The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 68: The God of War (14)

Chapter 68: The God of War (14)

Lin Qing grabbed on Lin Dan's rein tightly and pleaded, "Sis, please don't fight with him. He was Mo Li's son, Mo Sang. His kung fu was skillful and possessed innate superhuman strength, which was tough to challenge him, and you are still injured. If something happens to you, and what should I do when I am left alone?" It was not until now that he realized how important this sister was to him. Without his sister, he didn't dare to imagine what would happen in the future. He couldn't support the Lin family by himself, let alone win the war.

His sister was not only his backbone but also the backbone of the soldiers.

Li Xian also stopped her, "Lin Dan, you stay in the line and don't move. I'll fight with him!"

Lin Dan pushed Lin Qing's hand away and ignored Li Xian's words. She asked, "Are you the son of Mo Li?"

Mo Sang stood out and said with a hoarse voice, "Yes, you're right. Do you dare to fight with me?"

Lin Dan sneered and said, "Good. Yesterday, your father had reunited my family, and today I will also let your family be in peace." As soon as she finished talking, she rushed out of the crowd and raised her sword began to slaughter.

Mo Sang didn't expect her to be so clear-cut. He was stunned for a moment before he charged up to her. The two rode back and forth, and their swords collided with each other. Every strike clashed with each other, producing sparks. Despite Mo Sang's great strength, Lin Dan was not inferior to him at all. In an instant, she had fought with him for more than ten rounds. If Lin Dan was not injured, Mo Sang would be no match for her, even if ten or eight more of him. But she had lost too much blood last night and was very weak. Her vision was blurry as she was fighting as if she couldn't hold any longer.

Seeing that Mo Sang was about to chop her in half, she swore to cut herself in half. To end the battle as soon as possible, she charged forward without dodging.

Mo Sang gritted his teeth and grinned, "You're courting death!"

The best defense was to attack. Lin Dan suddenly turned sideways and used her shoulder blade to withstand the attack so that she could take the chance to get close to Mo Sang. Then she turned her wrist and directly chopped off his head. Even if she lost her memory, the remaining fighting consciousness within her could still instruct her what to do.

The armor on her shoulder diverted some of the forces for her, but Mo Sang's blade still causes severe injury. It almost chopped her entire arm off. She tore off a piece of the armor and quickly wrapped up the wound. Then she tightened the rein, let her horse raised upright on its hind legs, and then trampled Mo Sang's head into pieces.

"Are there still any Mo family members who are still in the line? Come and fight with me!" She was covered in blood, which indicated that she was seriously injured, but no one dared to look down upon her on the battlefield.

Mo Li, who was hung in the air, let out a painful cry. He always liked to use psychological warfare, but when others used the same trick, he found that this was a brutal and powerless scene. He shouted in Hu language, but nobody knew what he was shouting.

The Huns army was in turmoil. After a long time, a muscular man walked out and said in a low voice, "I'm Mo Gu. Today I will chop your head to avenge my father and brother!" Like the Lin clan army situation, this Huns army was also Mo Li's troops, and most of the generals in the military were his confidants or nephews.

Lin Dan didn't say a word and charged upon.

Mo Gu still had a certain fluke mentality. He thought it would be easier to deal with Lin Dan since she was severely injured and exhausted. But he was utterly wrong. There was a kind of fighting spirit within Lin Dan that the more challenging it was, the more she felt on the verge of death, the more valiant she would be. The pain was nothing to her. Apart from stimulating her fighting spirit, it didn't affect her at all.

She had never been to the battlefield, but it seemed that she had experienced a hundred battles. She chopped off Mo Gu's **, held the tip of the spear, and tossed it towards his heart. The breastplate protected him from the fatal strike, but it also made him stunned for a moment. At this moment, a cold light flashed across his blue eyes. It was Lin Dan's blade charging towards him. Before he could react, she had cut off his neck.

Another head fell to the ground, with the same expression of disbelief and appalling on his face. The second member of the Mo clan died.

Lin Dan raised the bloody sword and said sternly, "Who else?"

Mo Gu's nephew quickly stepped back. When they stepped back, the Huns army also stepped back. Apparently, they were in a panic. Lin Dan immediately charged up to the enemy line and ordered, "Kill!"

She first distinguished the flame of the Huns army to wear down their fighting spirit. When they showed their fear, she bashed into the enemy line. She had planned every move. It would be just in vain for Mo Li to keep reminding her. His psychological warfare was backfired entirely on him.

The Lin clan army, who was actually in imminent danger, finally stand a chance to win. In this battle, they had breached the Huns army the Northern Shaanxi and messed up their plan of entering the central region. After dusk, there were only debris and smoke left on the battlefield. The large number and well-equipped Huns army were now left less than fifty thousand people, which could be said to be a disastrous defeat.

Li Xian brought the military doctor to the tent and wanted to bandage the wound for Lin Dan, but she stopped him outside.

"I'm a woman. It's inconvenient. I can bandage the wound myself. You can just leave the medicine." Lin Dan's tone was very calm as if she was not injured.

