Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 401: Moving Side

Chapter 401: Moving Side

Buggy hopes a clash will happen between his crew and the Marines. But he was expecting too much from a big group of Cadets and their instructors. His mistake was he put them at the same levels as the Marine's great forces.

When the Marine instructors see the Black Pearl coming, they immediately send an emergency signal to their Cadets. The cadets need to return to their ships in 5 minutes and anyone who can't make it will be left, that's the procedure taught to the cadets since their first day in the academy.

"Have you notified the HQ?" asks the male head instructor with a worried tone.

"Y-yes, they told us to retreat immediately. It will take 3 hours even if they use everything they have. So Fleet Admiral Sengoku orders us to retreat as fast as possible," says the female officer with a scared tone.

"What about the cadets?" asks the head instructor.

"Most of them have returned, but the ones who are on the other side of the island haven't arrived yet. 96 cadets haven't returned," reports a male officer.

"Damn! Tell them to go to the other side of the island, and we will pick them up," says the head instructor.

"Yes!" replies all the officers.

The Clown Pirates just watch as the Marines are panicking and leaving. They already lost their interest when they saw the Marines panicking, so they let them leave.

"Sigh, I thought there will be some high-ranking officers stationed here," says Cricket.

"I think the high-rank officers only sent them here and have returned. They will only come at the end of the training to pick these guys. The only threat they ever thought was Seaking, after all. No one expected a pirate crew would sail here calmly and found their training island," says Deon.

"Well, now that they've left, we can explore this island freely. Let's go," says Buggy.

The Marines can only watch as the Black Pearl moves toward the island. Many cadets are protesting and say they should fight the Clown Pirates instead of running away. The instructors hold their heads in frustration while seeing these arrogant youngsters.

These cadets never fought pirates before and they are also talented, so they are very full of themselves. They think that all pirates are the same and want to face the Clown Pirates. They think they are strong enough to defeat the Greatest Pirate crew right now.

While the cadets are protesting, 10 massive Seakings suddenly appear from the sea around their ships. The Seakings look down at the Marines on the ships. No one needs to say it because they all understand the Seakings want to eat the Marines.

The cadets who talked so loudly before are shutting their mouths tightly now. They all tremble in fear at the sight of these massive Seakings. They encountered some massive Seakings on their way here, but Zephyr was with them and he pushed back all the Seakings.

Now, Zephyr is not here because he was called to test the graduating Cadets. No one among the Marines here has the power to repel these Seakings now. Especially when 10 of them appeared at the same time.

But suddenly someone shouts, "W-WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO?"

The other Marines look at where this shouting guy is looking at. He is looking at Buggy who stands on Black Pearl's valkyrie figure in the front while holding one of his swords. Buggy gets into a stance and swings his sword horizontally quite fast.

Massive blue-slashing energy comes out of his slash and flies toward the Marine ships. It keeps getting bigger and bigger, scaring the Marines. But the massive slash attack moves above the Marine ships and hits all the Seakings instead.

Under the Marines' shocked eyes, the Seakings get cut cleanly by that one attack. The cut is so clean that it takes a moment for the Seakings' blood to erupt from their wounds. Their blood sprays and become rain that falls on the Marine ships.

Every marine is silent before their head instructor suddenly asks the cadets, "You still want to fight that?"

The cadets can only shake their heads while still having their shocked expressions. They never saw this level of swordsmanship before, after all. Even the instructors never saw it, not to mention the cadets.

"What a way to show off," says Cricket while smirking.

"Damn, you should let me do it instead," says Enel jealously.

"You would endanger those kids instead by purposely striking your lightning close to their ships," says Mantis.

"That will teach them a good lesson," says Enel.

"Enough, let's just explore the island," says Buggy while sheathing his sword.

The Clown Pirates continue their way to the island and start exploring it. On another hand, the Marines are staying still in their positions because they are too stunned to do anything. But then the head instructor wakes them up and tells them to move because the blood will attract more Seakings, so they need to leave immediately.

As for the pirates, they explore the island as if it's just another day. When exploring, they can see why the Marines use this island to train their cadets. Aside from it being the only island they found in this part of Calm Belt, it also has some beasts strong enough for the cadets.

But these beasts are nothing but cute animals for the Clowns. So there is no real strong creature here and this island is also just a normal island. Basically, it's just a boring island aside from the fact that it's used to train marine cadets.

The crew leaves the island after exploring it for a day. There's nothing interesting there, so they leave fast. The Marine also doesn't send anyone to attack them, so they get bored immediately. They continue their exploration and the next islands are more interesting than the Marine's island.

These islands are unexplored, so there are a lot of interesting stuff. They are also uniquely shaped, have unique plants or animals, and even have strange weather changes. The Clowns prefer these types of islands in their exploration because they can find new things.

Their Calm Belt exploration on the East Blue side finishes in a year. Then they immediately go to explore the South Blue side. They go there through Sabaody, but they only stop there to fill their supply.

Their appearance on Sabaody alert many organizations because they've disappeared for a year and suddenly appear there. The Marine is also on high alert because no one knows what The Clowns will do there with all Celestial Dragons who visit Sabaody Archipelago.

Luckily for the Marines, Clown Pirates don't do many things on Sabaody. They only fill their supply, meet Rayleigh & Shakky, then leave. But the Marine is still worried about Clown Pirates' next move because they know that Clown Pirates are exploring Calm Belt before.

The Clowns go to the Calm Belt on the South Blue side immediately after leaving Sabaody. They all are very excited because they know an island that they'll come across there, Amazon Lily, the Island of Maidens. The boys are the most excited because well, they are boys.

The first island they find isn't Amazon Lily though, it's an island full of blue color. Everything there is blue. The animals, plants, soil, rocks, and even dead leaves are blue there. It's similar to the White Island they found in New World, but here, the animal blood is blue, so it's a fully blue island.

That's an interesting island, but they hasten their exploration there. Aside from their wish to see Amazon Lily as fast as they can, they also don't want to spend their time on Calm Belt for too long. So they plan to finish this side of Calm Belt in half a year.

Then after visiting 2 more islands, they finally find Amazon Lily. They can see Kuja Pirates' ship from afar, so they know it's Amazon Lily. The boys are very excited to see the women on Amazon Lily, especially the infamous Boa Hancock who has just become a Warlord of The Sea.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 425. Dragon Annihilation (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 436. Escaping Impel Down (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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