The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 56: strange wolf(2)

Chapter 56: strange wolf(2)

Chapter 56 The Strange Wolf (2)

The panicked wild goat saw Mo Yan standing in the middle and stopped in a hurry. Its strong front hooves paved the ground restlessly, and its big eyes were filled with fear. Apparently these docile herbivores regarded Mo Yan as a human being. threatened.

Mo Yan was neither advancing nor retreating. However, the next scene did not give her time to think, because the wolf pack that had howled earlier had already approached and surrounded them all, including people and sheep.

Mo Yan was dumbfounded. He accidentally walked into a hunting circle of wolves!

Facing the eyeing wolves, the entire flock began to stir. Amid the rushing sound of the leader, more than a dozen strong adult goats spread out to form a circle, tightly protecting their old and frail companions in the center. The hooves were firmly attached to the ground, and the big eyes were staring at the enemy, ready to defend against attacks.

Hunting and being hunted, killing and being killed, Mo Yan was stunned on the spot, watching helplessly as this natural hunting competition unfolded tragically.

Mo Yan was ignored by the wolves and sheep who were fighting hard. When the bloodthirsty wolves passed by her, they didn't even look at her, as if she didn't exist.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and I saw more and more companions dying under the claws of hungry wolves. The head sheep, covered with wounds, struggled to escape from the wolf's mouth, and finally expressed sympathy to those companions who were still fighting in blood. He screamed, spread his hooves and quickly rushed out of the encirclement.

Seeing this, the other wild goats also began to struggle to get rid of the entanglement of the hungry wolves and break out. Perhaps after some hunting, the wolves were exhausted. The more than ten surviving goats unexpectedly died under the brave attack. They all escaped smoothly, leaving only their companions who were bitten to death on the ground.

Mo Yan, who has never seen a single wolf hair in modern times, has never seen such a battle. She had already taken advantage of the wolf-sheep battle to spread her legs along the way she came, stumbling back and being violently beaten. Stimulated by the fighting and the strong smell of blood, his brain couldn't function normally at all, and he simply forgot that there was still space.

When he could no longer hear a wolf howl or smell the smell of blood, Mo Yan panted and stopped holding on to the tree trunk, breathing heavily. The sweat from his forehead slid down his cheeks and dripped onto the grass. inside.

Her legs were weak and her feet were soft. She sat down on the ground, wiped her sweat vigorously, covered her pounding chest and was stunned. The impact of what she encountered today was really too great, and she was also stunned. She has thoroughly seen the cruelty of nature, and the animal world shown on TV in her previous life was just like playing.

Subconsciously touching the palm of her hand, Mo Yan finally remembered the space she had forgotten in her fear. She patted her head in fear. If there were not more delicious wild goats just now, they were bitten by the evil wolf. It's her.

Worried about encountering other dangers, Mo Yan shouldn't stay too long. She stood up and patted her butt. Just as she was about to leave, there was a rustling sound behind her. This time, she reacted quickly and quickly entered the space.

Almost as soon as Mo Yan disappeared, a wolf with strong limbs, tall and mighty like a calf sprang out. It was much larger than an ordinary wolf. The most special thing was that it had a golden knot on its forehead. Mao Mao, who was holding a wild goat about the same size as him in his mouth at this time, stopped at the place where Mo Yan was resting.

Throwing the wild goat to the ground, a tuft of hair dragged its big tail and kept sniffing around. When he noticed the familiar smell gradually dissipating in the air, he couldn't help but tilt his head, and a humanized light flashed in his eyes. , looking extremely frustrated!


Mo Yan, who was standing in the space, looked at this scene and felt as if his brain had been struck by lightning. Only then could he see the frustration in the eyes of that ferocious wolf!

A tuft of hair sniffed back and forth for a long time, but found nothing in the end. He couldn't help but droop his tail, and reluctantly followed the path he came from, but the wild goat that it had picked up was left behind. .

After confirming that the wolf had really left, Mo Yan came out of the space and looked at the dead wild goat on the ground. Thinking back to what the wolf had done just now, she felt unbelievable. Could she be narcissistic about that strange goat? The wolf chased the sheep with the sheep in its mouth, just to give it to her?

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