"No, you are badly injured, and it's inconvenient for you to move. What if the wound reopens? Wait a minute. I'll find a female doctor for you." All of a sudden, Li Xian thought of their last meeting. Apart from feeling helpless, he began to feel the joy of seeing her again. Lin Dan was like a lone wolf; she always hid and cure her wounds alone, as if she didn't need the care of others at all.

But he couldn't help caring about her. Her impression in his mind had turned from a blurry shadow to an eye-catching entity. In case of anything happen to Lin Dan, he didn't dare to leave the tent. He just sent someone to the nearby town to look for a woman who has medical skills. Lin Qing also didn't dare to go in. He squatted at the entrance dejectedly and kept apologizing to Lin Dan.

Ding Mujie walked to the door, cupped his hands, and said, "Your Royal Highness King Zhuang, it's late autumn now. The winter is coming, and the food and fodders are running out. Shouldn't you think of another way? Moreover, Mo Li was the younger brother of Mo Xiao, the chief of the Huns, and Mo Qi, Mo Tai, and the others who had been killed by Lin Dan were also the biological sons of Mo Xiao. After knowing the death of these people, Mo Xiao would certainly lead an army to attack. He has a unit of elite cavalries under his command, which has high lethality, high flexibility, and superb endurance. They haven't been defeated in a single war since the unit was established. Have you thought about how to deal with it? Although the unit has less than seventy thousand elite cavalries, they besieged and killed five hundred thousand troops and horses of the Wei Kingdom. In just three days, they conquered Bianliang City lightly and settled in Taiyuan. With our current army force, we are no match for them."

Ding Mujie didn't seem intent to pour cold water on King Zhuang at this time, but he had to do so. Although we had won this battle, there were more powerful enemies waiting to attack us, and it was far from the time to celebrate.

"I know all your concerns. I will report to my father about the army provisions and ask him to dispatch them. As for the elite cavalries of Mo Xiao, I'm still thinking of another way."

As soon as Li Xian finished his words, Lin Dan said in the tent, "What are you still thinking? If we wait for the order from the capital, it's already winter here. The soldiers would starve to death and won't have the strength to fight. The provisions and fodders of the Huns were all obtained from the people of the Wei Kingdom. We will just form a troop to plunder them as well. There are still a few remnant Huns troops nearby, and many vagrants have robbed the land of the people of the Wei Kingdom and settled down. We just have to fight and flee. Today, since we have killed hundreds of thousands of Mo Li's soldiers and horses, we just have sent people to gather the armors and horses that were left behind on the battlefield and also establish a unit of elite cavalries. I'll be responsible for training. We don't have much time left. Let's get ready quickly. It's better to take the initiative than wait for death."

Lin Dan's enterprising spirit immediately dispelled Li Xian's concerns. He smiled happily and said, "Okay, I'll order someone to prepare it now. You have a good rest. Let's fight side by side next time. "

Ding Mujie hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Royal Highness King Zhuang, I'm not talented, but I'm willing to help the army. Although the Huns' elite troops were terrifying, we can try to force them to dismount from their horses. We can also improve our weapons to restrain their heavy armors. If you are willing to believe me, please excuse me."

Li Xian looked at him and nodded, "Okay, let's go to the main tent and discuss it."

Ding Mujie didn't show any joy on his face. Instead, he walked to the entrance and said softly, "Don't worry, Lin Dan. You should have a good rest first."

"Thank you for your concern." An emotionless voice came from the tent. Ding Mujie felt a little miserable, but he didn't dare to stay any longer. He left hastily with King Zhuang. However, Lin Qing guarded the tent and didn't dare to move a step. Sometimes, he asked her sister whether she was okay or not; sometimes, he would berate himself; sometimes, he would urge the soldiers to find a woman doctor. He was in a mess.

It only took half a month for Lin Dan to heal from her injury. Not only the military doctor was startled, but she was surprised too. After she recovered, she elected five thousand elite soldiers to learn swords with her. When they were almost well-trained, she took them to the grassland to raid.

Her sword skill was very unique and had great lethal force; it was easy to do it. Her moves were not fancy, only chopping and stabbing. They waved their swords tens of thousands of times every day. After thirty or forty days in a row, the spirit of the whole unit was totally different.

Lin Dan led the army to wander on the grassland. When the sun rose, they galloped to the tribe in the East and raided their horses; Before sunset, they went to the tribe in the West and raided their food and fodder; At night, they would suddenly go to the South and raided their salt and iron. It was hard to predict their whereabouts. The manors conquered by the Huns and originally belonged to the Central Plains had been plundered by them.

Gradually, the Huns nearby were afraid of her and began to move deep into the grassland. Apart from that, when they heard Lin Dan's name from afar, they would flee at once. Seeing this, the people of the Wei Kingdom gradually moved back to their homeland and felt grateful to Lin Dan. They volunteered to donate fodders, hoping that the troop leader would stay for a long time to protect their safety.

In just two months, the fodders that had been raided by Lin Dan had been piled up the storehouse and all over the valley, as well as countless horses, salt, and iron, which made Li Xian had the resources to transform weapons and armors. He recruited as many craftsmen as possible and start smelting.

The preparations for the battle were in full swing. At the same time, Mo Xiao's army had slowly stepped into the river trap and confronted the Lin clan army.

A great war was about to begin.

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