The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 66: The God of War (12)

Chapter 66: The God of War (12)

Mo Li laughed more and more wildly. He whipped Lin Tie with a whip several times; it seemed he was beating the backbone of the Lin clan, which made them lowered their heads in despair. Lin Tie felt even more hopeless than them. These were his comrade-in-arms and also his family members. He ate and lived with them and cared for each other. He had even said that he would bring them all back. But now, because he was controlled by the enemy, these comrade-in-arms had restrained themselves. They were ready to be killed and fell into the abyss of helplessness. He could almost foresee that the Lin clan army would no longer exist in the world after this battle, and all the familiar faces in front of him would be burnt in the fire of war.

How could he ask so many of his troops to die with him? If it weren't for the fact that his teeth were smashed by Mo Li, he would have killed himself immediately by biting his tongue. He gazed across the faces of his fellow comrade-in-arms; two streams of blood tears gradually flowed from his dry eyes. Finally, he saw Lin Dan and his eyes lit up.

The others retreated dozens of feet by the bawled of the Huns army, but she was still at the front line and did not retreat even a step. She didn't avoid his gaze and looked straight into his eyes as if to assure his intention.

Lin Tie immediately shouted, "Lin Dan, just kill me!"

Lin Dan moved forward, but she didn't raise her bow. Instead, she calculated the distance between the two places to see if she had time to save Lin Tie when she bashed into the enemy lines. But unfortunately, he was too far away from her, and there were thousands of troops in front of him. So even if she was skilled in kung fu, she couldn't go to him in an instant and save him. No, she could have done it, but she failed to train herself to the extreme because of her subconscious.

It was definitely too late to get herself trained now. Lin Dan was reluctant to admit it, but she had to admit that her current self couldn't save Lin Tie at all.

Somehow, a voice told Lin Tie that this daughter might be the only hope of the Lin clan army, so he relentlessly shouted, "If you are still my obedient daughter, please do me a favor! Do you remember the poem father taught you when you were a child? Do you remember what grandfather often said?"

Lin Dan touched the bows and arrows on her back and said, "I remember, Military song should be sung with a broadsword, swearing to kill and enslave the Hu and leave the jade gate pass. If being defeated on the battlefield was the end of the kingdom, there was no need to return the corpses. We would rather die in the war than being their slaves! Father, I remember everything y'all had told me!" As soon as she finished her speech, she raised the bow and shot him.

As soon as the arrow soared, it landed. Lin Tie looked down at his bloody chest, looked up, and laughed. In his last breath, he stumbled and said, "As a father, I've fought countless battles, but I've never been happier than today! Lin Dan, you are the backbone of our family, and I am proud of you! If being defeated on the battlefield was the end of the kingdom, there was no need to return the corpses! As a father, I died with honor. Never blame yourself " his head dropped and died after saying his last words.

Lin Dan's eyes turned red; Mo Li and his troops were still in a daze. Didn't they say that the people in the central plain were all cowards? Didn't they say that the people in the central plain were filial and would never dare to kill their father? How could she do that?

However, before they came into their sense, Lin Dan charged into the enemy line with her sword and attacked Mo Li. Li Xian immediately shouted, "Charge! Avenge General Lin!" Looking at Lin Dan, who was being surrounded, his heart was full of terror. If General Lin was hoisted on the rack throughout and borne the humiliation of the Huns, the backbone of the Lin clan army would also fall apart and lost the war psychologically without fighting.

However, Lin Dan's determination awakened everyone's fighting spirit, and the sacrifice of General Lin aroused their anger and fighting will. Finally, this war had a chance to turn defeat into victory. Li Xian drew out his sword and rushed into the enemy, trying to catch up with Lin Dan, but she gets farther and farther away from him.

She had superb sword skills and kung fu. Anyone who gets close to her would be beheaded and killed by her in a split second. She didn't even look at others. She just stared at Mo Li with her red eyes. Blood spurted everywhere, wherever she passed.

For the first time, there was a sense of fear in Mo Li's heart, but he did not hide from it. He was the commander in chief of the army, so he couldn't retreat from the battle. Instead, he charged straight towards her. If he couldn't defeat her, there would be soldiers coming to rescue him. Was it possible for his troops to be afraid of a little girl?

It was a pity that he underestimated Lin Dan's fighting skills. He was almost beheaded by her in just the first round. Fortunately, he leaned back and narrowly avoided the fatal strike, but his skin was numb because of the force of the vicious sword. But his horse was not as lucky as him. The hooves of the horse rushed a few steps forward and suddenly lay down. A splash of blood shoot up into the sky, the horse's head was chopped off in the blink of an eye.

Mo Li fell to the ground. Before he could get up, he was knocked unconscious by Lin Dan with a slap. She grabbed and put him onto her horseback.

Lin Dan rushed out of the crowd with Mo Li on her horseback. Those who charged up and tried to save their commander in chief were all killed by her. She turned into a bloody person. She was covered with a thick layer of blood and was dripping all over. Her appearance was terrifying. Gradually, all the people who besieged her retreated with fear in their eyes.

