bertus didn't seem to have any intention of refusing Ellen's request.

This wouldn't do.

I used every means at my disposal.

Ellen tried to force me into Bertus' arms or make me sit on his lap, but I twisted and writhed like mad, crying and even baring my teeth.

"I didn't know I was such a person who couldn't be loved by an animal."

Somehow, Bertus seemed hurt.


It's not like that...

"…Why is this happening?"

Ellen, as if upset, began to stroke the insane cat that was baring its teeth at the emperor, the most dignified human being, while it sat on her lap.

It must be because it's an animal and doesn't know any better. They both seem to understand it that way.

Ellen won't be able to push me onto Bertus since I hate it so much.

If they really try to force me into his arms, I'll have to escape using my power, even if I have to revert to my true form.

What would happen afterward, whether it's a fight or something else, is horrifying to imagine.

In any case, it's a rare sight.

Somehow, I got to see Bertus and Ellen having an exclusive conversation, and there was no doubt or suspicion about it.

"I could have gone to the palace."

The emperor is someone who calls people, not someone who goes to meet them.

Even if Ellen is special, it would have been more convenient for her to come to the palace, especially if she was on her way to entrust the cat to him.

"Ah, I had some matters to check at the temple, so I've been here for a few days."

Is the matter he's referring to related to the experiment I'm thinking of?

Is it true that the experiment is taking place at the temple and Bertus is checking it?

But this conversation alone serves as a clue.

If Ellen knew about this subject, there would be no need for Bertus to beat around the bush with the phrase "matters to check."

"I see."

Ellen's response didn't seem to show much curiosity about what the matter was, making it clear that she didn't know.

Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not sure.

But it was evident that Bertus didn't think it would be good for Ellen to know about such matters.

"Ellen, it's not like you're going back right away. It's okay if you spend the winter here. Serandia's surroundings can't be considered absolutely safe, but you've suffered the most in cleaning up the nearby area. And you haven't had a proper break so far, have you? It seems like this cat has no intention of being raised by me anyway. Wouldn't it be better if you took care of it here for a while?"


Good point.


Ellen silently tickled the back of my head.

You're saying that after working the hardest, she hasn't even had a break?

After the battle of Serandia, Ellen had been busy cleaning up the monsters in the area without a moment's rest.

But now that it's mostly wrapped up, there's no need for her to stay at the garrison waiting for her next mission.

It seemed that Ellen had originally planned to entrust me to Bertus and return to the allied forces' garrison right away.

"It's been a while since you've been at the dormitory. Take a break while you're here."

Bertus had met Ellen at the dormitory, not the palace.

That was partly because Bertus had been at the temple for a few days, but it also seemed like he intended for Ellen to rest at the dormitory while she was back.

"Can I really do this?"

"Who else but you can?"

On Ellen’s lap, she placed her hand on my waist and looked down at me, speaking quietly.

"Do I even deserve to..."

The guilt and self-reproach in her eyes were clearly conveyed.

Ellen's relentless activity and refusal to give herself a break were partly due to her guilt and self-blame.

For a while, Bertus remained silent.

"It feels like everything that's happened... all of it... is my fault."

I knew Ellen blamed herself for Delphin's death and the incident with Ludwig as well. I silently looked up at Ellen's eyes, which were becoming translucent.



And me.

The people at the heart of the Gate Incident were all gathered here.

"If we start debating who's to blame and who's the problem, there's no end to it."


"Even if I blame myself, thinking all this might be my fault, it doesn't end the Gate Incident. Being hard on yourself won't bring an end to everything."


"We've seen how weak humans are."

We faced humans dying so easily every day.

Humans are so easily broken, dying and getting hurt.

"You're strong, but in the end, you're human too."


"You're breaking too."

At Bertus' words, Ellen tightly gripped the amulet around her neck.

"So take a break during the winter. You don't have to be with the Allied Forces to survive the winter, and if the Allied Forces collapse without you, then they had no meaning to begin with. The Allied Forces need warriors at their best, not on the brink. To be that, you need to rest when you should."


"There's no such thing as a human who doesn't get tired. Now's the time for you to rest."


Fighting and throwing oneself into battles, focusing only on what's directly ahead, humans wear down, and Ellen was no exception.

The Allied Forces don't need a vulnerable warrior.

A warrior who recovers body and mind during the winter, returning at full strength.

Ellen seemed unable to refute Bertus' words, nodding her head while still holding the amulet.

It had been a long time since I'd heard Bertus speak directly.

I knew he had changed, but seeing it firsthand was strange.

Bertus, who had been a villain, was now someone I couldn't see that way no matter how hard I tried.

From the beginning, Bertus was hardly ever a villain in my eyes during the time we spent in the temple. The closest moment was just before the Gate Incident, but that didn't happen because Bertus was a villain.

After the Gate Incident, Bertus always seemed to live without the mask he used to wear.

From such Bertus, I could feel guilt, self-reproach, and a sense of responsibility.

However, what's even more horrifying is that Bertus, when he was a villain, never did such things.

It's assumed that Bertus, no longer a villain, is now committing even more terrible deeds.

"I'll take a break. I need to talk to Ludwig."


Bertus left his seat after leaving those words behind.

Fortunately, there was no incident of being dragged to the Imperial City of Emperatos.

Ellen looked at me with her head bowed.

"I wish I could've..."

Ellen spoke in a voice tinged with sadness.

"I can't... always... be with you."

There were several layers of meaning to her words.

Even though she had agreed to take some time off, she would eventually have to return to the Allied Forces' base.

It also meant that Ellen didn't have much time to look after a small creature.

And ultimately, it was about her existence disappearing altogether.

Ellen couldn't always be with me, so she found someone who could, and that person was Bertus.


"...What should I do?"

In the end, Ellen sighed deeply and embraced me.

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