The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 57: Mo Wu Shi

Chapter 57: Mo Wu Shi

Chapter 57 Mo Wu

Mo Yan threw the wild goat into the space. When he was almost at the foot of the mountain, he took it out and hid it in a hidden place. He then found Lin Yong who was cutting down trees nearby and asked him to help carry the goat down the mountain.

As expected of a master, Lin Yong was carrying a 100-200 kilogram wild goat as effortlessly as he was carrying a sack of cotton. As he walked, he said to Mo Yan: "Looking at the marks, this goat was obviously bitten to death by a wolf. , I dont know why it wasnt eaten.

The wound was still bleeding, and it was obvious that he had died not long ago, but he was cutting down trees nearby and didn't even hear any movement. It was really strange.

Knowing that he would not know the cause and effect, Mo Yan still felt guilty: "Maybe the wolf killed more than one sheep!"

Lin Yong thought about it and thought it was a possibility. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Miss Mo is lucky. People are coming and going in Tianshan Mountain these days, and you picked up the big guy as soon as you came."

At this point, he reminded him seriously: "The wolves have gone to the outskirts of the mountain forest. From now on, Miss Mo should try not to go into the mountain alone."

Mo Yan knew he had good intentions, so he naturally agreed. After experiencing the fight just now, she really had no intention of going into the mountain again in a short period of time.

I met many villagers along the way. The wild goat was so big, so it naturally caught their attention. I heard that Mo Yan picked it up from the mountain. They all envied her good luck, but they were just envious because of the wild beasts that were looking for food in the mountains and forests at this time. Who knows, they don't dare to go into the mountains to try their luck.

Mo Qingze was looking for his daughter everywhere. When Mo Yan and Lin Yong came back, he found out that his daughter had sneaked into the mountains. If he hadn't wanted to save his daughter's face in public, he would have just carried her home and locked her up right now. The door of the house should be taught a lesson.

Looking at his sullen father, Mo Yan felt guilty. Although his father was definitely a civilized man and would not engage in domestic violence, his ability to recite sutras like Tang Monk was really troublesome.

The wild goat was too big and no one at home knew how to take care of it, so Mo Yan wanted to process it here and take the meat back.

However, Lin Yong used to go hunting in the mountains in his hometown a lot, and he was very good at handling wild animals, so he found two helpers, hung the sheep on the tree, started with the sheep's mouth, and quickly peeled off a complete sheepskin. Then the body was disemboweled with a sharp knife and the internal organs were removed. The edible sheep hearts, livers, intestines, etc. were cleaned, tied with a cloth strip, and hung on a tree to dry.

The cleaned mutton weighed about 120 kilograms. Mo Yan asked Lin Yong to divide it into two halves, leaving half of it for the family helpers to eat.

"Little boss, we have taken advantage of you, so why do we still want these muttons? If you can't finish them all, you can sell them to restaurants. Winter is the time to cook mutton, so the wild ones are even rarer, okay? Sell."

The speaker was Zhang Erniu, who had been working in the Mo family. He looked at these fat muttons with pain. They were worth more than one tael of silver. How could the little boss just give them away? It was such a waste!

Mo Yan still had an impression of him. Seeing his expression and hearing these words that didn't seem to be false, her impression became much better.

"It's okay, I picked it up anyway. You have been working very hard these days, so this little thing is nothing."

Mo Qingze also joked: "If it could be worth a hundred and eighty taels if it was delivered to a restaurant, I would be really reluctant to part with it." The family is not short of such money now, and the helpers are also honest, so it is really nothing to give them food.

Hearing this, Zhang Erniu felt more and more that his boss was kind, and could not say any more words of refusal.

Lin Yong held a knife and concentrated on dividing the meat. No one in the Mo family knew it better than the Lin family. The clan's house was built in the past two days, and the old and young have moved back from the refugee camp. With the Mo family's cotton and food, they no longer suffer from hunger and cold. It is better than the poverty-stricken days in Linjia'ao. .

In the past few days, he and his family members have been busy cutting down trees to prepare the wood for the Mo family to build a house in the coming year. Although the work is not easy, no one complained. The Mo family's kindness to the Lin family is only What happened last time is not enough to repay him.

Mo Yan asked Lin Yong to cut his own half of the mutton into strips, then take it home and marinate it with salt. It would also be good to hang it under the eaves to dry and make mutton bacon.

Turning around and seeing his father hesitant to speak, Mo Yan quickly guessed what he was thinking and picked out the best lamb leg meat from the pile of meat strips and handed it to him: "Dad, you send it Give it to Grandpa Seconds house.


Facing his daughter's see-through gaze, Mo Qingze didn't know what to say, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face. He took the meat strips weighing seven or eight kilograms and carried them to Lao Mo at the end of the village. Home.

Looking at her father's leaving figure, Mo Yan gritted her teeth. She was not as generous as she showed towards the best of the family. If possible, she would rather feed it to wild dogs than take advantage of them.

But she still underestimated the quality of that family. It didn't take long for Mo Qingze to come back empty-handed, but his face looked very bad. He looked at Mo Yan and was silent for a while before saying: "There will be nothing important in the future. , dont go to your second grandfathers house to disturb their peace.

No need to speculate, Mo Yan also knew that his father must have been angry with those top dogs. For a moment, he only felt itchy with hatred and regretted giving them that large piece of mutton. It was really worse than feeding a dog.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Mo Qingze sighed helplessly, thinking of his second aunt's scolding when he came in, the cynicism of his second cousin and his wife, and the expressions of his third and fourth cousins who took the mutton too little. At that moment, He actually had the urge to never step foot in this house again. From now on, he would really become estranged from his second uncle's family.

It was noon after processing the mutton, and it was too late to go home for dinner. The father and daughter did not go home and ate a big pot of rice with the working villagers.

The two women cooking are very good at cooking. The sweet potato and dried rice are rice and rice, and they are not lumped together. The mutton stewed with radish is also very soft and delicious. The smell and taste are very appetizing, and the villagers passing by can't help but swallow. I salivate and envy those who work hard.

More than forty people sat around and ate very happily. Mo Yan also had a big appetite. Not only did he drink two bowls of steaming mutton soup, he also ate a small bowl of sweet potato rice, which made his stomach feel a little uncomfortable for a while. , had to get up and go for a walk outside to eat. While walking, I met an acquaintance.

Looking at Mo Wu, whose face was slightly red and a little uncomfortable, Mo Yan rarely looked at her with a cold expression like she did with other members of the old Mo family.

Cousin, what can I do for you?

Speaking of the entire Old Mo family, the only one who made the original owner feel tenderness was the cousin in front of him. In the past, the three siblings were treated so harshly by Mo Hong that they had neither enough food nor clothing to keep them warm. It was Mo Wu who often secretly stuffed them with steamed buns and sweet potatoes, all of which she saved from her own mouth. The original owner was grateful to her, and Mo Yan was also grateful to her. This kind woman made a good impression.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she asked the question, Mo Wu's eyes turned red and she began to cry: "Yan, Yan girl, originally, originally, aunt shouldn't have come to find you, but uncle, aunt really, really didn't. , There is nothing we can do, wuwu

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