Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 402: Kuja

Chapter 402: Kuja

Amazon Lily, an Empire located on Maiden Island in Calm Belt. This is an Empire of women, no man lives here, but most men want to come here even once. These women are members of the Kuja tribe, that's why their crew is named Kuja Pirates, and now Hancock is their Empress and crew Captain.

The Clown Pirates arrive on Amazon Lily after sailing on Calm Belt for a long time. Every man in the crew is excited, even the ones who already have spouses. Buggy is also excited because he was always curious about this place that ban men from entering it.

As their ship gets closer, the Kuja tribe women finally see their ship. They get alerted and the guards send an emergency signal to the whole island. All Kuja warriors immediately go to their port to see what happen, including the Boa sisters.

The ones who never left the island don't know anything about Clown Pirates, but the members of Kuja Pirates surely know them. They are questioning why Clown Pirates come here and how the crew manages to cross Calm Belt without any visible protection from Seakings.

"T-they are, Clown Pirates!? How could they come here?" asks a member of Kuja Pirates with a rather scared tone.

"That's a foolish question. They have conquered Grandline in a sense, so there won't be any place they can't visit. They themselves are enough protection against the Seakings," says Sandersonia.

"The Marine was in chaos months ago due to Clown Pirates' appearance on their training island in Calm Belt. It seems they are really exploring Calm Belt," says Marigold.

"Clown Pirates, are a group of pirates who enjoy exploring islands and seas. If they come here, that means they want to explore this island," says Hancock with a serious expression.

Even the haughty Hancock knows how dire this situation is. She is a Warlord of The Sea, after all. That group was made to counter the power of the Emperors and Clown Pirates are the ones who are seen as the biggest threat right now, especially after Buggy defeated Whitebeard in a duel.

"Exploring this island?! A group of outsiders? And they are mostly men?!" says the Kuja women in surprise.

"Even if they are known to be the strongest pirate crew of this era, we can't let men set a foot on this island. We must fight them," says Hancock.

The Kuja warriors nod and get ready for battle, but then Elder Nyon appears.

"Snake Princess, don't you think we should negotiate with them first?" asks Elder Nyon.

"Negotiate with men? Are you crazy Nyon-ba?" asks Hancock rudely.

"No, it's you who are crazy. It will just be suicide if you decide to fight them right off the bat. Just their Captain alone can destroy this island easily, not to mention if they attack us with full power. I heard they are very reasonable and don't like causing unnecessary problems. If they are, then every island they visit would have disappeared by now or be ruled by them. Just talking won't hurt, Snake Princess. You are an Empress, so you need to think of your people's lives. We can prepare for war, but it's better to negotiate first," says Elder Nyon.

Hancock seems displeased by Elder Nyon's words. She is a very prideful woman and doesn't afraid of anything. She is a Conqueror Haki user, so she won't accept standing below anyone.

But then Marigold says, "She is right, elder sister. Just talking will be fine."

Sandersonia adds, "At the very least, they are more reasonable than World Government and Marine."

That last sentence calms Hancock a little and she finally agrees. But she still orders her people to get ready to fight anytime. They follow her order as the Kuja Pirates get on their ship to approach Clown Pirates.

Both crews get in contact soon and Buggy is sitting relaxedly on the railing as his ship is side by side with Kuja's ship. Hancock is standing at the front and her crew members are getting ready to fight anytime behind her.

"Yo, are you here to welcome us?" asks Buggy while smiling.

"Clown Lord Buggy, why are you here?" asks Hancock right off the bat.

"No chitchat first? How boring. Well, I don't know if you know this but we are exploring Calm Belt right now. We've finished the one on the East Blue side. Now we are exploring this part and reaching your island," says Buggy.

"So you want to explore Amazon Lily?" asks Hancock warily.

"Yeah, but I know your rules, so us men won't enter your island. That's why I want to ask if you can let our girls explore it while the men wait outside," says Buggy.

The Kuja Pirates are surprised to hear Buggy asks it first. Hancock is the most surprised, but she is still wary of them.

"What if I don't allow it?" asks Hancock.

"Then we will just go around the island to see from outside. We are not the kind of people who will do things as we like in people's land," says Buggy while smirking.

"But you attacked Beasts Pirates on their base," says Hancock.

"Well, that's not their land, after all. That's our friends' land. So, how is it? Will you let our girls visit your place?" asks Buggy.

"What's in it for us? You want to visit our land but don't offer anything?" asks Hancock arrogantly, which makes Elder Nyon very worried.

Buggy smirks and says, "Our offer? How about we will spare your lives?"

The Kuja pirates flinch, but then Buggy laughs, "HAHAHA, I like your reactions. I won't talk that long if that's what I want to do. Alright, how about this? We will give you 2 ship cannons for that."

"Just 2? Do you think 2 cannons are enough for this?" asks Hancock angrily.

Buggy just smirks and clicks his fingers as a signal. One of their small cannons suddenly comes out of a cannon hole in the front left. Maverick is controlling it and he shoots the cannon into the open sea.

The cannonball flies very far before falling into the sea 6 km from them and explodes. It causes a very big explosion with a shockwave that can be felt even from this distance. Maverick can shoot it even further, but Buggy told him to only shoot this far to make the impact more visible.

Everyone in Kuja Pirates is surprised by this because they never saw a small cannon with such power and distance. They know Clown Pirates have the best weapons of all pirate crews, but they never thought their weapons would be this powerful.

"How is it, Snake Princess?" asks Buggy while smirking.

Hancock bites her lower lips and thinks deeply for a while. Her crew is not that powerful yet, so they need better weapons. But her pride won't allow her to grant a man's wish.

Buggy then says, "You won't be able to buy these cannons anywhere. Also, I need to tell you that technology is improving fast. World Governments now have that old man to improve their technologies. He is the smartest man alive, so I'm sure he will be able to make weapons on par with ours or even stronger in a few years. We can cross the sea easily now because of a technology that surely will be known by that old man Vegapunk soon."

"Your little island won't be safe for too long, Hancock. When the Marine & World Government decided to stop the Warlord system, your little island will be the first target because it's the closest to Marineford. By agreeing to my request, you won't just get 2 cannons, but also a relationship. I don't sell my best weapons, I gave them to my friends," says Buggy.

"Why are you offering so much?" asks Hancock.

"That old couple on Sabaody asked me to do it and I was indebted to them, so I can't refuse," says Buggy.

"Rayleigh & Shakky?!" asks Elder Nyon in surprise.

"Yeah, you can ask them if you don't believe it," says Buggy.

Elder Nyon immediately asks someone to take their denden mushi to call Shakky. She picks up fast and the short hag asks about what Buggy said. Shakky confirms it, so Buggy doesn't lie to them.

After talking among themselves for a while, Hancock finally agrees albeit being very bitter about it. She is still grateful to Shakky and Rayleigh even if she acts like that. Besides, her crew needs to get stronger, so the cannons are needed.

The Clowns cheer happily as they move to Amazon Lily. While going there, Buggy throws a folded paper at Hancock. She catches it and her eyes shake when she reads the content. She looks at Buggy who only smirks with her shaken eyes.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 426. Surprising Appearance (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 437. To Marineford (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.