The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 67: The God of War (13)

Chapter 67: The God of War (13)

Lin Qing was frightened by the sudden self-injury of Lin Dan; he was stunned on the spot. Li Xian was the first to react and wanted to carry her, but she knelt firmly on the ground and did not move at all, as if she weighed a thousand pounds.

Ding Mujie also ran over to help, and shouted with red eyes, "What are you doing, Lin Dan? Why did you do that? The chief commander and the generals are watching you in the sky. They won't blame you! Quickly get up! Guards, send her to the military doctor. Hurry up!" In his two lives, he had never been so flustered. There was an indescribable fear deep in his heart. He was afraid that Lin Dan would die, just like the senior commander Lin, General Lin, and the other men of the Lin clan. It turned out, it was heroic to say that fighting to the death on the battlefield and the return of the corpses, but in fact, it was so brutal to endure it.

Lin Dan slowly and firmly pushed Ding Mujie and Li Xian away and glanced at the military doctor who came in a hurry. The military doctor was frightened by her fierce eyes and quickly stepped back, didn't dare to near her. She looked towards Lin Qing and said word by word, "If I die tomorrow, I will atone for the crime of killing father; If I don't die tomorrow, I will kill the Huns, avenge Lin clan's men and all the soldiers who died in battle. Is that okay?"

Lin Qing then only came back to his senses. He knelt down and cried with tears all over his face, "I'm sorry, sis! I was really wrong! I shouldn't have lost my temper at you just now. I was angry at my incompetence! Quickly get up and let the military doctor bandage your wound. I beg you! "

However, Lin Dan ignored him. She knelt down silently in front of the coffins, letting her blood flow out. At the same time, she was also constantly practicing her inner force, but she found that as if she had reached a solid barrier. With her existing state, it was impossible to break through it. In other words, even if she didn't have any concern and continued to practice her kung fu, she still couldn't save Lin Tie. Anyhow, she did kill Lin Tie, and she should bear the responsibility.

Human beings were sometimes weak. Although all kinds of the method were used and had tried our best, it was just the matter of fate. Thinking of this, Lin Dan finally let go of the last trace of guilt and immersed herself in meditation.

Lin Qing tried to persuade her. Every time he shook her, he saw more blood gushing out of her belly. He didn't dare to touch her anymore. He cried so hard that he couldn't catch his breath. His face was covered with tears, like a helpless and lost child. It was because he was timid and escaped from it, then only his sister stood out. The person he should hate most was not his sister but himself, the incompetent coward! He should have shoulder the responsibility for what his sister was suffering now.

Li Xian cried with tears welled up in his eyes, "Guards, carry General Lin back!"

Ding Mujie suddenly stepped forward and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't touch her anymore. If we stopped her from kneeling here to atone for her sin, she couldn't get over the barrier in her heart, which is worse than killing her. Do y'all understand?" He ignored Lin Dan's feelings too much in the past, but now, he was willing to stand in her shoes and consider her carefully in every way. If she wanted to atone for what she had done, then just let her be, and he would be with her.

After thinking for a while, he lifted up his clothes and slowly knelt down beside Lin Dan.

Li Xian closed his eyes for a while, and he trembled. At last, he waved his arm to back off the surrounding soldiers. He couldn't imagine how momentous was the crime of killing a father. He only knew that if he was Lin Dan, he definitely wouldn't have come back alive, let alone to kneel here, because he would have collapsed on the battlefield and killed by the Huns.

He stared at Lin Dan's back; his eyes were full of understanding, admiration, and pity. He knew that General Lin died happily, and his heart was full of relief when he died. Because of Lin Dan, the Lin family would never collapse. She could do something challenging for an ordinary person, and she could also bear the responsibility that was tough for an ordinary person. Her backbone was even more potent than iron steel. She was the new soul of the Lin clan army.

As long as she got over this barrier, nothing in the world could defeat her, and she would become indestructible!

The other generals also thought so. They gradually walked behind Lin Dan and knelt down with her. Their eyes were full of respect and admiration. She had no regret to herself, the death of the loyal Lin clan, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who had survived from death! 

If it weren't for General Lin's self-sacrifice and for Lin Dan's quick decision, there would have been no Western army anymore.

Seeing the generals kneeling down, the soldiers also gathered around and knelt down together. They looked firmly at the thin figure kneeling in the forefront. Although General Lin was dead, they had a new General Lin.

Lin Qing gradually stopped crying. He looked around at his comrades and turned around, and looked at the black mass of soldiers. An unspeakable sense of shame surged in his heart.

On the other side, Xue Zhao was lying in the tent waiting for the military doctor to remove the arrows for him. In fact, he had been badly injured by Lin Dan in yesterday's fight, but he hid it from others to save his dignity. When he went to the battlefield, he was certainly not fit to fight. Soon he was shot and fell from his horse. Fortunately, his soldiers had already received his orders. They immediately lifted him to the rear, which saved his life.

After returning to the camp, he couldn't swallow his anger. He ordered his people to spread the rumor that Lin Dan was cruel and merciless and even killed his own father. He even instigated Lin Qing to make trouble with Lin Dan. Judging from the noise, there should be a big quarrel happening over there.