But she was reluctant to let them go. She chased them with her broadsword. Wherever she went, the troops were in a mess. In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with a thick layer of corpses, like harvesting wheat with a sickle in autumn. It was also like the God of death strangled the souls. The means were ruthless.

There were still many Wei soldiers who were as red-eyed as Lin Dan. Their hearts were full of hatred. They only knew that they needed to take the heads of these Huns to mourn their comrades and console their heroic souls, but they did not have the slightest intention of retreating. The battle lasted from sunrise to sunset. When the Lin clan army came to their senses, the Huns army had already fled in panic, leaving only debris on the ground.

Everyone looked at each other with tears shed from their eyes.

Ding Mujie, who stood on the high hill, was shocked. He was too far away to see clearly what was going on on the battlefield, but he could see a small dot took the lead to rush towards the Huns army. After her, was the army of the Wei Kingdom began to attack. It broke through siege of the Hun's cavalry alone and charged towards the crowd. The left army and the right army were divided into two wings to disperse the Hun's troopers, then they divided and encircled them, made them scattered all-around.

Wherever the small dot went, the soldiers of the Huns would fell to the ground, invincible. Ding Mujie was so shocked that he couldn't say anything. He stared at the tiny dot and didn't dare to take his eyes off it. It was not until the Huns army was defeated, leaving only smoke signals all-round, and the tiny dot gradually returned to the unit of the Wei clan, he then only let out a deep breath. We won. This was actually bound to be defeated but ended with a victory of the great Wei Kingdom! He couldn't change the ending, but it was amended by someone. Who was she? Was that Lin Dan?

Ding Mujie mounted his horse and rushed back to the camp. Before he could get close to Lin Dan's tent, he heard people around describe the battle in an astonished tone. The invincible person was indeed Lin Dan! He gradually slowed down, shook his head, and laughed at himself. His laughter was full of despair and humiliation. In the previous life, when he locked Lin Dan in the backyard and causing her to fail to set foot on the battlefield to avenge her family, what was in her mind? She was fully capable of leading the battle but was detained by a selfish man. He insulted her personality, ignored her ability, and even deprived her of freedom in the end. He was unforgivable! If he could let go of her and let her go, perhaps they would have lived a different life in their previous life and didn't need to wait until now.

The more he thought about it, the more ashamed Ding Mujie felt. He already walked to the tent but dared not take a step closer. He was afraid to face Lin Dan, but the noise in the tent made him immediately forget all the distracting thoughts, and he quickly rushed in.

He only saw Lin Qing furiously grabbing Lin Dan's collar and questioned harshly, "How could you kill father! How could you do that! You are so skillful that you can charge into the siege to save him. Why did you shoot him with an arrow? You are so cruel! Are you still a human being?"

All the generals gathered around him and persuaded him. Their eyes were red. It was apparent that they had cried.

Lin Dan didn't say a word and gradually prised from Lin Qing's fingers and walked out of the tent to the training ground, which was filled with corpses and coffins. The soldiers who were guarding the bodies quickly retreated to both sides, letting her pass unimpeded. She walked to the front, quietly looking at rows of black coffins, and knelt down silently. These coffins were all containing with Lin clan's men and dead soldiers.

Lin Qing caught up and berate her with tears, "You are the murderer of father. You have no right to kneel here! Get out of here!"

Li Xian couldn't stand it anymore. He punched on Lin Qing's face and scolded, "Do you think it's easy to charge up into the siege and save General Lin? Lin Dan is a being, not a God. She has no wings! Why did General Lin request to be killed? Because he wanted to sacrifice himself to protect the kingdom. If he doesn't die, we won't have the will to fight. If we don't have the fighting spirit, the people here will all die, and the border we protect and the kingdom we fought for will also be trampled to pieces by the Huns' cavalry. Just as General Lin said, he died with honor, and he didn't regret it! If it weren't for General Austin's sacrifice and your sister's determination, could you still be standing here and scold her? You have owed your sister a life, and I also owed her a life. All of us who are alive owed her a life!"

Li Xian sobbed, "This is arrow should have been shot by either you or me, but we both can't take the responsibility. We had disappointed General Lin! Only Lin Dan stood up and helped us complete our mission. General Lin was right. We are all cowards! Your father, grandfather, brother, and uncles' bodies are all here, and their heroic souls are watching at us from the sky. You can ask them if they have blamed Lin Dan for what she did! "

Lin Qing remembered what his father had said before he died. He said he was happier than he won a battle because the Lin family had a new backbone. There was no doubt that the backbone was not referring to Lin Qing but to Lin Dan. He didn't blame Lin Dan at all. On the contrary, he was proud of her. And this crime of killing father should have been borne by the youngest son. It was Lin Qing's cowardice that made him put the blame on Lin Dan.

What was his stand to blame Lin Dan, his incompetence? When Lin Qing calmed down, he began to regret his behavior.

However, at this time, Lin Dan took out a dagger from her boots and stabbed it into her abdomen without hesitation, said weakly, "I will use my blood to cleanse the crime of killing father, is that alright? If I don't die today, I will defeat the Huns in the future. All the soldiers and the heroic souls in the sky, please be my witness." After saying that, she again brutally stabbed herself twice.

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