Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 352 - Reece - Complications Part 1(Volume 3)

Chapter 352 - Reece - Complications Part 1(Volume 3)




Following the surprise baby shower for Trinity and the others I was walking up the stairs while following my wife. She was talking animatedly but I could still tell that she was really tired. She was dragging her feet a little as she went up each step.

Just seeing her this tired had me worried. I had noticed over the last few days that she was more and more tired each night. It probably didn't help much that I had not been around a lot over the last several days. I had been busy getting the nursery ready.

As I was walking and listening to my Little Bunny tell me how happy she had been with the babyshower I noticed that she just suddenly stopped talking. She had cut off mid sentence and didn't seem like she was going to talk again.

"Trinity-?" I was about to ask her what was wrong when I noticed how pale she was.

It all happened so fast. She swayed for just a moment after she had gone silent. As soon as she swayed I caught her in my arms. Her whole body went limp and her eyes closed.

It just looked like my Little Bunny had fallen asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful and calm.

I knew the truth though. I knew that she was not asleep. I knew that something was wrong.

The moment that I caught her I started calling out to her. My voice was louder than I had planned for it to be but I couldn't help it. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat as I called out to her repeatedly.

"Trinity? Trinity what's wrong? Talk to me, Little Bunny. Come on, open your eyes. Trinity please." I felt the tears begin to sting the back of my eyes while I called out to her.

I must have screamed louder than I thought because I could already hear the sound of footsteps running toward me. In a matter of seconds Mom, Noah, and Vincent were racing up the stairs.

"What happened?" Mom called out to me, panic in her eyes.

"Trinity?" Noah looked like he was about to fall over from shock.

"Reece, what happened?" Vincent sounded just as worried when he saw the sight of Trinity laying limp in my arms.

"I don't know, she just stopped all of a sudden and collapsed. Call Griffin, now."

Vincent had his phone out and was dialing the number as soon as the command was given. Mom had finished climbing the stairs and was looking at Trinity as if she was trying to assess her for damage. Noah was still leaning against the railing just staring at the woman he considered a sister.

Griffin had apparently answered right away, that was good. The moment Vincent told him Trinity collapsed he apparently wanted to be put on speaker.

"OK, Reece can hear you now." Vincent told him.

I was still crouched on the floor holding my limp wife in my arms when I heard Griffin's voice coming from the phone.

"Reece, explain exactly what happened to me. Do not leave out a single detail." There was an urgency in Griffin's voice that scared me.

"I don't know what happened. We were walking up to our room following the babyshower and she just stopped all of a sudden. She had been talking one second and the next nothing. After that she swayed and instantly collapsed into my arms." I looked down at her while I spoke, afraid that something was going to happen if I looked away from her.

"How has she been for the past few days? Has she seemed normal?" Griffin didn't sound like he knew what was wrong.

"For the most part, yes. I noticed that she was a little more tired but I thought that was just normal for women who are pregnant." I hadn't known many pregnant women but everyone told me that pregnant women got tired easily from having to carry all that extra weight from the baby.

"Yes, reduced energy can be common. Did anything happen at the baby shower? Anything that I should be aware of?" Griffin wasn't happy with my assessment I guess.

"No, it went great. She seemed just like her normal self. She ate the same foods I did, nothing out of the ordinary. She had really seemed like she was enjoying the surprise."

"Surprise?" That seemed to catch Griffin off guard.

"Yeah, the babyshower was a surprise for her. She was so caught up in so many other things, and apparently so hungry that she didn't notice the scents of the guests over the food." I didn't know if this would help him at all but he said not to leave anything out so I wasn't.

"You mean she was actually surprised? As in shocked? Hmm." Griffing sounded as if he was thinking about something important. "OK, I am not coming to the house, I am going to meet you at the hospital."

I heard the sound of screeching tires as it seemed like Griffin was turning around while driving fast.

"The hospital? Is it that serious?" Mom sounded shocked.

"I won't know until I see her, but I don't want to take any chances. Get here as soon as you can. Call an ambulance if you have to." I didn't like the way all of this was sounding, but I agreed with Griffin, I wasn't going to take any chances.

"I will drive her. By the time the ambulance gets here I could be almost there." I spoke firmly as I lifted my Little Bunny into my arms. "I will be out of here in less than sixty seconds, that I can promise. I will see you soon."

"Drive safe but move fast." Griffin warned me before disconnecting the call.

There was a text that came in just after he hung up. Vincent, who was following behind me, read it out loud.

"He says to call when you're almost there, he will have a team ready and waiting."

"He needs to have that team ready before I get there, not when I am almost there." I growled out as I hurried to the garage.

"Agreed." Vincent said as he responded to the message.

When I got to the garage I noticed that Noah was also following along with us. He had made it to the door ahead of me and pushed it open. I guess he was not going to let me leave without him. That was fine, he could come with me. Actually, he could drive for me. Him or Vincent since I wanted to hold my Little Bunny in my arms while we hurried there.

Noah ran to one of the large black SUVs we used when traveling as a group. Once he was there he opened the back door for me to slide in with Trinity in my arms. This would work for us since this SUV had a large backseat that made it easier for me to hold onto my mate.

Vincent was already sliding into the driver's seat so Noah immediately went to the passenger seat. Once he was seated, but before he had even closed his door, Vincent was moving toward the driveway.

"Do you think this has something to do with the babies?" Noah turned around in his seat to face me and started to bombard me with question after question. "Is this something that happened to her when she was fighting Edmond? Could this have happened when you went to California? Or maybe it had happened when you went to visit the Fae. Did anything happen there? What about on your honeymoon? Did anything bad happen then?"

"Noah!" I snapped at him as Vincent took the curves of the driveway way too sharply. He was good at handling the vehicle though and was in no danger of going off the road. "I do not know what is going on." I could hear the sorrow in my own voice. "I am just as worried and clueless as you are right now."

Together the two of us looked down at the limp woman in my arms. She seemed so small and frail. I felt like if I touched her she would fall apart. She seemed like a snowflake falling too soon and melting on impact or like spun sugar and life was a sky full of rain waiting to melt her away.

I know she wasn't really that delicate but looking at her right now it was hard to believe that at all. She had been through so much and overcome a lot but all of this here just made it seem like she was going to break apart with a strong wind.

While I thought to myself I noticed that she was looking really pale. She was still breathing but her lips were turning to a very light shade of blue nonetheless. Not to mention it looked like she was turning gray, like she was taking on a shade of pale that was way beyond what I have ever seen before.

"Hurry up, Vincent." I tried not to panic but I had to urge him on.

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