As soon as he thought of this, his confidant opened the flap and came in. He said in a low voice, "General, the military doctor guarded the mourning hall and refused to come over. He said that he needs to keep an eye on Lin Dan at all times in case of anything happen to her."

"What's wrong with Lin Dan?" Xue Zhao was overjoyed.

Her confidant sighed, "In order to atone for her sin, she stabbed herself thrice into her abdomen. If she can't pass tonight, I'm afraid there will be another coffin in the mourning hall. I have never seen such a tough and resolute woman in my life. Not to mention that Lin Qing quarrels with her; he didn't even dare to make a sound. He knelt behind her and kowtowed. His forehead was bleeding. He felt very regretful. Li Xian, Li Zhong, and Fang Zhou all knelt behind her and were completely subdued by her. The soldiers looked at her as if she is a god and might have been convinced by her. If she doesn't die, the Western army will still be under the Lin family, Lin Dan's Lin. "

Xue Zhao was stunned. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "How could such a person suddenly appear in the Lin clan! It would be great if only they were all like Lin Qing, that coward! Y'all go and figure out whether we can use the old trick to get rid of her."

His confidant stopped him at once, "General, just forget about it. Lin Dan killed the Huns as if chopping melons and vegetables. It's hard for us to get close to her, let alone plot against her. Please be a little more patience. What if she loses too much blood and dies tomorrow? "

"Well, then we just wait for another day." Xue Zhao took a deep breath and said in pain, "Go and get the military doctor. I can't stand the pain anymore."

That night, the military doctor removed the arrow from him, but it was unexpected that the delay had caused the wound to be infected. Moreover, the wound injured the heart and caused a high fever. He continuously drank several bowls of remedy, but he died. What his confidant said was true. There was indeed another coffin in the mourning hall.

The long night finally passed. Li Xian and Ding Mujie reached out their hands simultaneously, trying to touch Lin Dan, but they both stopped and looked at each other carefully. It seemed that they had just discovered each other's existence. Their judgemental eyes showed slight hostility.

A loud rumble came from afar, breaking the morning silence. It was the drumbeats of the Huns. Since they were all defeated and the chief commander was captured. They couldn't wait any longer and wanted to fight again.

Lin Dan opened her eyes all of a sudden, she ignored the people at her both sides. She pulled off the mourning cloth on her head and wrapped it tightly around her waist. She took her sword and leave. "Let's continue the fight!"

"Let's fight again! Revenge for the dead soldiers!" The soldiers, who had been wearing sad faces, kneeling behind her, were instantly in high spirits when they saw that she was fine. They quickly stood up and put the armor that the blood had not been dried out back on. They returned to the unit in an orderly manner and lined up in formation. They were still the same army, but it was completely different from yesterday. It seemed that they had rebuilt their soul and backbone.

"Chief Commander, it's time to go." Lin Dan held Mo Li in her hand, whose bones were broken, and his limbs' tendons were torn apart.

"Let's go." Li Xian glanced at Mo Li, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and didn't ask further.

Ding Mujie felt frustrated when watching Lin Dan receded again. He didn't want to take the imperial examination anymore; he also didn't want to help the nine princes anymore; he didn't want to fight for the throne anymore. He only wanted to stay by the side of Lin Dan and see her live a peaceful life. If possible, he wanted to walk side by side with her and fight together with her in the battle.

When they arrived at the battlefield, Lin Dan also did the same doings as Mo Li did. She smashed his teeth and hung him high on the flag pole. She said contemptuously, "All of you are toothless tigers, which is not a threat. Sooner or later, I will pull out your claws and teeth, kill your tribes, and let y'all disappear on this grassland forever! "

The troops, who had always been arrogant, dared not to say anything this time. They looked up at Mo Li, who had already been tortured to an inhuman state; Their hearts were in fear. Yesterday, Lin Dan was like a god of death, wantonly killed the Huns. The way she slaughtered still remains in their memories, forming an indelible terror. If others were to say that they wanted to kill the Huns, they would definitely laugh at their whimsical ideas. However, these words were told by Lin Dan as if it was an omen, which made them feel chill from the bottom of their hearts.

They didn't know that with just a battle, they had already scared of Lin Dan.

One of the Huns' men whispered something in the ear of one of the generals, and his eyes occasionally glanced at Lin Dan's bloody belly. The general nodded and replied in Hu language. Then he raised his voice and spoke in Han language, and said that he wanted to fight one-on-one with Lin San. They had found that Lin Dan was seriously injured. If they could provoke her to fight and capture her alive, they might exchange her for the chief commander. This tactic was not new, but it worked.

The more Lin Qing thought about it, the more ashamed he felt for himself. If it weren't for the fact that he was on the battlefield, he would have dug a hole in the ground and dived into it. If he was not a coward and vented his anger on others, his sister wouldn't have been so seriously injured. It was cruel on the battlefield. She had been bleeding all night and was weak. If she was distracted today, she was very likely to be killed. What did he do! If grandfather and father knew it, they would definitely be very disappointed in him!

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