Becoming the Luna

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Lunch is fun and soon enough everyone makes their way to their respective houses, we had school the next day anyway.

My mom still isn't back when I get back and I wonder what she could be doing, I could always go check up on her but even though Virgil lived on the top floor there were still a lot of people that I didn't want to see.

I shower and flop on my bed, feeling drowsy.

I've decided to take it slow with Virgil and Dale, I figured that Virgil was probably upset with me about calling Dale first and I wonder how to explain to him without making it seem like I think he's rash and impulsive.

He really isn't but the facts were against me, hopefully he'd come over tonight that meant I would get to talk to him.

I'd better get some shut eye now before Virgil sneaked in and out like the last time.

I had a really busy day at school complete with Elise acting weird so it's not difficult to fall asleep.

I wake up much later and go to wash my face, worried now that my mom isn't back yet.

"Mom?" I call to her, rubbing my eyes when I get to the living room and see her sitting on a couch and watching TV.

"Hi, baby!" She turns in my direction. "I saw that you were asleep and didn't want to bother you, did you have a nice day at school?"

I walk over to give her a brief hug. "Yeah, it was weird though, now that I know everyone isn't human."

"Does that bother you?" She asks in worry, biting her lip.

I settle down beside her, thinking briefly. "Nope, not at all, I just meant that things are just more than a little different, I don't mind, it's fun."

I look to her now, noting her satisfied but exhausted expression. "How about you? How was your first day at your first job? We should celebrate some." I wink at her.

She laughs at this, rubbing her cheek. "It was weird but fulfilling, it's definitely not going to last that's for sure because I'm already bored." 

I just shake my head, half expecting the reply. "Try to not set Alpha Everett's office on fire for the next couple months at least." 

She pouts, crossing her arms with a tell tale twinkle in her eyes. "Why would I want to do that?"

I look at her skeptically. "You buy scented candles to help you relax, what do you think is going to happen when you start getting stressed out?"

Realization crashes through her, showing vividly on her face. "Oh shit."

"Did you remember to pick up Apple?" I ask curiously, looking around slightly like I expect her to pop out from thin air.

"Oh yeah." She mutters absently, reaching out to pick up her phone. "She's fast asleep on my bed, her tummy the size of a volleyball, I might have Luke take her down to the pet store, Lord knows she could use the exercise."

I laugh at this. "Julia probably kept the casserole coming, it must have been nice to have her cooking appreciated that much."

"No kidding." My mom mutters, tapping on her phone. "I'm so not in the mood to go down to the kitchens, I just ordered pizza, you in?"

I just slide down the bed, my mom always gets me. "Absolutely."

We spend the next couple hours eating pizza and laughing about her job, apparently she also assisted the Head Beta and the Delta as well, I had no idea that there was so much paperwork involved in running a Pack.

"I need to turn in early." My mom says unhappily, a sour look on her face. "I never imagined the day would come when I'd hear myself say that."

I chuckle. "Did you tell Aunt Candy about your new job?" I ask curiously, getting up to go to my room as well.

"Hard pass, she'd just tell Maggie and then they would have a good laugh at me and bet on how long I'd last at it." She throws over her shoulder, making her way to her room.

I could definitely see them doing that.

It's getting colder but I want that fresh feeling that comes with taking a shower so I take one anyway.

I wear an extra thick sweater to make up for it, shorts and socks.

There was nothing worse than cold feet, the blanket seemed to be lighter at my feet and no matter how deeply I buried them in the bed, they don't stay warm so the next best option was to wear socks.

I get comfortable on the bed, prepared to wait for Virgil to show up, my nap was about to come in handy, I think to myself bringing my phone out and idly scrolling through it.

I remember Yanis and I wonder how he is, it was his final year of school too and I hope I'd get to see him more often but he was definitely going to college as well so that was even less likely to happen.

I nearly fall asleep a couple times which is ridiculous because I had slept a lot earlier today but I'm bored and it's dark, not to mention that I'm lying on my bed.

I'm not in the mood to read any of my novels, not even the paperback ones or the ones on my phone.

My phone had come back along with my stuff and I was elated to see that my phone had turned out just fine.

Just when I'm on the brink of sleep, actually I'm pretty sure that I did doze off for a couple minutes, I turn towards the door impulsively.

My breath catches in my throat when I see Virgil leaning against the wall beside the door, bright blue eyes standing out on his face.

"Virgil!" I exclaim happily like I hadn't just seen him a couple hours ago, throwing the covers off my body and hurrying off the bed.

I throw myself on him, legs wrapping around his waist and even though he's stunned at my actions he supports my weight easily, hugging me close.

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