The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 54 - Who Is It?

The next day.

Laura was awakened by the sound of soft knocking on the door. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Oh no! It was already 8:30 in the morning! She sleeps late and woke up late! She got up immediately from the bed, placing her hands on her head, feeling a pounding headache hammering on her head. Oh, why she's feeling sick today?


She walked towards the door and opened it.

Neeza stood outside the door. "Miss... your father and Sir Nicholas already finished eating their breakfast in the dining room. When are you going to go downstairs?" she asked.

"Neeza, I'm not feeling well. Can you bring some food in my room?" she asked, not wanting to see anyone today especially Cooper.

Neeza looked at her worriedly. "Do you have a fever, Miss?" she asked.

"I have no fever, just a headache," Laura answered, shaking her head. She opened the door wide for the maid to enter.

Neeze entered the room and closed the door behind her.

Laura walked to the bedside table and picked up the key to Graven's house, she handed it to the maid. "Here's the key to graven's house, I'm returning it to you. Thank you for your help, Neeza," she said.

"Have you check the house, Miss? Did you find what you are looking for?" Neeza asked curiously.

Laura looked at the maid. "Yes, I'm done checking it. But I didn't find anything there to help me," she answered. She didn't tell the maid about Cooper and Luke's doppelganger, she will keep it a secret forever. She was curious about what happened to Cooper. "Did you see Cooper this morning?" she asked.

"Yes, I just saw him in the hallway. He was on his way to the dining room," Neeza replied.

One more reason, she doesn't want to go downstairs today. She wants to avoid meeting Cooper, she wants to avoid any confrontation with him until she sorts out her feelings and emotions.

"Just please bring my food here, Neeza. If anyone asks, just tell them I'm not feeling well today, I have a headache. I just want to stay in my room all day and rest," she said.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now," Neeza said. Then she saw the single rose on the dresser table and picked it up. "Wow, what a beautiful rose. Did you picked this up in the garden, Miss?"

"Yeah, I picked that rose from the garden yesterday," she answered.

"Ah, okay, I'll go now," Neeza said and put the rose down on the dresser table and left the room to get food downstairs.

After the maid was gone.

Laura walked towards the dresser table and picked up the single rose, she stared at the red petals. The rose came from Luke's doppelganger, no one else!

But she didn't take off the cover of the mirror! Why that guy still able to deliver a rose to her? She looked around her bedroom and saw her small round mirror on the table! Dang! She forgot to hide it away.

She picked up the small mirror and put it behind her clothes in the closet.


Sighing, she sat on the edge of the bed. She looked at the window, it's already opened. Did that mysterious guy entered thought the door or through the mirror? Now she's getting confused.

What's the truth? What is the secret behind that mysterious guy who keeps pestering her using Luke's image?

A few minutes later.

Neeza returned to the room carrying a tray laden with food, she placed the dishes on the table. She looked at Laura and smiled. "Enjoy your meal, Miss. I'll come back later," she said walking towards the door and exited.

Laura lowered herself on the chair and began eating her meal. The dishes consisted of fried fish, boiled egg, eggplant omelet, rice, and squash soap.

Thirty minutes later.

Laura finished devouring her appetizing breakfast.

A couple of minutes later, Neeza returned to the room and put back the dirty dishes into the tray. Before she exited the room she looked at Laura. "Anything else, Miss? Do you want me to bring you anything?" she asked.

"No. There's nothing I can think of right now. Maybe later," Laura responded.

"Okay, I'll check on you later after I'm done with my other chores," Neeza said and exited.

Laura nodded her head and closed the door. She went inside the bathroom to brush her teeth.

A moment later she was done in the bathroom and exited.

She was combing her hair when she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Who is it?" she asked.

" the door!" Simon said.

Ah, it was just her father. She put the hairbrush down in the bed and opened the door wide for her father to enter. "Father..." she acknowledged his presence.

"How are you feeling now, daughter? Drink this..." Simon handed her some medicine. "Neeza told me that you are not feeling well, that you are having a headache. Drink this medicine three times a day until your headache goes away. Nicholas gave them to me after he learned that you had a headache," he said.

"Yes, I'm having a headache right now, Father. Please give my thanks to Sir Nicholas for the medicine," she said and accepted the medicine. She put them on the table, she will drink one tablet later.

Simon eased into the chair. "I'll be returning home to Hallowpass tomorrow afternoon. Will you be okay here alone on your own?" he asked, getting worried about her.

Laura sighed a bit. "I'm going to miss you, Father. But don't worry, I'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself," she replied with a smile and confidence.

"Good!" Simon said and rose to his feet. "Don't forget to drink your medicine. I'll take my leave now," he said, walking towards the door and exited.

Laura breathed in relief. She took one tablet, then poured water into the glass and drink her medicine.

She went back to bed and lie down comfortably, then she closed her eyes preparing to sleep again.

Fifteen minutes later, she was already dozing off.

One hour later, she fell asleep soundly.

Three hours went by.

Laura was awakened by the sound of soft knocking on the door. She sighed and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She still wants some more sleep!

Dang! Who is it?

She got up from the bed without bothering to comb her disheveled hair and putting on her slipper, she was expecting that it was just the maid checking on her. She opened the door. Her eyes widened in surprise.

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