The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 53 - Hello!

Laura stepped backward...

She finally saw the face of the one who opened the door. Her eyes widened in shock!


Oh my, it's Luke!

"Hello my love, long time no see. You forgot to cover the mirror outside," the guy said.

Oh no! It's Luke's doppelganger!

Laura was astounded.

Luke grinned. "Nice seeing you again, my love! You covered the mirror in your bedroom, eh? You don't want to see me again? I'm feeling upset and sad," he said, touching his chest with his hand as if he felt pain in that area of his body, he was sporting a sad look on his face.

It's not Luke himself! But his doppelganger! Laura reminded herself. She put her hand on her forehead to calm her nerves. Then she remembered the mirror outside the living room! She can confirm now that Luke's doppelganger is using the mirror as the medium to exist in this world. Without the mirror, he can't exist and use his power.

"Are you the one who put Cooper to sleep?" she questioned him.

Luke stared at the guy sleeping on the bed, anger glimmered in his eyes. "Yeah, I put him to sleep. I was about to kill him but I'm afraid you're going to hate me after you learned that I killed your future husband. So, I will seek your decision first. Should I kill him or not? His life is in your hands now," he said.

"What exactly happened?" she asked out of curiosity.

"He was about to force himself on your sleeping form... so I put him to sleep and waited for you to wake up so that you can decide his fate. Have you already decided his fate, my love?" he asked.

Laura stared at Cooper. She closed her eyes...weighing her options.

Getting rid of Cooper through his untimely death will solve 50% of her problems, she's finally free to go after Graven without all the hassle that Cooper is going to give her. For now, she was tempted to decide just that...but...a part of her feels guilty. Sir Nicholas was a kind man, not only that, he was his father's good friend. He was generous, kind, and hospitable allowing them to stay in his house and welcome them like they were part of his family.

How would the old man feel if Cooper will be found dead in Graven's house? He would surely feel devastated that his only biological son met his untimely death too soon.

She released a deep sigh. She had trouble deciding. Although she hated Cooper for his bad intention towards her, she can't bring herself to be the reason for his death, it's a betrayal against the kind soul of Sir Nicholas. Besides, she can't be the reason for the death of Graven's brother, the man she loves.

"Don't kill him, let him be," she said calmly.

Luke looked at her. "Are you sure? Why are you so forgiving towards him? He was about to sexually molest you! He deserves to die!" he reminded her in an agitated voice. His eyes were blazing with hatred towards Cooper.

"You said you will let me decide, now I already decided! Please respect my wishes!" she told him.

"Fine! I'll set him free, I won't kill him," he finally relented.

"I'm getting out of here," Laura said walking towards the door.

He blocked her path on the way to the door. "Wait...are you just going to leave like that? Aren't you going to reward me for saving you from that evil swine?" he asked.

Laura rolled her eyes. "What-? You are also going to take advantage of me? Just like Cooper? Just like what he has done to me last night?" she said glaring at him. "You have done enough already in the past, aren't you satisfied yet? I'm going back to my room, don't follow me!" she said and walked out of the door.

She put the hood over her head and walked on the path leading to the door of the kitchen, she quickened her step wanting to be inside the mansion as quickly as possible before anyone noticed her.

She finally reached the door and pushed it, it opened right away. Good! She entered the kitchen and closed the door behind her. Her heart was beating rapidly inside her rib cage.

The possibility of anyone seeing her outside her room after midnight is making her edgy.

She quickly sauntered towards the living room and climbed the stairs hurriedly reaching the top of the stairs in no time. She walked in the hallway and finally reached the door of her room, she breathed in relief, she paused for a minute looking left and right, she was glad nobody saw her. She entered her room quickly and closed the door behind her.

Whew! Huge relief washed over her, she was already inside the comfort of her room. Thank, God!

Laura went to the chair, she removed the brown hooded cloak and draped it around the chair. Then she entered the bathroom and went to the sink, splashing water on her face. Her ragged breathing already returns to normal.

She exited the bathroom and went to bed. She lay her body down and looked at the window, it's still open! She rose from the bed and walked towards the window and closed it. Then she went back to bed to retire for the night.

She stared at the fluorescent light shining brightly in the ceiling. Then her eyes landed on the mirror in the dressing-table that was covered with garments. Luke's doppelganger appeared again!

She finally had the confirmation that Luke's doppelganger lives in the mirror. The mirror has something to do with his existence? Was he a prisoner of the mirror? Was he a spirit that pries on innocent women? Why did he keep pursuing and following her? What is the reason? Why?

Her mind was bombarded with many questions.

But she can't deny that Luke's doppelganger saved her from Cooper today. She has forgotten to thank him! Should she thank him for saving her? Should she free the mirror from its tight covers?

She's getting confused and agitated.

She should stop thinking about Luke's doppelganger, or else she will encounter a massive headache soon.

She closed her eyes, intending to sleep. She'd better rest her mind... 'coz tomorrow... she still has to deal with Cooper's outburst.

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